<% navigation = GovukPublishingComponents::Presenters::ContextualNavigation.new(content_item, request) %> <% prioritise_taxon_breadcrumbs ||= false %> <% inverse ||= false %> <% collapse_on_mobile ||= true unless local_assigns[:collapse_on_mobile].eql?(false) %>
<% if navigation.content_tagged_to_current_step_by_step? %> <%# Rendering step by step nav breadcrumbs because there's 1 step by step %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/step_by_step_nav_header', navigation.step_nav_helper.header %> <% elsif navigation.content_tagged_to_a_finder? %> <%# Rendering finder breadcrumbs because the page is tagged to a finder %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.breadcrumbs, inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% elsif navigation.content_is_tagged_to_a_live_taxon? && prioritise_taxon_breadcrumbs %> <%# Rendering taxonomy breadcrumbs because the page is tagged to live taxons and we want to prioritise them over all other breadcrumbs %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.taxon_breadcrumbs[:breadcrumbs], inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% elsif navigation.content_tagged_to_mainstream_browse_pages? %> <%# Rendering parent-based breadcrumbs because the page is tagged to mainstream browse %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.breadcrumbs, inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% elsif navigation.content_has_curated_related_items? %> <%# Rendering parent-based breadcrumbs because the page has curated related links %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.breadcrumbs, inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% elsif navigation.content_is_tagged_to_a_live_taxon? && !navigation.content_is_a_specialist_document? %> <%# Rendering taxonomy breadcrumbs because the page is tagged to live taxons %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.taxon_breadcrumbs[:breadcrumbs], inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% elsif navigation.breadcrumbs.any? %> <%# Rendering parent-based breadcrumbs because no browse, no related links, no live taxons %> <%= render 'govuk_publishing_components/components/breadcrumbs', breadcrumbs: navigation.breadcrumbs, inverse: inverse, collapse_on_mobile: collapse_on_mobile %> <% else %> <%# Not rendering any breadcrumbs because there aren't any %> <% end %>