define("dojox/mobile/Carousel", [ "dojo/_base/array", "dojo/_base/connect", "dojo/_base/declare", "dojo/_base/event", "dojo/_base/sniff", "dojo/dom-class", "dojo/dom-construct", "dojo/dom-style", "dijit/registry", "dijit/_Contained", "dijit/_Container", "dijit/_WidgetBase", "./lazyLoadUtils", "./CarouselItem", "./PageIndicator", "./SwapView", "require" ], function(array, connect, declare, event, has, domClass, domConstruct, domStyle, registry, Contained, Container, WidgetBase, lazyLoadUtils, CarouselItem, PageIndicator, SwapView, require){ // module: // dojox/mobile/Carousel return declare("", [WidgetBase, Container, Contained], { // summary: // A carousel widget that manages a list of images. // description: // The carousel widget manages a list of images that can be // displayed horizontally, and allows the user to scroll through // the list and select a single item. // // This widget itself has no data store support, but there are two // subclasses, dojox/mobile/DataCarousel and dojox/mobile/StoreCarousel, // available for generating the contents from a data store. // To feed data into a Carousel through a dojo/data, use DataCarousel. // To feed data into a Carousel through a dojo/store, use StoreCarousel. // // The Carousel widget loads and instantiates its item contents in // a lazy manner. For example, if the number of visible items // (see the property numVisible) is 2, the widget creates 4 items, 2 for the // initial pane and 2 for the next page, at startup time. If you // swipe the page to open the second page, the widget creates 2 more // items for the third page. If the item to create is a dojo widget, // its module is dynamically loaded automatically before instantiation. // numVisible: Number // The number of visible items. numVisible: 2, // itemWidth: Number // The number of visible items (=numVisible) is determined by // (carousel_width / itemWidth). // If itemWidth is specified, numVisible is automatically calculated. // If resize() is called, numVisible is recalculated and the layout // is changed accordingly. itemWidth: 0, // title: String // A title of the carousel to be displayed on the title bar. title: "", // pageIndicator: Boolean // If true, a page indicator, a series of small dots that indicate // the current page, is displayed on the title bar. pageIndicator: true, // navButton: Boolean // If true, navigation buttons are displyed on the title bar. navButton: false, // height: String // Explicitly specified height of the widget (ex. "300px"). If // "inherit" is specified, the height is inherited from its offset // parent. height: "", // selectable: Boolean // If true, an item can be selected by clicking it. selectable: true, /* internal properties */ // baseClass: String // The name of the CSS class of this widget. baseClass: "mblCarousel", buildRendering: function(){ this.containerNode = domConstruct.create("div", {className: "mblCarouselPages"}); this.inherited(arguments); if(this.srcNodeRef){ // reparent for(var i = 0, len = this.srcNodeRef.childNodes.length; i < len; i++){ this.containerNode.appendChild(this.srcNodeRef.firstChild); } } this.headerNode = domConstruct.create("div", {className: "mblCarouselHeaderBar"}, this.domNode); if(this.navButton){ this.btnContainerNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblCarouselBtnContainer" }, this.headerNode); domStyle.set(this.btnContainerNode, "float", "right"); // workaround for webkit rendering problem this.prevBtnNode = domConstruct.create("button", { className: "mblCarouselBtn", title: "Previous", innerHTML: "<" }, this.btnContainerNode); this.nextBtnNode = domConstruct.create("button", { className: "mblCarouselBtn", title: "Next", innerHTML: ">" }, this.btnContainerNode); this._prevHandle = this.connect(this.prevBtnNode, "onclick", "onPrevBtnClick"); this._nextHandle = this.connect(this.nextBtnNode, "onclick", "onNextBtnClick"); } if(this.pageIndicator){ if(!this.title){ this.title = " "; } this.piw = new