package org.sunflow.core.photonmap; import java.util.ArrayList; import org.sunflow.core.GlobalPhotonMapInterface; import org.sunflow.core.Options; import org.sunflow.core.ShadingState; import org.sunflow.image.Color; import org.sunflow.math.BoundingBox; import org.sunflow.math.Point3; import org.sunflow.math.Vector3; import org.sunflow.system.Timer; import org.sunflow.system.UI; import org.sunflow.system.UI.Module; public final class GlobalPhotonMap implements GlobalPhotonMapInterface { private ArrayList photonList; private Photon[] photons; private int storedPhotons; private int halfStoredPhotons; private int log2n; private int numGather; private float gatherRadius; private final BoundingBox bounds; private boolean hasRadiance; private float maxPower; private float maxRadius; private int numEmit; public GlobalPhotonMap() { bounds = new BoundingBox(); hasRadiance = false; maxPower = 0; maxRadius = 0; } @Override public void prepare(Options options, BoundingBox sceneBounds) { // get settings numEmit = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.emit", 100000); numGather = options.getInt("gi.irr-cache.gmap.gather", 50); gatherRadius = options.getFloat("gi.irr-cache.gmap.radius", 0.5f); // init photonList = new ArrayList(); photonList.add(null); photons = null; storedPhotons = halfStoredPhotons = 0; } @Override public void store(ShadingState state, Vector3 dir, Color power, Color diffuse) { Photon p = new Photon(state.getPoint(), state.getNormal(), dir, power, diffuse); synchronized (this) { storedPhotons++; photonList.add(p); bounds.include(new Point3(p.x, p.y, p.z)); maxPower = Math.max(maxPower, power.getMax()); } } private void locatePhotons(NearestPhotons np) { float[] dist1d2 = new float[log2n]; int[] chosen = new int[log2n]; int i = 1; int level = 0; int cameFrom; while (true) { while (i < halfStoredPhotons) { float dist1d = photons[i].getDist1(np.px,, np.pz); dist1d2[level] = dist1d * dist1d; i += i; if (dist1d > 0.0f) { i++; } chosen[level++] = i; } np.checkAddNearest(photons[i]); do { cameFrom = i; i >>= 1; level--; if (i == 0) { return; } } while ((dist1d2[level] >= np.dist2[0]) || (cameFrom != chosen[level])); np.checkAddNearest(photons[i]); i = chosen[level++] ^ 1; } } private void balance() { if (storedPhotons == 0) { return; } photons = photonList.toArray(new Photon[photonList.size()]); photonList = null; Photon[] temp = new Photon[storedPhotons + 1]; balanceSegment(temp, 1, 1, storedPhotons); photons = temp; halfStoredPhotons = storedPhotons / 2; log2n = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(storedPhotons) / Math.log(2.0)); } private void balanceSegment(Photon[] temp, int index, int start, int end) { int median = 1; while ((4 * median) <= (end - start + 1)) { median += median; } if ((3 * median) <= (end - start + 1)) { median += median; median += (start - 1); } else { median = end - median + 1; } int axis = Photon.SPLIT_Z; Vector3 extents = bounds.getExtents(); if ((extents.x > extents.y) && (extents.x > extents.z)) { axis = Photon.SPLIT_X; } else if (extents.y > extents.z) { axis = Photon.SPLIT_Y; } int left = start; int right = end; while (right > left) { double v = photons[right].getCoord(axis); int i = left - 1; int j = right; while (true) { while (photons[++i].getCoord(axis) < v) { } while ((photons[--j].getCoord(axis) > v) && (j > left)) { } if (i >= j) { break; } swap(i, j); } swap(i, right); if (i >= median) { right = i - 1; } if (i <= median) { left = i + 1; } } temp[index] = photons[median]; temp[index].setSplitAxis(axis); if (median > start) { if (start < (median - 1)) { float tmp; switch (axis) { case Photon.SPLIT_X: tmp = bounds.getMaximum().x; bounds.getMaximum().x = temp[index].x; balanceSegment(temp, 2 * index, start, median - 1); bounds.getMaximum().x = tmp; break; case Photon.SPLIT_Y: tmp = bounds.getMaximum().y; bounds.getMaximum().y = temp[index].y; balanceSegment(temp, 