# encoding: utf-8 require 'mkmf' require 'pathname' def sys(cmd, err_msg) p cmd system(cmd) || fail(err_msg) end def fail(msg) STDERR.puts msg exit(1) end RbConfig::MAKEFILE_CONFIG['CC'] = ENV['CC'] if ENV['CC'] # XXX fallbacks specific to Darwin for JRuby (does not set these values in RbConfig::CONFIG) LIBEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['LIBEXT'] || 'a' DLEXT = RbConfig::CONFIG['DLEXT'] || 'bundle' cwd = Pathname(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__))) dst_path = cwd + 'dst' libs_path = dst_path + 'lib' vendor_path = cwd + '..' zmq_path = vendor_path + 'zeromq' czmq_path = vendor_path + 'czmq' zmq_include_path = zmq_path + 'include' czmq_include_path = czmq_path + 'include' # Fail early if we don't meet the following dependencies. # Courtesy of EventMachine and @tmm1 def check_libs libs = [], fatal = false libs.all? { |lib| have_library(lib) || (abort("could not find library: #{lib}") if fatal) } end def check_heads heads = [], fatal = false heads.all? { |head| have_header(head) || (abort("could not find header: #{head}") if fatal)} end CZMQ_CFLAGS = %w(-g) case RUBY_PLATFORM when /mswin32/, /mingw32/, /bccwin32/ check_heads(%w[windows.h winsock.h], true) check_libs(%w[kernel32 rpcrt4 gdi32], true) if GNU_CHAIN CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -shared -lstdc++" else $defs.push "-EHs" $defs.push "-GR" end when /solaris/ if CONFIG['CC'] == 'cc' and `cc -flags 2>&1` =~ /Sun/ # detect SUNWspro compiler # SUN CHAIN $preload = ["\nCXX = CC"] # hack a CXX= line into the makefile $CFLAGS = CONFIG['CFLAGS'] = "-KPIC" CONFIG['CCDLFLAGS'] = "-KPIC" CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -G -KPIC -lCstd" else # GNU CHAIN # on Unix we need a g++ link, not gcc. CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -shared" end CZMQ_CFLAGS << "-fPIC" when /openbsd/ # OpenBSD branch contributed by Guillaume Sellier. # on Unix we need a g++ link, not gcc. On OpenBSD, linking against libstdc++ have to be explicitly done for shared libs CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -shared -lstdc++ -fPIC" CONFIG['LDSHAREDXX'] = "$(CXX) -shared -lstdc++ -fPIC" when /darwin/ # on Unix we need a g++ link, not gcc. # Ff line contributed by Daniel Harple. CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) " + CONFIG['LDSHARED'].split[1..-1].join(' ') when /aix/ CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -shared -Wl,-G -Wl,-brtl" when /linux/ CZMQ_CFLAGS << "-fPIC" else # on Unix we need a g++ link, not gcc. CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "$(CXX) -shared" end # if bundling from git, do a git checkout: unless File.exist?(zmq_path + 'autogen.sh') sys "cd ../.. && git submodule update --init", "Checking out git submodules error!" end # build libzmq lib = libs_path + "libzmq.#{LIBEXT}" Dir.chdir zmq_path do sys "./autogen.sh", "ZeroMQ autogen failed!" unless File.exist?(zmq_path + 'configure') sys "./configure --prefix=#{dst_path} --without-documentation --enable-shared", "ZeroMQ configure failed" unless File.exist?(zmq_path + 'Makefile') sys "make && make install", "ZeroMQ compile error!" end #unless File.exist?(lib) # build libczmq lib = libs_path + "libczmq.#{LIBEXT}" Dir.chdir czmq_path do sys "./autogen.sh", "CZMQ autogen failed!" unless File.exist?(czmq_path + 'configure') sys "./configure LDFLAGS=-L#{libs_path} CFLAGS='#{CZMQ_CFLAGS.join(" ")}' --prefix=#{dst_path} --with-libzmq=#{dst_path} --disable-shared", "CZMQ configure error!" unless File.exist?(czmq_path + 'Makefile') sys "make all && make install", "CZMQ compile error!" end #unless File.exist?(lib) dir_config('rbczmq') have_func('rb_thread_blocking_region') $INCFLAGS << " -I#{zmq_include_path}" if find_header("zmq.h", zmq_include_path) $INCFLAGS << " -I#{czmq_include_path}" if find_header("czmq.h", czmq_include_path) $LIBPATH << libs_path.to_s # Special case to prevent Rubinius compile from linking system libzmq if present if defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE =~ /rbx/ && RUBY_PLATFORM =~ /linux/ CONFIG['LDSHARED'] = "#{CONFIG['LDSHARED']} -Wl,-rpath=#{libs_path.to_s}" end fail "Error compiling and linking libzmq" unless have_library("zmq") fail "Error compiling and linking libczmq" unless have_library("czmq") $defs << "-pedantic" $CFLAGS << ' -Wall -funroll-loops' $CFLAGS << ' -Wextra -O0 -ggdb3' if ENV['DEBUG'] create_makefile('rbczmq_ext')