PageIndicator(); domStyle.set(this.piw, "float", "right"); // workaround for webkit rendering problem this.headerNode.appendChild(this.piw.domNode); } this.titleNode = domConstruct.create("div", { className: "mblCarouselTitle" }, this.headerNode); this.domNode.appendChild(this.containerNode); this.subscribe("/dojox/mobile/viewChanged", "handleViewChanged"); this._clickHandle = this.connect(this.domNode, "onclick", "_onClick"); this._keydownHandle = this.connect(this.domNode, "onkeydown", "_onClick"); this._dragstartHandle = this.connect(this.domNode, "ondragstart", event.stop); this.selectedItemIndex = -1; this.items = []; }, startup: function(){ if(this._started){ return; } var h; if(this.height === "inherit"){ if(this.domNode.offsetParent){ h = this.domNode.offsetParent.offsetHeight + "px"; } }else if(this.height){ h = this.height; } if(h){ = h; } if({ if(!this.setStore){ throw new Error("Use StoreCarousel or DataCarousel instead of Carousel."); } var store =; = null; this.setStore(store, this.query, this.queryOptions); }else{ this.resizeItems(); } this.inherited(arguments); this.currentView = array.filter(this.getChildren(), function(view){ return view.isVisible(); })[0]; }, resizeItems: function(){ // summary: // Resizes the child items of the carousel. var idx = 0; var h = this.domNode.offsetHeight - (this.headerNode ? this.headerNode.offsetHeight : 0); var m = has("ie") ? 5 / this.numVisible-1 : 5 / this.numVisible; array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(view){ if(!(view instanceof SwapView)){ return; } if(!(view.lazy || view.domNode.getAttribute("lazy"))){ view._instantiated = true; } var ch = view.containerNode.childNodes; for(var i = 0, len = ch.length; i < len; i++){ var node = ch[i]; if(node.nodeType !== 1){ continue; } var item = this.items[idx] || {}; domStyle.set(node, { width: item.width || (90 / this.numVisible + "%"), height: item.height || h + "px", margin: "0 " + (item.margin || m + "%") }); domClass.add(node, "mblCarouselSlot"); idx++; } }, this); if(this.piw){ this.piw.refId = this.containerNode.firstChild; this.piw.reset(); } }, resize: function(){ if(!this.itemWidth){ return; } var num = Math.floor(this.domNode.offsetWidth / this.itemWidth); if(num === this.numVisible){ return; } this.selectedItemIndex = this.getIndexByItemWidget(this.selectedItem); this.numVisible = num; if(this.items.length > 0){ this.onComplete(this.items);; } }, fillPages: function(){ array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child, i){ var s = ""; for(var j = 0; j < this.numVisible; j++){ var type, props = "", mixins; var idx = i * this.numVisible + j; var item = {}; if(idx < this.items.length){ item = this.items[idx]; type =, "type"); if(type){ props =, "props"); mixins =, "mixins"); }else{ type = ""; array.forEach(["alt", "src", "headerText", "footerText"], function(p){ var v =, p); if(v !== undefined){ if(props){ props += ','; } props += p + ':"' + v + '"'; } }, this); } }else{ type = ""; props = 'src:"' + require.toUrl("dojo/resources/blank.gif") + '"' + ', className:"mblCarouselItemBlank"'; } s += '
'; } child.containerNode.innerHTML = s; }, this); }, onComplete: function(/*Array*/items){ // summary: // A handler that is called after the fetch completes. array.forEach(this.getChildren(), function(child){ if(child instanceof SwapView){ child.destroyRecursive(); } }); this.selectedItem = null; this.items = items; var nPages = Math.ceil(items.length / this.numVisible), i, h = this.domNode.offsetHeight - this.headerNode.offsetHeight, idx = this.selectedItemIndex === -1 ? 0 : this.selectedItemIndex; pg = Math.floor(idx / this.numVisible); // current page for(i = 0; i < nPages; i++){ var w = new SwapView({height: h + "px", lazy:true}); this.addChild(w); if(i === pg){; this.currentView = w; }else{ w.hide(); } } this.fillPages(); this.resizeItems(); var children = this.getChildren(); var from = pg - 1 < 0 ? 