module Api::V1::ExceptionsHandler extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do helpers do def record_not_saved(model) handle_api_error(, :unprocessable_entity) end def handle_api_error(error, status = nil) error!("Something rather unexpected has occurred", 500) unless error error_class = status_code = convert_status_symbol_to_integer(status) if status # allows an explicit status to be defined message = error.message # works fine for most errors message = "OAuth error: #{error}" if /WineBouncer::Errors/.match?(error_class) message = "Route error: #{error}" if /CanCan::AccessDenied/.match?(error_class) if /OAuthUnauthorizedError/.match?(error_class) error!(message, status_code || 401) # unauthorized elsif /OAuthForbiddenError/.match?(error_class) || /CanCan::AccessDenied/.match?(error_class) error!(message, status_code || 403) # forbidden elsif /RecordNotFound/.match?(error_class) || /unable to find/i.match?(message) error!(message, status_code || 404) # not found elsif /Grape::Exceptions::ValidationErrors/.match?(error_class) error!(message, status_code || 406) # not acceptable else Rails.logger.error message unless Rails.env.test? options = {error: message} options[:trace] = error.backtrace[0, 10] unless Rails.env.production? status_code = status_code || error.try(:status) || 500 # internal server error, status_code, { "Content-Type" => "application/json", "Access-Control-Allow-Origin" => "*", "Access-Control-Request-Method" => "*" }).finish end end def convert_status_symbol_to_integer(status) # defaults to an internal server error if the status code can't be found Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE[status] || 500 end end end end