/** * @file * Declares the Cisco Linux operating system query helper. */ #pragma once #include <internal/facts/linux/os_linux.hpp> namespace facter { namespace facts { namespace linux { /** * Responsible for determining the name/family/release of Cisco operating systems. */ struct os_cisco : os_linux { /** * Constructs the os_cisco and reads a release file to gather relevant details. * @param file The release file to read for Cisco-specific OS data. */ os_cisco(std::string const& file) : os_linux({"ID", "ID_LIKE", "VERSION"}, file) {} /** * Finds ID from the release file contents and returns it as the name. * @param distro_id Unused. * @return Returns the release name. */ virtual std::string get_name(std::string const& distro_id) const override { auto val = _release_info.find("ID"); return (val != _release_info.end()) ? val->second : std::string(); } /** * Finds ID_LIKE from the release file contents and returns it as the family. * @param name Unused. * @return Returns the release family. */ virtual std::string get_family(std::string const& name) const override { /* * This benefits from some explanation. * Some Cisco platforms have multiple runtime environments. * For these platforms, the name reports as the same regardless of * the environment (e.g., "nexus"), but we want the family to report * appropriately according to the environment (e.g., "cisco-wrlinux" * versus "RedHat"). * * In order to achieve this goal, we first check to see what would * be reported if we were a standard Linux environment (e.g., a * Linux distro that detects its name as "centos" would map to * family "RedHat"). Only if a standard Linux family is not * detected do we fall back on the information given in our Cisco * release info file. */ auto value = os_linux::get_family(os_linux::get_name("")); if (!value.empty()) { return value; } auto val = _release_info.find("ID_LIKE"); if (val != _release_info.end()) { auto& family = val->second; auto pos = family.find(" "); // If multiple values are found in ID_LIKE, only return the // first one (FACT-1246) if (pos != std::string::npos) { return family.substr(0, pos); } return family; } return std::string(); } /** * Finds VERSION from the release file contents and returns it as the release. * @param name Unused. * @param distro_release Unused. * @return Returns the release version. */ virtual std::string get_release(std::string const& name, std::string const& distro_release) const override { auto val = _release_info.find("VERSION"); return (val != _release_info.end()) ? val->second : std::string(); } /** * Parses the release version string to return the major version. * @param name Unused. * @param release The release version determined using get_release. * @return Returns a tuple of the major and minor versions. */ virtual std::tuple<std::string, std::string> parse_release(std::string const& name, std::string const& release) const override { /* * Cisco software versions can be idiosyncratic. * NX-OS looks something like '7.0(3)I2(0.455)' * IOS XR looks something like '' */ auto pos = release.find('.'); if (pos != std::string::npos) { auto second = release.find('(', pos + 1); if (second == std::string::npos) { second = release.find('.', pos + 1); } if (second == std::string::npos) { return std::make_tuple(release.substr(0, pos), std::string()); } return std::make_tuple(release.substr(0, pos), release.substr(pos + 1, second - (pos + 1))); } return std::make_tuple(release, std::string()); } }; }}} // namespace facter::facts::linux