# Copyright (C) 2006 Andrea Censi # # This file is part of Maruku. # # Maruku is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Maruku is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Maruku; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA require 'rexml/document' require 'rubygems' require 'syntax' require 'syntax/convertors/html' class Maruku include REXML # Render as an HTML fragment (no head, just the content of BODY). (returns a string) def to_html(context={}) indent = context[:indent] || -1 ie_hack = context[:ie_hack] ||true div = Element.new 'dummy' children_to_html.each do |e| div << e end # render footnotes if @doc.meta[:footnotes_used] div << render_footnotes end doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) doc << div add_whitespace(doc) # REXML Bug? if indent!=-1 whitespace is not respected for 'pre' elements # containing code. xml ="" div.write_children(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack) xml end # Render to a complete HTML document (returns a string) def to_html_document(context={}) indent = context[:indent] || -1 ie_hack = context[:ie_hack] ||true doc = to_html_document_tree xml = "" # REXML Bug? if indent!=-1 whitespace is not respected for 'pre' elements # containing code. doc.write(xml,indent,transitive=true,ie_hack); # encoding = ( (enc=@meta[:encoding]) ? # "encoding='#{enc}'" : "") xhtml10strict = " \n" xhtml10strict + xml end # Render to a complete HTML document (returns a REXML document tree) def to_html_document_tree doc = Document.new(nil,{:respect_whitespace =>:all}) # doc << XMLDecl.new root = Element.new('html', doc) root.add_namespace('http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml') lang = @meta[:lang] || 'en' root.attributes['lang'] = lang root.attributes['xml:lang'] = lang head = Element.new 'head', root # Create title element doc_title = @meta[:title] || @meta[:subject] || "" title = Element.new 'title' title << Text.new(doc_title) head << title css = @meta[:css] if css # link = Element.new 'link' link.attributes['type'] = 'text/css' link.attributes['rel'] = 'stylesheet' link.attributes['href'] = css head << link end body = Element.new 'body' children_to_html.each do |e| body << e end # render footnotes if @doc.meta[:footnotes_used] body << render_footnotes end # When we are rendering a whole document, we add a signature # at the bottom. body << maruku_html_signature root << body add_whitespace(doc) doc end def add_whitespace(element) blocks = ['p','pre','h1','h2','h3','h4','h5','h6', 'style','table','div','ul','ol','li','dl','dt', 'head','blockquote','tr','thead','td','dd','title', 'link','hr'] element.get_elements( "//*" ).each do |e| if blocks.include? e.name e.parent.insert_before(e, Text.new("\n")) e.parent.insert_after(e, Text.new("\n")) end end element.get_elements( "//br" ).each do |e| e.parent.insert_after(e, Text.new("\n")) end end # returns "st","nd","rd" or "th" as appropriate def day_suffix(day) case day%10 when 1; 'st' when 2; 'nd' when 3; 'rd' else 'th' end end # formats a nice date def nice_date t = Time.now t.strftime(" at %H:%M on ")+ t.strftime("%A, %B %d")+ day_suffix(t.day)+ t.strftime(", %Y") end def maruku_html_signature div = Element.new 'div' div.attributes['class'] = 'maruku_signature' Element.new 'hr', div span = Element.new 'span', div span.attributes['style'] = 'font-size: small; font-style: italic' span << Text.new('Created by ') a = Element.new('a', span) a.attributes['href'] = 'http://maruku.rubyforge.org' a.attributes['title'] = 'Maruku: a Markdown interpreter' a << Text.new('Maruku') span << Text.new(nice_date+".") div end def render_footnotes div = Element.new 'div' div.attributes['class'] = 'footnotes' div << Element.new('hr') ol = Element.new 'ol' @doc.meta[:footnotes_used].each_with_index do |fid, i| num = i+1 f = @footnotes[fid] if f li = f.wrap_as_element('li') li.attributes['id'] = "fn:#{num}" a = Element.new 'a' a.attributes['href'] = "#fnref:#{num}" a.attributes['rev'] = 