2 * index, start, median - 1); bounds.getMaximum().y = tmp; break; default: tmp = bounds.getMaximum().z; bounds.getMaximum().z = temp[index].z; balanceSegment(temp, 2 * index, start, median - 1); bounds.getMaximum().z = tmp; } } else { temp[2 * index] = photons[start]; } } if (median < end) { if ((median + 1) < end) { float tmp; switch (axis) { case Photon.SPLIT_X: tmp = bounds.getMinimum().x; bounds.getMinimum().x = temp[index].x; balanceSegment(temp, (2 * index) + 1, median + 1, end); bounds.getMinimum().x = tmp; break; case Photon.SPLIT_Y: tmp = bounds.getMinimum().y; bounds.getMinimum().y = temp[index].y; balanceSegment(temp, (2 * index) + 1, median + 1, end); bounds.getMinimum().y = tmp; break; default: tmp = bounds.getMinimum().z; bounds.getMinimum().z = temp[index].z; balanceSegment(temp, (2 * index) + 1, median + 1, end); bounds.getMinimum().z = tmp; } } else { temp[(2 * index) + 1] = photons[end]; } } } private void swap(int i, int j) { Photon tmp = photons[i]; photons[i] = photons[j]; photons[j] = tmp; } static class Photon { float x; float y; float z; short dir; short normal; int data; int power; int flags; static final int SPLIT_X = 0; static final int SPLIT_Y = 1; static final int SPLIT_Z = 2; static final int SPLIT_MASK = 3; Photon(Point3 p, Vector3 n, Vector3 dir, Color power, Color diffuse) { x = p.x; y = p.y; z = p.z; this.dir = dir.encode(); this.power = power.toRGBE(); flags = 0; normal = n.encode(); data = diffuse.toRGB(); } void setSplitAxis(int axis) { flags &= ~SPLIT_MASK; flags |= axis; } float getCoord(int axis) { switch (axis) { case SPLIT_X: return x; case SPLIT_Y: return y; default: return z; } } float getDist1(float px, float py, float pz) { switch (flags & SPLIT_MASK) { case SPLIT_X: return px - x; case SPLIT_Y: return py - y; default: return pz - z; } } float getDist2(float px, float py, float pz) { float dx = x - px; float dy = y - py; float dz = z - pz; return (dx * dx) + (dy * dy) + (dz * dz); } } @Override public void init() { UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, "Balancing global photon map ..."); UI.taskStart("Balancing global photon map", 0, 1); Timer t = new Timer(); t.start(); balance(); t.end(); UI.taskStop(); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, "Global photon map:"); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Photons stored: %d", storedPhotons); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Photons/estimate: %d", numGather); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Estimate radius: %.3f", gatherRadius); maxRadius = 1.4f * (float) Math.sqrt(maxPower * numGather); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Maximum radius: %.3f", maxRadius); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Balancing time: %s", t.toString()); if (gatherRadius > maxRadius) { gatherRadius = maxRadius; } t.start(); precomputeRadiance(); t.end(); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Precompute time: %s", t.toString()); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Radiance photons: %d", storedPhotons); UI.printInfo(Module.LIGHT, " * Search radius: %.3f", gatherRadius); } public void precomputeRadiance() { if (storedPhotons == 0) { return; } // precompute the radiance for all photons that are neither // leaves nor parents of leaves in the tree. int quadStoredPhotons = halfStoredPhotons / 2; Point3 p = new Point3(); Vector3 n = new Vector3(); Point3 ppos = new Point3(); Vector3 pdir = new Vector3(); Vector3 pvec = new Vector3(); Color irr = new Color(); Color pow = new Color(); float maxDist2 = gatherRadius * gatherRadius; NearestPhotons np = new NearestPhotons(p, numGather, maxDist2); Photon[] temp = new Photon[quadStoredPhotons + 1]; UI.taskStart("Precomputing radiance", 1, quadStoredPhotons); for (int i = 1; i <= quadStoredPhotons; i++) { UI.taskUpdate(i); Photon curr = photons[i]; p.set(curr.x, curr.y, curr.z); Vector3.decode(curr.normal, n); irr.set(Color.BLACK); np.reset(p, maxDist2); locatePhotons(np); if (np.found < 8) { = 0; temp[i] = curr; continue; } float invArea = 1.0f / ((float) Math.PI * np.dist2[0]); float maxNDist = np.dist2[0] * 0.05f; for (int j = 1; j <= np.found; j++) { Photon phot = np.index[j]; Vector3.decode(phot.dir, pdir); float cos =, n); if (cos > 0.01f) { ppos.set(phot.x, phot.y, phot.z); Point3.sub(ppos, p, pvec); float pcos =, n); if ((pcos < maxNDist) && (pcos > -maxNDist)) { irr.add(pow.setRGBE(phot.power)); } } } irr.mul(invArea); // compute radiance irr.mul(new Color( / (float) Math.PI); = irr.toRGBE(); temp[i] = curr; } UI.taskStop(); // resize photon map to only include irradiance photons numGather /= 4; maxRadius = 1.4f * (float) Math.sqrt(maxPower * numGather); if (gatherRadius > maxRadius) { gatherRadius = maxRadius; } storedPhotons = quadStoredPhotons; halfStoredPhotons = storedPhotons / 2; log2n = (int) Math.ceil(Math.log(storedPhotons) / Math.log(2.0)); photons = temp; hasRadiance = true; } @Override public Color getRadiance(Point3 p, Vector3 n) { if (!hasRadiance || (storedPhotons == 0)) { return Color.BLACK; } float px = p.x; float py = p.y; float pz = p.z; int i = 1; int level = 0; int cameFrom; float dist2; float maxDist2 = gatherRadius * gatherRadius; Photon nearest = null; Photon curr; Vector3 photN = new Vector3(); float[] dist1d2 = new float[log2n]; int[] chosen = new int[log2n]; while (true) { while (i < halfStoredPhotons) { float dist1d = photons[i].getDist1(px, py, pz); dist1d2[level] = dist1d * dist1d; i += i; if (dist1d > 0) { i++; } chosen[level++] = i; } curr = photons[i]; dist2 = curr.getDist2(px, py, pz); if (dist2 < maxDist2) { Vector3.decode(curr.normal, photN); float currentDotN =, n); if (currentDotN > 0.9f) { nearest = curr; maxDist2 = dist2; } } do { cameFrom = i; i >>= 1; level--; if (i == 0) { return (nearest == null) ? Color.BLACK : new Color().setRGBE(; } } while ((dist1d2[level] >= maxDist2) || (cameFrom != chosen[level])); curr = photons[i]; dist2 = curr.getDist2(px, py, pz); if (dist2 < maxDist2) { Vector3.decode(curr.normal, photN); float currentDotN =, n); if (currentDotN > 0.9f) { nearest = curr; maxDist2 = dist2; } } i = chosen[level++] ^ 1; } } private static class NearestPhotons { int found; float px, py, pz; private final int max; private boolean gotHeap; protected float[] dist2; protected Photon[] index; NearestPhotons(Point3 p, int n, float maxDist2) { max = n; found = 0; gotHeap = false; px = p.x; py = p.y; pz = p.z; dist2 = new float[n + 1]; index = new Photon[n + 1]; dist2[0] = maxDist2; } void reset(Point3 p, float maxDist2) { found = 0; gotHeap = false; px = p.x; py = p.y; pz = p.z; dist2[0] = maxDist2; } void checkAddNearest(Photon p) { float fdist2 = p.getDist2(px, py, pz); if (fdist2 < dist2[0]) { if (found < max) { found++; dist2[found] = fdist2; index[found] = p; } else { int j; int parent; if (!gotHeap) { float dst2; Photon phot; int halfFound = found >> 1; for (int k = halfFound; k >= 1; k--) { parent = k; phot = index[k]; dst2 = dist2[k]; while (parent <= halfFound) { j = parent + parent; if ((j < found) && (dist2[j] < dist2[j + 1])) { j++; } if (dst2 >= dist2[j]) { break; } dist2[parent] = dist2[j]; index[parent] = index[j]; parent = j; } dist2[parent] = dst2; index[parent] = phot; } gotHeap = true; } parent = 1; j = 2; while (j <= found) { if ((j < found) && (dist2[j] < dist2[j + 1])) { j++; } if (fdist2 > dist2[j]) { break; } dist2[parent] = dist2[j]; index[parent] = index[j]; parent = j; j += j; } dist2[parent] = fdist2; index[parent] = p; dist2[0] = dist2[1]; } } } } @Override public boolean allowDiffuseBounced() { return true; } @Override public boolean allowReflectionBounced() { return true; } @Override public boolean allowRefractionBounced() { return true; } @Override public int numEmit() { return numEmit; } }