# frozen_string_literal: true require "pakyow/support/extension" require "pakyow/presenter/composers/component" module Pakyow module Presenter class Renderer module Behavior module RenderComponents extend Support::Extension apply_extension do build do |view, app:, composer:, modes:| unless Pakyow.env?(:prototype) initial_path = case composer when Composers::Component composer.component_path else [] end component_view = case composer when Composers::Component composer.class.follow_path(composer.component_path, view) else view end RenderComponents.initialize_renderable_components( component_view, app: app, composer: composer, modes: modes, path: initial_path ) end end expose do |connection| # Prevent state from leaking from the component to the rest of the app. # component_connection = connection.dup # Expose the component connection for performing from each component. # connection.set(:__component_connection, component_connection) end end # @api private def self.initialize_renderable_components(view, app:, composer:, modes:, path: []) view.components.each_with_index do |component_view, i| current_path = path.dup current_path << i # If view will be rendered from the app, look for the component on the app. # component_state = if app.is_a?(Plugin) && app.parent.view?(composer.view_path) app.parent.state(:component) else app.state(:component) end components = component_view.object.label(:components).each_with_object([]) { |component_label, arr| component_class = component_state.find { |component| component.__object_name.name == component_label[:name] } if component_class # Turn the component into a renderable component. Once an instance is attached on the # backend, the component will not be traversed by renders from its parent instead being # rendered by its own renderer instance. # # We don't want the same restriction for non-renderable components because a change to # the view should not affect how things work on the backend. # component_label[:renderable] = true arr << { class: component_class, config: component_label[:config] } end } if components.any? # Since one or more attached components is renderable, we no longer want to descend. # component_view.object.set_label(:descend, false) # Define the render function that calls the component and renders it at render time. # component_render = app.isolated(:Presenter).send(:render_proc, component_view) { |node, _context, string| presentable_component_connection = presentables[:__component_connection] component_connection = presentable_component_connection.dup components.each do |component| presentables.each do |key, value| if key.to_s.start_with?("__") component_connection.set(key, value) end end # If the component was defined in an app but being called inside a plugin, set the app to the app instead of the plugin. # if component_connection.app.is_a?(Plugin) && component[:class].ancestors.include?(component_connection.app.parent.isolated(:Component)) component_connection = component_connection.class.from_connection(component_connection, :@app => component_connection.app.parent) end unless component[:class].inherit_values == true component_connection.values.each_key do |key| unless key.to_s.start_with?("__") || (component[:class].inherit_values && component[:class].inherit_values.include?(key)) component_connection.values.delete(key) end end end component_instance = component[:class].new( connection: component_connection, config: component[:config] ) # Call the component. # component_instance.perform end # Build a compound component presenter. # component_presenter = if components.length > 1 RenderComponents.find_compound_presenter( app, components.map { |c| c[:class] } ) else components.first[:class].__presenter_class end # Setup the renderer for the component. # renderer = app.isolated(:Renderer).new( app: app, presentables: component_connection.values, presenter_class: component_presenter, composer: Composers::Component.new( composer.view_path, current_path, app: app, labels: node.labels ), modes: modes ) # Render to the main buffer. # renderer.perform(string) # Return nil so nothing else gets written. # nil } # Attach the above render function to the render node. # component_view.object.transform do |node, context, string| component_render.call(node, context, string); nil end else initialize_renderable_components( component_view, app: app, composer: composer, modes: modes, path: current_path ) end end end # @api private def self.find_renderable_components(view, components = []) view.components.each do |component_view| find_renderable_components(component_view, components) if component_view.object.label(:components).any? { |c| c[:renderable] } components << component_view end end components end # @api private def self.wrap_block(block, context_class) Proc.new do @app.presenter_for_context( context_class.__presenter_class, self ).instance_eval(&block) end end # @api private def self.find_compound_presenter(app, component_classes) compound_name = component_classes.map { |component_class| component_class.__object_name.name.to_s }.join("_") object_name = Support::ObjectName.namespace( app.class.__object_name.namespace.parts[0], :components, compound_name, :presenter ) if const_defined?(object_name.constant) const_get(object_name.constant) else nil end end # @api private # def self.find_or_build_compound_presenter(app, component_classes) compound_name = component_classes.map { |component_class| component_class.__object_name.name.to_s }.join("_") object_name = Support::ObjectName.namespace( app.class.__object_name.namespace.parts[0], :components, compound_name, :presenter ) if const_defined?(object_name.constant) const_get(object_name.constant) else component_presenter = Class.new(app.isolated(:Presenter)) Support::ObjectMaker.define_const_for_object_with_name(component_presenter, object_name) component_classes.each do |component_class| # Copy unique attached renders. # component_class.__presenter_class.__attached_renders.each_with_index do |attached_render, i| component_presenter.__attached_renders.insert(i, { binding_path: attached_render[:binding_path], channel: attached_render[:channel], node: attached_render[:node], priority: attached_render[:priority], block: wrap_block(attached_render[:block], component_class), }) end # Copy unique global options. # component_class.__presenter_class.__global_options.each do |form_binding, field_binding_values| field_binding_values.each do |field_binding, field_binding_value| component_presenter.options_for( form_binding, field_binding, field_binding_value[:options], &wrap_block(field_binding_value[:block], component_class) ) end end # Copy unique presentation logic. # component_class.__presenter_class.__presentation_logic.each do |binding_name, logic_arr| unless component_presenter.__presentation_logic.include?(binding_name) component_presenter.__presentation_logic[binding_name] = [] end logic_arr.each_with_index do |logic, i| component_presenter.__presentation_logic[binding_name].insert(i, { block: wrap_block(logic[:block], component_class), channel: logic[:channel] }) end end # Copy unique versioning logic. # component_class.__presenter_class.__versioning_logic.each do |binding_name, logic_arr| unless component_presenter.__versioning_logic.include?(binding_name) component_presenter.__versioning_logic[binding_name] = [] end logic_arr.each_with_index do |logic, i| component_presenter.__versioning_logic[binding_name].insert(i, { block: wrap_block(logic[:block], component_class) }) end end end component_presenter end end end end end end end