require 'rake' require 'rake/clean' $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.expand_path('../lib', __FILE__) require 'polymer/version' CLOBBER.include %w( pkg *.gem documentation coverage measurements lib/polymer/man ) # === Helpers ================================================================ require 'date' def replace_header(head, header_name, value) head.sub!(/(\.#{header_name}\s*= ').*'/) { "#{$1}#{value}'" } end # === Tasks ================================================================== # --- Build ------------------------------------------------------------------ desc 'Build the gem, and push to Github' task :release => :build do unless `git branch` =~ /^\* master$/ puts "You must be on the master branch to release!" exit! end sh "git commit --allow-empty -a -m 'Release #{Polymer::VERSION}'" sh "git tag v#{Polymer::VERSION}" sh "git push origin master" sh "git push origin v#{Polymer::VERSION}" puts "Push to with" puts " gem push pkg/polymer-#{Polymer::VERSION}.gem" end desc 'Builds the gem' task :build => [:man, :gemspec] do sh "mkdir -p pkg" sh "gem build polymer.gemspec" sh "mv polymer-#{Polymer::VERSION}.gem pkg" end desc 'Create a fresh gemspec' task :gemspec => :validate do gemspec_file = File.expand_path('../polymer.gemspec', __FILE__) # Read spec file and split out the manifest section. spec = head, manifest, tail = spec.split(" # = MANIFEST =\n") # Replace name version and date. replace_header head, :name, 'polymer' replace_header head, :rubyforge_project, 'polymer' replace_header head, :version, Polymer::VERSION replace_header head, :date, # Determine file list from git ls-files. files = `git ls-files`. split("\n"). sort. reject { |file| file =~ /^\./ }. reject { |file| file =~ /^(rdoc|pkg|spec|tasks|features|man)/ } # Add man pages. files += Dir['lib/polymer/man/*'] # Format list for the gemspec. files = { |file| " #{file}" }.join("\n") # Piece file back together and write. manifest = " s.files = %w[\n#{files}\n ]\n" spec = [head, manifest, tail].join(" # = MANIFEST =\n"), 'w') { |io| io.write(spec) } puts "Updated #{gemspec_file}" end task :validate do unless Dir['lib/*'] - %w(lib/polymer.rb lib/polymer) puts 'The lib/ directory should only contain a polymer.rb file, and a ' \ 'polymer/ directory' exit! end unless Dir['VERSION*'].empty? puts 'A VERSION file at root level violates Gem best practices' exit! end end # --- Tests ------------------------------------------------------------------ require 'rspec/core/rake_task' require 'cucumber/rake/task' do |spec| spec.pattern = 'spec/**/*_spec.rb' end do |features| features.cucumber_opts = '--format progress --tag ~@pending' end desc 'Run RSpec examples followed by the Cucumber features' task :test => [:spec, :features] task :default => :test # --- Man Pages -------------------------------------------------------------- desc 'Builds the Polymer manual pages' task :man do require 'pathname' source_dir ='man') dest_dir ='lib/polymer/man') dest_dir.rmtree if dest_dir.mkpath Pathname.glob(source_dir + '*.ronn').each do |source| destination = dest_dir + source.basename('.ronn') # Create the man page. sh "ronn --roff --manual='Polymer Manual' " \ "--organization='POLYMER #{Polymer::VERSION.upcase}' " \ "--pipe #{source} > #{destination}" # Set man pages to be left-aligned (not justified). sh "sed -i '' -e '3i\\\ l\n' #{destination}" # Create a text-only version of the man page. sh "groff -Wall -mtty-char -mandoc -Tascii " \ "#{destination} | col -b > #{destination}.txt" end end desc 'Builds HTML for Github Pages, then publishes' task :pages do # Cheers to rtomayko/ronn/Rakefile sh "ronn -5 --manual='Polymer Manual' " \ "--organization='POLYMER #{Polymer::VERSION.upcase}' " \ "-s toc -w man/*.ronn" puts '-' * 50 puts 'Rebuilding pages ...' verbose(false) do rm_rf 'pages' push_url = `git remote show origin`.lines.grep(/Push.*URL/).first[/git@.*/] sh 'git fetch -q origin' sh 'rev=$(git rev-parse origin/gh-pages)' sh 'git clone -q -b gh-pages . pages' cd 'pages' sh 'git reset --hard $rev' sh 'rm -f polymer*.html index.html' sh 'cp -rp ../man/polymer*.html ../man/index.html ./' sh 'git add *.html' sh 'git commit -m "Rebuild manual."' sh "git push #{push_url} gh-pages" end end # --- YARD ------------------------------------------------------------------- begin require 'yard' do |doc| doc.options << '--no-highlight' end rescue LoadError desc 'yard task requires that the yard gem is installed' task :yard do abort 'YARD is not available. In order to run yard, you must: gem ' \ 'install yard' end end # --- Console ---------------------------------------------------------------- desc 'Open an irb session preloaded with Polymer' task :console do sh 'irb -I ./lib -rubygems -r ./lib/polymer.rb' end