module Parliament module Utils module Helpers module ApplicationHelper # What MIME types does the API accept? # # Note: All of the below are used to generate MIME types that our application will answer to, but NOT the # alternatives shown in our header. See ALTERNATIVE_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG. API_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG = [ { nt: 'application/n-triples' }, { ttl: 'text/turtle' }, { tsv: 'text/tab-separated-values' }, { csv: 'text/csv' }, { rj: 'application/json+rdf' }, { jsonld: 'application/json+ld', json: 'application/json' }, { rdfxml: 'application/rdf+xml', rdf: 'application/xml', xml: 'text/xml' } ].freeze # Use the above, minus the last two entries (json & xml), to build an alternative URL list. # Then re-create JSON and XML with the correct alternatives ALTERNATIVE_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG = API_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG.take(API_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG.size-2).concat( [ { json: 'application/json+ld' }, { xml: 'application/rdf+xml' } ] ) API_MIME_TYPES = { |mime_type| mime_type.values }.flatten.freeze API_FILE_EXTENSIONS = { |mime_type| mime_type.keys }.flatten.freeze ALTERNATIVE_MIME_TYPES_FLATTENED = Parliament::Utils::Helpers::ApplicationHelper::ALTERNATIVE_MIME_TYPE_CONFIG.reduce(:merge) # Sets the title for a page. # # @param [String] page_title the title of the page. # @return [String] the title of the page. def title(page_title) content_for(:title) { page_title } page_title end # Before every request that provides data, see if the user is requesting a format that can be served by the data API. # If they are, transparently redirect them with a '302: Found' status code def data_check # Check format to see if it is available from the data API # We DO NOT offer data formats for constituency maps return if !API_MIME_TYPES.include?(request.formats.first) || (params[:controller] == 'constituencies' && params[:action] == 'map') # Find the current controller/action's API url @data_url = data_url # Catch potential nil values raise StandardError, 'Data URL does not exist' if @data_url.nil? # Get the requested type response.headers['Accept'] = request.formats.first.to_s # Set redirect_url as URI object redirect_url = URI( # Get the request url as a URI object request_extension = File.extname(URI.parse(request.url).path) redirect_url.path = redirect_url.path + request_extension if request_extension != '' return redirect_to(redirect_url.to_s) end # Get the data URL for our current controller and action OR raise a StandardError # # @raises [StandardError] if there is no Proc available for a controller and action pair, we raise a StandardError # # @return [Proc] a Proc which can be called to generate a data URL def data_url self.class::ROUTE_MAP[params[:action].to_sym] || raise(StandardError, "You must provide a ROUTE_MAP proc for #{params[:controller]}##{params[:action]}") end # Populates @request with a data url which can be used within controllers. def build_request @request = populate_alternates(@request.query_url) end # Populates Pugin.alternates with a list of data formats and corresponding urls # # @param [String] url the url where alternatives can be found def populate_alternates(url) alternates = [] ALTERNATIVE_MIME_TYPES_FLATTENED.each do |extension, format| # (key, value) uri = URI.parse(url) uri.path = "#{uri.path}.#{extension}" alternates << { type: format, href: uri.to_s } end Pugin.alternates = alternates end private # Before every request, reset Pugin's list of alternates to prevent showing rel-alternate tags on pages without data def reset_alternates Pugin.alternates = [] end end end end end