module Skr module Concerns module SanitizeJson extend ActiveSupport::Concern # SanitizeJson is where all the exports_XXX concerns come together. It's responsible for only allowing # associations and other data to be saved that have been marked as safe. module ClassMethods # Takes in a hash containing attribute name/value pairs, as well as sub hashes/arrays. # It returns only the attributes that have been marked as exportable # @param json [Hash] # @param user [UserProxy,User] who is performing request def sanitize_json(json, user = Skr::UserProxy.current) return {} unless user.can_write?(self) json.each_with_object( do | kv, result | ( key, value ) = kv if json_attribute_is_allowed?( key.to_sym, user ) result[ key ] = value else # allow nested params to be specified using Rails _attributes name = key.to_s.gsub(/_attributes$/,'') next unless has_exported_nested_attribute?( name, user ) klass_name = self.reflections[ name.to_sym ].class_name klass = klass_name.safe_constantize || "Skr::#{klass_name}".constantize # only Hash, Array & nil is valid for nesting attributes cleaned = case value when Hash then klass.sanitize_json( value, user ) when Array then{ | nested | klass.sanitize_json( nested, user ) } else nil end result[ (name + '_attributes').to_sym ] = cleaned unless cleaned.blank? end end end end end end end