#coding: utf-8 #-- # Copyright (c) 2012-2013 Damjan Rems # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining # a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the # "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including # without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, # distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to # permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to # the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be # included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, # EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF # MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND # NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE # LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION # OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION # WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. #++ ######################################################################## # This controller holds some common actions used by CMS. ######################################################################## class DcCommonController < DcApplicationController layout false ######################################################################## # This action is called on ajax autocomplete call. It checks if user has rights to # view data. # # URL parameters: # [table] Table (collection) model name in lower case indicating table which will be searched. # [id] Name of id key field that will be returned. Default is '_id' # [input] Search data entered in input field. # [search] when passed without dot it defines field name on which search # will be performed. When passed with dot class_method.method_name is assumed. Method name will # be parsed and any class with class method name can be evaluated. Class method must accept # input parameter and return array [ [_id, value],.. ] which will be used in autocomplete field. # # Return: # JSON array [label, value, id] of first 20 documents that confirm to query. ######################################################################## def autocomplete # return '' unless session[:edit_mode] > 0 # return render plain: t('drgcms.not_authorized') unless dc_user_can(DcPermission::CAN_VIEW) # TODO Double check if previous line works as it should. table = params['table'].classify.constantize id = [params['id']] || '_id' # call method in class if search parameter has . This is for user defined searches # result must be returned as array of [id, search_field_value] a = if params['search'].match(/\./) name, method = params['search'].split('.') table.send(method, params['input']).inject([]) do |r,v| r << { label: v[0], value: v[0], id: (v[1] || v[0]).to_s } end # simply search which will search and return field_name defined in params['search'] else table.where(params['search'] => /#{params['input']}/i).limit(20).inject([]) do |r,v| r << { label: v[params['search']], value: v[params['search']], id: v.id.to_s } end end render plain: a.to_json end ######################################################################## # Register and record click when ad link is clicked. ######################################################################## def ad_click if params[:id] and (ad = DcAd.find(params[:id])) ad.clicked += 1 ad.save DcAdStat.create!(dc_ad_id: params[:id], ip: request.ip, type: 2 ) else logger.error "ERROR ADS: Invalid ad id=#{params[:id]} ip=#{request.ip}." end render body: nil end ########################################################################## # Toggle CMS edit mode.This action is called when user clicks CMS option on # top of the browser. ########################################################################## def toggle_edit_mode session[:edit_mode] ||= 0 # called without logged in if session[:edit_mode] < 1 dc_render_404 else # if return_to_ypos parameter is present it will forward it and thus scroll to # aproximate position it was when toggle was clicked session[:edit_mode] = (session[:edit_mode] == 1) ? 2 : 1 uri = Rack::Utils.parse_nested_query(request.url) # it parses only on & so first (return_to) parameter also contains url url = uri.first.last if (i = url.index('?return_to_ypos')).to_i > 0 url = url[0,i] end # offset CMS menu if (ypos = uri['return_to_ypos'].to_i) > 0 ypos += session[:edit_mode] == 2 ? 250 : -250 end url << "?return_to_ypos=#{ypos}" redirect_to url end end #################################################################### # Default user login action. #################################################################### def process_login # Somebody is probably playing return dc_render_404 unless ( params[:record] and params[:record][:username] and params[:record][:password] ) unless params[:record][:password].blank? #password must not be empty user = DcUser.find_by(username: params[:record][:username], active: true) if user and user.authenticate(params[:record][:password]) fill_login_data(user, params[:record][:remember_me].to_i == 1) return redirect_to params[:return_to] || '/' end end flash[:error] = t('drgcms.invalid_username') redirect_to params[:return_to_error] || '/' end #################################################################### # Default user logout action. #################################################################### def logout clear_login_data redirect_to params[:return_to] || '/' end #################################################################### # Alternative login action with remember_me cookie. If found it will automatically # login user otherwise user will be presented with regular login dialog. #################################################################### def login if cookies.signed[:remember_me] user = DcUser.find(cookies.signed[:remember_me]) if user and user.active fill_login_data(user, true) return redirect_to params[:return_to] else clear_login_data # on the safe side end end # Display login route = params[:route] || 'poll' redirect_to "/#{route}?poll_id=login&return_to=#{params[:return_to]}" end #################################################################### # Action for restoring document data from journal document. #################################################################### def restore_from_journal # Only administrators can perform this operation unless dc_user_has_role('admin') return render plain: { 'msg_info' => (t ('drgcms.not_authorized')) }.to_json end # selected fields to hash restore = {} params[:select].each {|key,value| restore[key] = value if value == '1' } result = if restore.size == 0 { 'msg_error' => (t ('drgcms.dc_journal.zero_selected')) } else journal_doc = DcJournal.find(params[:id]) # update hash with data to be restored JSON.parse(journal_doc.diff).each {|k,v| restore[k] = v.first if restore[k] } # determine tables and document ids tables = journal_doc.tables.split(';') ids = (journal_doc.ids.blank? ? [] : journal_doc.ids.split(';') ) << journal_doc.doc_id # find document doc = nil tables.each_index do |i| doc = if doc.nil? (tables[i].classify.constantize).find(ids[i]) else doc.send(tables[i].pluralize).find(ids[i]) end end # restore and save values restore.each { |field,value| doc.send("#{field}=",value) } doc.save # TODO Error checking { 'msg_info' => (t ('drgcms.dc_journal.restored')) } end render plain: result.to_json end ######################################################################## # Copy current record to clipboard as json text. It will actually ouput an # window with data formatted as json. ######################################################################## def copy_clipboard # Only administrators can perform this operation return render(plain: t('drgcms.not_authorized') ) unless dc_user_can(DcPermission::CAN_ADMIN,'dc_site') respond_to do |format| # just open new window to same url and come back with html request format.json { dc_render_ajax(operation: 'window', url: request.url ) } format.html do doc = dc_find_document(params[:table], params[:id], params[:ids]) text = "

" render plain: text + doc.as_document.to_json end end end ######################################################################## # Paste data from clipboard into text_area and update documents in destination database. # This action is called twice. First time for displaying text_area field and second time # ajax call for processing data. ######################################################################## def paste_clipboard # Only administrators can perform this operation return render(plain: t('drgcms.not_authorized') ) unless dc_user_can(DcPermission::CAN_ADMIN,'dc_site') result = '' respond_to do |format| # just open new window to same url and come back with html request format.html { return render('paste_clipboard', layout: 'cms') } format.json { table, id, ids = nil params[:data].split("\n").each do |line| line.chomp! next if line.size < 5 # empty line. Skip begin if line[0] == '[' # id(s) result << "
#{line}" line = line[/\[(.*?)\]/, 1] # just what is between [] table, id, ids = line.split(',') elsif line[0] == '{' # document data result << process_document(line, table, id, ids) end rescue Exception => e result << " Runtime error. #{e.message}\n" break end end } end dc_render_ajax(div: 'result', value: result ) end ######################################################################## # Will add new json_ld element with blank structure into dc_json_ld field on a # document. ######################################################################## def add_json_ld_schema edited_document = DcJsonLd.find_document_by_ids(params[:table], params[:ids]) yaml = YAML.load_file( dc_find_form_file('json_ld_schema') ) schema_data = yaml[params[:schema]] # Existing document if edited_document.dc_json_lds.find_by(type: "@#{params[:schema]}") return render json: {'msg_error' => t('helpers.help.dc_json_ld.add_error', schema: params[:schema] ) } else add_empty_json_ld_schema(edited_document, schema_data, params[:schema], params[:schema], yaml) end render json: {'reload_' => 1} end protected ######################################################################## # Subroutine of add_json_ld_schema for adding one element ######################################################################## def add_empty_json_ld_schema(edited_document, schema, schema_name, schema_type, yaml) #:nodoc data = {} doc = DcJsonLd.new doc.name = schema_name doc.type = schema_type edited_document.dc_json_lds << doc schema.each do |element_name, element| next if element_name == 'level' # skip level element if yaml[element['type']] if element['n'].to_s == '1' # single element doc_1 = yaml[element['type'] ] data[element_name] = doc_1 else # array add_empty_json_ld_schema(doc, yaml[element['type']], element_name, element['type'], yaml) end else data[element_name] = element['text'] end end doc.data = data.to_yaml doc.save end ######################################################################## # Update some anomalies in json data on paste_clipboard action. ######################################################################## def update_json(json, is_update=false) #:nodoc: result = {} json.each do |k,v| if v.class == Hash result[k] = v['$oid'] unless is_update #TODO Double check if unless works as expected elsif v.class == Array result[k] = [] v.each {|e| result[k] << update_json(e, is_update)} else result[k] = v end end result end ######################################################################## # Processes one document. Subroutine of paste_clipboard. ######################################################################## def process_document(line, table, id, ids) if params[:do_update] == '1' doc = dc_find_document(table, id, ids) # document found. Update it and return if doc doc.update( update_json(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(line), true) ) msg = dc_check_model(doc) return (msg ? " ERROR! #{msg}" : " UPDATE. OK.") end end # document will be added to collection if ids.to_s.size > 5 #TODO Add embedded document " NOT SUPPORTED YET!" else doc = table.classify.constantize.new( update_json(ActiveSupport::JSON.decode(line)) ) doc.save end msg = dc_check_model(doc) msg ? " ERROR! #{msg}" : " NEW. OK." end end