// Adds a Markdown cheat sheet. // // Example: // // {{markdownCheatSheet}} // Handlebars.registerHelper('markdownCheatSheet', function() { return new Handlebars.SafeString( '
# This is an <h1>
' +
'## This is an <h2>
' +
'###### This is an <h6>
' +
'*This text will be italic*
' +
'**This text will be bold**
' +
'*You **can** combine them*
' +
'[A Link](http://example.com/)
' +
'![An Image](http://example.com/example.jpg)
' +
'' +
'* An\n' +
'* Unordered\n' +
'* List' +
' +
'' +
'1. An\n' +
'2. Ordered\n' +
'3. List\n' +
' * With\n' +
' * Sub\n' +
' * List' +
' +
'' +
'The following is a blockquote:\n\n' +
'> Sed posuere consectetur est at lobortis. Aenean lacinia\n' +
'> bibendum nulla sed consectetur. Maecenas sed diam eget\n' +
'> risus varius blandit sit amet non magna.' +
' +