'footnote' a<< Text.new('↩', true, nil, true) li.children.last << a ol << li else maruku_error"Could not find footnote '#{fid}'" end end div << ol div end end class String # A string is rendered into HTML by creating # a REXML::Text node. REXML takes care of all the encoding. def to_html REXML::Text.new(self) end end class MDElement def to_html_hrule; Element.new 'hr' end def to_html_linebreak; Element.new 'br' end # renders children as html and wraps into an element of given name # # Sets 'id' if meta is set def wrap_as_element(name) m = create_html_element name children_to_html.each do |e| m << e; end m end def create_html_element(name) m = Element.new name if @meta[:id] then m.attributes['id'] = @meta[:id].to_s end if @meta[:style] then m.attributes['style'] = @meta[:style].to_s end if @meta[:class] then m.attributes['class'] = @meta[:class].to_s end m end def to_html_paragraph; wrap_as_element('p') end def to_html_ul if @meta[:toc] # render toc html_toc = @doc.toc.to_html return html_toc else wrap_as_element('ul') end end def to_html_ol; wrap_as_element('ol') end def to_html_li; wrap_as_element('li') end def to_html_li_span; wrap_as_element('li') end def to_html_quote; wrap_as_element('blockquote') end def to_html_strong; wrap_as_element('strong') end def to_html_emphasis; wrap_as_element('em') end # nil if not applicable, else string def section_number return nil if not @doc.meta[:use_numbered_headers] if (s = @section) and not s.section_number.empty? s.section_number.join('.')+". " else nil end end # nil if not applicable, else SPAN element def render_section_number # if we are bound to a section, add section number if num = section_number span = Element.new 'span' span.attributes['class'] = 'maruku_section_number' span << Text.new(section_number) span else nil end end def to_html_header element_name = "h#{@meta[:level]}" h = wrap_as_element element_name if span = render_section_number h.insert_before(h.children.first, span) end h end def source2html(source) source = source.gsub(/&/,'&') source = Text.normalize(source) Text.new(source, true, nil, false ) end def to_html_code; source = self.meta[:raw_code] lang = self.meta[:lang] || @doc.meta[:code_lang] lang = 'xml' if lang=='html' use_syntax = get_setting(:html_use_syntax) element = if use_syntax && lang begin convertor = Syntax::Convertors::HTML.for_syntax lang # eliminate trailing newlines otherwise Syntax crashes source = source.gsub(/\n*\Z/,'') html = convertor.convert( source ) show_spaces = get_setting(:code_show_spaces) if show_spaces s.gsub!(/\t/,'»'+' '*3) s.gsub!(/ /,'¬') end pre = Document.new(html, {:respect_whitespace =>:all}).root pre.attributes['class'] = lang pre rescue Object => e maruku_error"Error while using the syntax library for code:\n#{source.inspect}"+ "Lang is #{lang} object is: "+ @meta.inspect + "Exception: #{e.class}: #{e.message}\n\t#{e.backtrace.join("\n\t")}" tell_user("Using normal PRE because the syntax library did not work.") to_html_code_using_pre(source) end else to_html_code_using_pre(source) end color = get_setting(:code_background_color,DEFAULT_CODE_COLOR) if color != DEFAULT_CODE_COLOR element.attributes['style'] = "background-color: #{color};" end element end def to_html_code_using_pre(source) pre = Element.new 'pre' code = Element.new 'code', pre s = source s = s.gsub(/&/,'&') s = Text.normalize(s) show_spaces = get_setting(:code_show_spaces) if show_spaces s.gsub!(/\t/,'»'+' '*3) s.gsub!