require 'spec_helper' require 'integration/shared_examples/rack_examples' RSpec.describe "Rails integration specs" do include Warden::Test::Helpers let(:app) { Rails.application } include_examples 'rack examples' it "inserts the Airbrake Rack middleware after DebugExceptions" do middlewares = own_idx = middlewares.index('Airbrake::Rack::Middleware') expect(middlewares[own_idx - 1]).to eq('ActionDispatch::DebugExceptions') end shared_examples 'context payload content' do |route| before do login_as( 1, email: '', username: 'qa-dept')) get(route, foo: :bar) end it "includes component information" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"component":"dummy".*}/) end it "includes action information" do case route when '/crash' wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"action":"crash".*}/) when '/notify_airbrake_helper' wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"context":{.*"action":"notify_airbrake_helper".*}/ ) when '/notify_airbrake_sync_helper' wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"context":{.*"action":"notify_airbrake_sync_helper".*}/ ) else raise 'Unknown route' end end it "includes version" do wait_for_a_request_with_body(/"context":{.*"version":"1.2.3 Rails/) end it "includes session" do wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"context":{.*"session":{.*"session_id":"\w+".*}/ ) end it "includes params" do action = route[1..-1] wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"context":{.*"params":{.*"controller":"dummy","action":"#{action}".*}/ ) end end describe "context payload" do context "when exception reported through middleware" do include_examples('context payload content', '/crash') end context "when exception reported through the notify_airbrake helper" do include_examples('context payload content', '/notify_airbrake_helper') end context "when exception reported through the notify_airbrake_sync helper" do include_examples('context payload content', '/notify_airbrake_sync_helper') end end describe "Active Record callbacks" do it "reports exceptions in after_commit callbacks" do get '/active_record_after_commit' wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"type":"AirbrakeTestError","message":"after_commit"/ ) end it "reports exceptions in after_rollback callbacks" do get '/active_record_after_rollback' wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"type":"AirbrakeTestError","message":"after_rollback"/ ) end end if >='4.2') describe "ActiveJob jobs" do it "reports exceptions occurring in ActiveJob workers" do get '/active_job' sleep 2 wait_for( a_request(:post, endpoint). with(body: /"message":"active_job error"/) ).to have_been_made.twice end end end describe "Resque workers" do it "reports exceptions occurring in Resque workers" do with_resque { get '/resque' } wait_for_a_request_with_body( /"message":"resque\serror".*"params":{.* "class":"BingoWorker","args":\["bango","bongo"\].*}/x ) end end describe "DelayedJob jobs" do it "reports exceptions occurring in DelayedJob jobs" do get '/delayed_job' sleep 2 wait_for_a_request_with_body( %r("message":"delayed_job\serror".*"params":{.* "handler":"---\s!ruby/struct:BangoJob\\nbingo:\s bingo\\nbongo:\sbongo\\n".*})x ) # Two requests are performed during this example. We care only about one. # Sleep guarantees that we let the unimportant request occur here and not # elsewhere. sleep 2 end end end