# B O O M ## About boom manages your text snippets. On the command line. I just blew your mind. For more details about what boom is and how it works, check out [boom's website](http://holman.github.com/boom). For full usage details (including a complete list of commands), check out [boom's wiki](https://github.com/holman/boom/wiki). ## Install gem install boom ## Quick and Dirty $ boom gifs Boom! Created a new list called "gifs". $ boom gifs melissa http://cl.ly/3pAn/animated.gif Boom! "melissa" in "gifs" is "http://cl.ly/3pAn/animated.gif". Got it. $ boom melissa Boom! Just copied http://cl.ly/3pAn/animated.gif to your clipboard. And that's just a taste! I know, you're salivating, I can hear you from here. (Why your saliva is noisy is beyond me.) Check out the [full list of commands](https://github.com/holman/boom/wiki/Commands). ## Contribute I'd love to include your contributions, friend. Clone this repository, then run `bundle install`. That'll install all the gem dependencies. Make sure your methods are [TomDoc](http://tomdoc.org)'d properly, that existing tests pass (`rake`), and that any new functionality includes appropriate tests. Bonus points if you're not updating the gemspec or bumping boom's version. All good? Cool! Then [send me a pull request](https://github.com/holman/boom/pull/new/master)! ## I love you [Zach Holman](http://zachholman.com) made this. Ping me on Twitter — [@holman](http://twitter.com/holman) — if you're having issues, want me to merge in your pull request, or are using boom in a cool way. I'm kind of hoping this is generic enough that people do some fun things with it. First one to use `boom` to calculate their tax liability wins.