Veritrans.setup do config.load_config Rails.root.join("config/veritrans.yml"), Rails.env # Or set it manually... # config.server_key = "" # config.client_key = "" # config.api_host = "" config.server_key = ENV['MIDTRANS_SERVER_KEY'].freeze config.client_key = ENV['MIDTRANS_CLIENT_KEY'].freeze # Veritrans::Events is rack application to handle http notifications from Veritrans # To enable it, add in config/routes.rb # mount => '/vt_events' # All possible events: # # * payment.success == ['authorize', 'capture', 'settlement'] # * payment.failed == ['deny', 'canel', 'expire'] # * payment.challenge # when payment.froud_status == 'challenge' # # * payment.authorize # * payment.capture # * payment.settlement # * payment.deny # * payment.canel # * payment.expire # events.subscribe 'payment.success' do |payment| # payment.mark_paid! # end # # events.subscribe 'payment.failed' do |payment| # payment.mark_failed! # end # # events.subscribe 'payment.challenge' do |payment| # payment.mark_challenge! # end # # events.subscribe /.+/ do |payment, event_name| # p "Event: #{event_name}" # p payment # end end