# Copyright (C) 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008 Gregoire Lejeune # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA module Constants RGV_VERSION = "0.9.4" ## Const: Output formats FORMATS = [ "bmp", "canon", "dot", "xdot", "cmap", "dia", "eps", "fig", "gd", "gd2", "gif", "gtk", "hpgl", "ico", "imap", "cmapx", "imap_np", "cmapx_np", "ismap", "jpeg", "jpg", "jpe", "mif", "mp", "pcl", "pdf", "pic", "plain", "plain-ext", "png", "ps", "ps2", "svg", "svgz", "tga", "tiff", "tif", "vml", "vmlz", "vrml", "vtx", "wbmp", "xlib", "none" ] ## Const: programs PROGRAMS = [ "dot", "neato", "twopi", "fdp", "circo" ] ## Const: graphs type GRAPHTYPE = [ "digraph", "graph" ] def self.getAttrsFor( x ) r = [] GENCS_ATTRS.each { |k,v| r << k if /#{x}/.match( x.to_s ) and not r.include?( k ) } r end # E, N, G, S and C represent edges, nodes, the root graph, subgraphs and cluster subgraphs, respectively GENCS_ATTRS = { "Damping" => "G", "K" => "GC", "URL" => "ENGC", "arrowhead" => "E", "arrowsize" => "E", "arrowtail" => "E", "bb" => "G", "bgcolor" => "GC", # "bottomlabel" => "N", "center" => "G", "charset" => "G", "clusterrank" => "G", "color" => "ENC", "colorscheme" => "ENCG", "comment" => "ENG", "compound" => "G", "concentrate" => "G", "constraint" => "E", "decorate" => "E", "defaultdist" => "G", "dim" => "G", "dir" => "E", "diredgeconstraints" => "G", "distortion" => "N", "dpi" => "G", "edgeURL" => "E", "edgehref" => "E", "edgetarget" => "E", "edgetooltip" => "E", "epsilon" => "G", "esep" => "G", "fillcolor" => "NC", "fixedsize" => "N", "fontcolor" => "ENGC", "fontname" => "ENGC", "fontnames" => "G", "fontpath" => "G", "fontsize" => "ENGC", "group" => "N", "headURL" => "E", "headclip" => "E", "headhref" => "E", "headlabel" => "E", "headport" => "E", "headtarget" => "E", "headtooltip" => "E", "height" => "N", "href" => "E", "html" => "N", # API extension "image" => "N", "imagescale" => "N", "label" => "ENGC", "labelURL" => "E", "labelangle" => "E", "labeldistance" => "E", "labelfloat" => "E", "labelfontcolor" => "E", "labelfontname" => "E", "labelfontsize" => "E", "labelhref" => "E", "labeljust" => "GC", "labelloc" => "GCN", "labeltarget" => "E", "labeltooltip" => "E", "landscape" => "G", "layer" => "EN", "layers" => "G", "layersep" => "G", "len" => "E", "levelsgap" => "G", "lhead" => "E", "lp" => "EGC", "ltail" => "E", "margin" => "NG", "maxiter" => "G", "mclimit" => "G", "mindist" => "G", "minlen" => "E", "mode" => "G", "model" => "G", "mosek" => "G", "nodesep" => "G", "nojustify" => "GCNE", "normalize" => "G", "nslimit" => "G", "nslimit1" => "G", "ordering" => "G", "orientation" => "NG", "outputorder" => "G", "overlap" => "G", "pack" => "G", "packmode" => "G", "pad" => "G", "page" => "G", "pagedir" => "G", "pencolor" => "C", "penwidth" => "CNE", "peripheries" => "NC", "pin" => "N", "pos" => "EN", "quantum" => "G", "rank" => "S", "rankdir" => "G", "ranksep" => "G", "ratio" => "G", "rects" => "N", "regular" => "N", "remincross" => "G", "resolution" => "G", "root" => "GN", "rotate" => "G", "samehead" => "E", "sametail" => "E", "samplepoints" => "G", "searchsize" => "G", "sep" => "G", "shape" => "N", "shapefile" => "N", "showboxes" => "ENG", "sides" => "N", "size" => "G", "skew" => "N", "splines" => "G", "start" => "G", "style" => "ENC", "stylesheet" => "G", "tailURL" => "E", "tailclip" => "E", "tailhref" => "E", "taillabel" => "E", "tailport" => "E", "tailtarget" => "E", "tailtooltip" => "E", "target" => "ENGC", "tooltip" => "NEC", # "toplabel" => "N", "truecolor" => "G", "vertices" => "N", "viewport" => "G", "voro_margin" => "G", "weight" => "E", "width" => "N", "z" => "N" } ## Const: Graph attributs GRAPHSATTRS = Constants::getAttrsFor( :G ) + Constants::getAttrsFor( :S ) + Constants::getAttrsFor( :C ) ## Const: Node attributs NODESATTRS = Constants::getAttrsFor( :N ) ## Const: Edge attributs EDGESATTRS = Constants::getAttrsFor( :E ) end