# encoding: utf-8 require "logstash/namespace" require "logstash/event" require "logstash/plugin" require "logstash/logging" require "logstash/config/mixin" require "logstash/codecs/base" require "logstash/util/decorators" # This is the base class for Logstash inputs. class LogStash::Inputs::Base < LogStash::Plugin include LogStash::Util::Loggable include LogStash::Config::Mixin config_name "input" # Add a `type` field to all events handled by this input. # # Types are used mainly for filter activation. # # The type is stored as part of the event itself, so you can # also use the type to search for it in Kibana. # # If you try to set a type on an event that already has one (for # example when you send an event from a shipper to an indexer) then # a new input will not override the existing type. A type set at # the shipper stays with that event for its life even # when sent to another Logstash server. config :type, :validate => :string config :debug, :validate => :boolean, :default => false, :obsolete => "This setting no longer has any effect. In past releases, it existed, but almost no plugin made use of it." config :format, :validate => ["plain", "json", "json_event", "msgpack_event"], :obsolete => "You should use the newer 'codec' setting instead." config :charset, :obsolete => "Use the codec setting instead. For example: input { %PLUGIN% { codec => plain { charset => \"UTF-8\" } }" config :message_format, :validate => :string, :obsolete => "Setting is no longer valid." # The codec used for input data. Input codecs are a convenient method for decoding your data before it enters the input, without needing a separate filter in your Logstash pipeline. config :codec, :validate => :codec, :default => "plain" # Add any number of arbitrary tags to your event. # # This can help with processing later. config :tags, :validate => :array # Add a field to an event config :add_field, :validate => :hash, :default => {} attr_accessor :params attr_accessor :threadable def self.plugin_type "input" end public def initialize(params={}) super @threadable = false @stop_called = Concurrent::AtomicBoolean.new(false) config_init(@params) @tags ||= [] end # def initialize public def register raise "#{self.class}#register must be overidden" end # def register public def tag(newtag) @tags << newtag end # def tag public # override stop if you need to do more than do_stop to # enforce the input plugin to return from `run`. # e.g. a tcp plugin might need to close the tcp socket # so blocking read operation aborts def stop # override if necessary end public def do_stop @logger.debug("Stopping", :plugin => self.class.name) @stop_called.make_true stop end # stop? should never be overridden public def stop? @stop_called.value end def clone cloned = super cloned.codec = @codec.clone if @codec cloned end def execution_context=(context) super # There is no easy way to propage an instance variable into the codec, because the codec # are created at the class level # TODO(talevy): Codecs should have their own execution_context, for now they will inherit their # parent plugin's @codec.execution_context = context context end protected def decorate(event) # Only set 'type' if not already set. This is backwards-compatible behavior event.set("type", @type) if @type && !event.include?("type") LogStash::Util::Decorators.add_fields(@add_field,event,"inputs/#{self.class.name}") LogStash::Util::Decorators.add_tags(@tags,event,"inputs/#{self.class.name}") end protected def fix_streaming_codecs require "logstash/codecs/plain" require "logstash/codecs/line" require "logstash/codecs/json" require "logstash/codecs/json_lines" case @codec when LogStash::Codecs::Plain @logger.info("Automatically switching from #{@codec.class.config_name} to line codec", :plugin => self.class.config_name) @codec = LogStash::Codecs::Line.new("charset" => @codec.charset) when LogStash::Codecs::JSON @logger.info("Automatically switching from #{@codec.class.config_name} to json_lines codec", :plugin => self.class.config_name) @codec = LogStash::Codecs::JSONLines.new("charset" => @codec.charset) end end end # class LogStash::Inputs::Base