(/ /,'¬') end text = Text.new(s, true, nil, false ) code << text pre end def to_html_inline_code; pre = Element.new 'code' source = self.meta[:raw_code] pre << source2html(source) color = get_setting(:code_background_color, DEFAULT_CODE_COLOR) if color != DEFAULT_CODE_COLOR pre.attributes['style'] = "background-color: #{color};" end pre end def to_html_immediate_link a = Element.new 'a' url = @meta[:url] text = url text = text.gsub(/^mailto:/,'') # don't show mailto a << Text.new(text) a.attributes['href'] = url a end def to_html_link a = wrap_as_element 'a' if id = @meta[:ref_id] # if empty, use text if id.size == 0 id = children.to_s.downcase end ref = @doc.refs[id] if not ref maruku_error"Could not find ref_id = #{id.inspect} for #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Not creating a link for ref_id = #{id.inspect}." return wrap_as_element('span') else url = ref[:url] title = ref[:title] a.attributes['href'] = url a.attributes['title'] = title if title end else url = @meta[:url] title = @meta[:title] if url a.attributes['href'] = url a.attributes['title'] = title if title else maruku_error"Could not find url in #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Not creating a link for ref_id = #{id.inspect}." return wrap_as_element('span') end end a end ##### Email address def obfuscate(s) res = '' s.each_byte do |char| res += "&#%03d;" % char end res end def to_html_email_address email = @meta[:email] a = Element.new 'a' #a.attributes['href'] = Text.new("mailto:"+obfuscate(email),false,nil,true) #a.attributes.add Attribute.new('href',Text.new( #"mailto:"+obfuscate(email),false,nil,true)) # Sorry, for the moment it doesn't work a.attributes['href'] = "mailto:#{email}" a << Text.new(obfuscate(email),false,nil,true) a end ##### Images def to_html_image a = Element.new 'img' if id = @meta[:ref_id] ref = @doc.refs[id] if not ref maruku_error"Could not find id = #{id.inspect} for\n #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Could not create image with ref_id = #{id.inspect};"+ +" Using SPAN element as replacement." return wrap_as_element('span') else url = ref[:url] a.attributes['src'] = url # puts ref.inspect [:title, :class, :style].each do |s| if ref[s] then a.attributes[s.to_s] = ref[s] end end end else url = @meta[:url] title = @meta[:title] if not url maruku_error"Image with no ID or url: #{self.inspect}" tell_user "Could not create image with ref_id = #{id.inspect};"+ +" Using SPAN element as replacement." return wrap_as_element('span') end a.attributes['src'] = url a.attributes['title'] = title if title end a end def to_html_raw_html raw_html = @meta[:raw_html] if rexml_doc = @parsed_html root = rexml_doc.root if root.nil? s = "Bug in REXML: root() of Document is nil: \n#{rexml_doc.inspect}\n"+ "Raw HTML:\n#{raw_html.inspect}" maruku_error s tell_user 'The REXML version you have has a bug, omitting HTML' div = Element.new 'div' #div << Text.new(s) return div end return root else # invalid # Creates red box with offending HTML tell_user 'Wrapping bad html in a PRE with class "markdown-html-error"' pre = Element.new('pre') pre.attributes['style'] = 'border: solid 3px red; background-color: pink' pre.attributes['class'] = 'markdown-html-error' pre << Text.new("HTML parse error: \n#{raw_html}", true) return pre end end def to_html_abbreviation abbr = Element.new 'abbr' abbr << Text.new(children[0]) abbr.attributes['title'] = self.meta[:title] if self.meta[:title] abbr end def to_html_footnote_reference id = @meta[:footnote_id] # save the order of used footnotes order = (@doc.meta[:footnotes_used] ||= []) # take next number order << id num = order.size; sup = Element.new 'sup' sup.attributes['id'] = "fnref:#{num}" a = Element.new 'a' a << Text.new(num.to_s) a.attributes['href'] = "\#fn:#{num}" a.attributes['rel'] = 'footnote' sup << a sup end ## Definition lists ### def to_html_definition_list wrap_as_element('dl') end def to_html_definition children_to_html end def to_html_definition_term; wrap_as_element('dt') end def to_html_definition_data; wrap_as_element('dd') end ## Table ### def to_html_table align = @meta[:align] num_columns = align.size head = @children.slice(0, num_columns) rows = [] i = num_columns while i<@children.size rows << @children.slice(i, num_columns) i+=num_columns end table = create_html_element 'table' thead = Element.new 'thead' tr = Element.new 'tr' array_to_html(head).each do |x| tr<