require 'brakeman/processors/template_processor' #Processes HAML templates. class Brakeman::HamlTemplateProcessor < Brakeman::TemplateProcessor HAMLOUT = s(:call, nil, :_hamlout) HAML_BUFFER = s(:call, HAMLOUT, :buffer) HAML_HELPERS = s(:colon2, s(:const, :Haml), :Helpers) HAML_HELPERS2 = s(:colon2, s(:colon3, :Haml), :Helpers) JAVASCRIPT_FILTER = s(:colon2, s(:colon2, s(:const, :Haml), :Filters), :Javascript) COFFEE_FILTER = s(:colon2, s(:colon2, s(:const, :Haml), :Filters), :Coffee) def initialize *args super @javascript = false end #Processes call, looking for template output def process_call exp exp = process_default exp if buffer_append? exp output = normalize_output(exp.first_arg) res = get_pushed_value(output) end res or exp end # _haml_out.buffer << ... def buffer_append? exp call? exp and == HAML_BUFFER and exp.method == :<< end PRESERVE_METHODS = [:find_and_preserve, :preserve] def find_and_preserve? exp call? exp and PRESERVE_METHODS.include?(exp.method) and exp.first_arg end #If inside an output stream, only return the final expression def process_block exp exp = exp.dup exp.shift! do |e| res = process e if res.empty? nil else res end end end #HAML likes to put interpolated values into _hamlout.push_text #but we want to handle those individually def build_output_from_push_text exp, default = :output if string_interp? exp! do |e| if sexp? e if node_type? e, :evstr and e[1] e = e.value end get_pushed_value e, default else e end end end end def get_pushed_value exp, default = :output return exp unless sexp? exp case exp.node_type when :format exp.node_type = :output @current_template.add_output exp exp when :format_escaped exp.node_type = :escaped_output @current_template.add_output exp exp when :str, :ignore, :output, :escaped_output exp when :block, :rlist! { |e| get_pushed_value(e, default) } when :dstr build_output_from_push_text(exp, default) when :if clauses = [get_pushed_value(exp.then_clause, default), get_pushed_value(exp.else_clause, default)].compact if clauses.length > 1 s(:or, *clauses).line(exp.line) else clauses.first end when :call if exp.method == :to_s or exp.method == :strip get_pushed_value(, default) elsif haml_helpers? and exp.method == :html_escape get_pushed_value(exp.first_arg, :escaped_output) elsif @javascript and (exp.method == :j or exp.method == :escape_javascript) # TODO: Remove - this is not safe get_pushed_value(exp.first_arg, :escaped_output) elsif find_and_preserve? exp or fix_textareas? exp get_pushed_value(exp.first_arg, default) elsif raw? exp get_pushed_value(exp.first_arg, :output) elsif hamlout_attributes? exp ignore # ignore _hamlout.attributes calls elsif and exp.method == :render #Process call to render() exp.arglist = process exp.arglist make_render_in_view exp elsif exp.method == :render_with_options if == JAVASCRIPT_FILTER or == COFFEE_FILTER @javascript = true end get_pushed_value(exp.first_arg, default) @javascript = false else add_output exp, default end else add_output exp, default end end def haml_helpers? exp # Sometimes its Haml::Helpers and # sometimes its ::Haml::Helpers exp == HAML_HELPERS or exp == HAML_HELPERS2 end def hamlout_attributes? exp call? exp and == HAMLOUT and exp.method == :attributes end def fix_textareas? exp call? exp and == HAMLOUT and exp.method == :fix_textareas! end def raw? exp call? exp and exp.method == :raw end end