0 : pg - 1; var to = pg + 1 > nPages - 1 ? nPages - 1 : pg + 1; for(i = from; i <= to; i++){ this.instantiateView(children[i]); } }, onError: function(/*String*/ /*===== errText =====*/){ // summary: // An error handler. }, onUpdate: function(/*Object*/ /*===== item, =====*/ /*Number*/ /*===== insertedInto =====*/){ // summary: // Adds a new item or updates an existing item. }, onDelete: function(/*Object*/ /*===== item, =====*/ /*Number*/ /*===== removedFrom =====*/){ // summary: // Deletes an existing item. }, onSet: function(item, attribute, oldValue, newValue){ }, onNew: function(newItem, parentInfo){ }, onStoreClose: function(request){ // summary: // Called when the store is closed. }, getParentView: function(/*DomNode*/node){ // summary: // Returns the parent view of the given DOM node. for(var w = registry.getEnclosingWidget(node); w; w = w.getParent()){ if(w.getParent() instanceof SwapView){ return w; } } return null; }, getIndexByItemWidget: function(/*Widget*/w){ // summary: // Returns the index of a given item widget. if(!w){ return -1; } var view = w.getParent(); return array.indexOf(this.getChildren(), view) * this.numVisible + array.indexOf(view.getChildren(), w); }, getItemWidgetByIndex: function(/*Number*/index){ // summary: // Returns the index of an item widget at a given index. if(index === -1){ return null; } var view = this.getChildren()[Math.floor(index / this.numVisible)]; return view.getChildren()[index % this.numVisible]; }, onPrevBtnClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // Called when the "previous" button is clicked. if(this.currentView){ this.currentView.goTo(-1); } }, onNextBtnClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // Called when the "next" button is clicked. if(this.currentView){ this.currentView.goTo(1); } }, _onClick: function(e){ // summary: // Internal handler for click events. // tags: // private if(this.onClick(e) === false){ return; } // user's click action if(e && e.type === "keydown"){ // keyboard navigation for accessibility if(e.keyCode === 39){ // right arrow this.onNextBtnClick(); }else if(e.keyCode === 37){ // left arrow this.onPrevBtnClick(); }else if(e.keyCode !== 13){ // !Enter return; } } var w; for(w = registry.getEnclosingWidget(; ; w = w.getParent()){ if(!w){ return; } if(w.getParent() instanceof SwapView){ break; } }; var idx = this.getIndexByItemWidget(w); connect.publish("/dojox/mobile/carouselSelect", [this, w, this.items[idx], idx]); }, select: function(/*Widget|Number*/itemWidget){ // summary: // Selects the given widget. if(typeof(itemWidget) === "number"){ itemWidget = this.getItemWidgetByIndex(itemWidget); } if(this.selectable){ if(this.selectedItem){ this.selectedItem.set("selected", false); domClass.remove(this.selectedItem.domNode, "mblCarouselSlotSelected"); } if(itemWidget){ itemWidget.set("selected", true); domClass.add(itemWidget.domNode, "mblCarouselSlotSelected"); } this.selectedItem = itemWidget; } }, onClick: function(/*Event*/ /*===== e =====*/){ // summary: // User-defined function to handle clicks. // tags: // callback }, instantiateView: function(view){ // summary: // Instantiates the given view. if(view && !view._instantiated){ var isHidden = (domStyle.get(view.domNode, "display") === "none"); if(isHidden){ domStyle.set(view.domNode, {visibility:"hidden", display:""}); } lazyLoadUtils.instantiateLazyWidgets(view.containerNode, null, function(root){ if(isHidden){ domStyle.set(view.domNode, {visibility:"visible", display:"none"}); } }); view._instantiated = true; } }, handleViewChanged: function(view){ // summary: // Listens to "/dojox/mobile/viewChanged" events. if(view.getParent() !== this){ return; } if(this.currentView.nextView(this.currentView.domNode) === view){ this.instantiateView(view.nextView(view.domNode)); }else{ this.instantiateView(view.previousView(view.domNode)); } this.currentView = view; }, _setTitleAttr: function(/*String*/title){ // tags: // private this.titleNode.innerHTML = this._cv ? this._cv(title) : title; this._set("title", title); } }); });