# Marshmallow This gem is a collction of macOS specfic facts and actions that may be helpful for macadmins. Tested on macOS 10.12. ## Usage To see a list of availible options for Marshmallow, require 'Marshmallow' in file then type: `puts Marshmallow.options` output should be similar to this: *** - apps_installed - ard_info1 - ard_info2 - ard_info3 - ard_info4 - boot_rom - boot_volume - build - computer_name - cores - domain_check - fastuserswitch_check - firewall_check - free_space - graphics - hd_size - listoflocaladmins - loginwindow_check - memory - model - model_id - options - os_version - processor_name - processor_number - processor_speed - profiles_all - profiles_installed - serial - smc - system_launchagents - system_launchdaemons - user_launchagents - user_launchdaemons - users - uuid ## Examples: To print serial number: `puts Marshmallow.serial` To print computer name: `puts Marshmallow.computer_name` ## License The gem is available as open source under the terms of the [MIT License](http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT).