en: _no: "No" _yes: "Yes" activerecord: models: locator: Translations settings: Settings admin: actions: activate: link: Activate batch_destroy: confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete the selected records?" link: "Delete selected" title: Multi-remove batch_publish: link: "Publish selected" title: Multi-publish batch_un_publish: link: "Unpublish selected" title: Multi-hiding create: link: Create title: Creation destroy: link: Remove title: Removal edit: link: Edit title: Editing history: link: History title: History index: link: List title: List new: link: Create title: Creation perms: link: Rights title: "Editing access rights" preview: link: Preview show: link: Review title: Details suspend: link: Ban update: link: Edit title: Editing add: Add auth: passwords: edit: button: "Change my password" password: "New password" password_confirmation: "Confirm your new password" title: "Change your password" new: button: "Send me reset password instructions" title: "Forgot your password?" profile: Profile sessions: button: "Sign in" title: "Sign in" sign_out: "Sign out" avatar: Picture batch_actions: status: few: "%{action} - %{count} records" many: "%{action} - %{count} records" one: "%{action} - %{count} record" other: "%{action} - %{count} records" zero: "%{action} - 0 records" title: Action cache_clear: "Clear cache" cant_be_deleted: "Can not delete" choose: "Select %{attr}" close: Close columns_hider: button: "Adjust the table" title: "Setting the display of columns" comments: add: Comment author: Author body: Body errors: empty_text: "Comment was not saved because of the lack of content" no_comments_yet: "No comments yet" resource: Resource title: Comment title_content: "Comments (%{count})" delete: Remove delete_confirmation: "Are you sure you want to delete this?" empty: Empty exit: Output fileupload: button: "Select the file" buttons: "Select the files" crop: Crop delete: "Delete file" drop_here: "Drag and drop files here" main_image: "Set Main" max_size: "Max size" rotate: Rotate form: base: Base cancel: Cancel details: More save: Save save_and_add_another: "Save and add new" save_and_edit: "Save and continue editing" save_and_edit_next: "Save and next." save_and_edit_prev: "Save and prev." gender: female: Female male: Male geo_autocomplete: "Enter the address" group: kind: admin: Administrative default: "By default" private: Reserved public: Public keywords: Keywords langs: en: En it: It ru: Ru uk: Uk loading: "Loading ..." locators: all_terms: All complete: Ready edit_file: "Edit the file" edit_files: "Edit files" file: File filter: "type text to filter" incomplete: Empty key: Key locale: Locale prepare: "Prepare localization files" restart: "Update localization" title: "Edit location" translate_incomplete: "Translate all incomplete (google)" update_file: "Update File" navigation: dashboard: Dashboard system: System users: Members no_results_text: "Nothing found" photo: "Main picture" pictures: Image preview: Preview role: kind: admin: admin default: default group: group user: user save: Save scopes: un_visible: Hidden visible: Published search: cancel: Clean submit: Filter title: Search set_main: "Make the main image" show: attr: Attribute value: Value structure: kind: group: Group main: Main posts: Blog redirect: Redirect static_page: "Static page" position: bottom: Bottom default: Default menu: Menu table: actions: Activity user: role: admin: Admin default: Client guest: Guest moderator: Moderator redactor: Editor state: active: "Most Active" deleted: Removed pending: Inactive suspended: Frozen versions: current: "The current version of" item: Element modified_at: "Date of editing" modified_by: "Edited (a)" title: Story type: Type admin_js: add_link: Create? button_description: Description button_name_add: Add button_name_cancel: Reset button_name_remove: Remove cancel: Cancellation clear: Reset confirm: Confirm create_product: "Create a new product" day: "Sunday,Monday,Tuesday,Wednesday,Thursday,Friday,Saturday" day_short: "Sun, Mon, Tuesday, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat" delete_nested_elements: "Can not delete" edit: Edit month: "January,February,March,April,May,June,July,August,September,October,November,December" name: Name no_results: "Nothing found" search: "Searching ..." value: Value attributes: address: Address country: Country country_id: Country created_at: "Created at" description: Description footmarks_count: Likes is_visible: Display map: Location name: Name parent: "Parent element" parent_id: "Parent element" password: Password position: Position region: Region region_id: Region remember_me: Remember reviews_count: Views slug: Alias synonyms: Synonyms title: Name updated_at: "Updated at" user: User user_id: User attrs: en: Eng. it: Italian. ru: rus. uk: Ukr. errors: messages: carrierwave_integrity_error: "Not an image." carrierwave_processing_error: "Cannot resize image." size_too_big: "is too big (should be at most %{file_size})" size_too_small: "is too small (should be at least %{file_size})" wrong_size: "is the wrong size (should be %{file_size})" flash: admin: actions: create: error: "%{resource_name} - while creating errors occurred: %{errors}" notice: "%{resource_name} was successfully created." destroy: error: "%{resource_name} - record could not be deleted." notice: "%{resource_name} - record was successfully deleted." update: error: "%{resource_name} - while updating errors occurred: %{errors}" notice: "%{resource_name} - record was successfully changed." controller_name: update: success: products locators: prepared: "Translations successfully prepared" restart: "Translations successfully reloaded" update_error: "An error occurred while updating data" updated: "Translation successfully updated" permissions: failure: "Update Error" success: "Rights successfully updated" simple_form: buttons: cancel: Cancellation creating: "Creating ..." error_notification: default_message: "When you save any errors" "no": "No" required: mark: "*" text: mandatory updating: "Update ..." "yes": "Yes" will_paginate: next_label: "Next. →" page_gap: "..." pagination_info: "Displaying %{from} - %{to} of %{count} total" pagination_info_empty: "0 total" previous_label: "← Prev."