= Introduction This file explains what developers have to do to keep TTK clean as much as possible. = Maintaining Copyright Notices You may think we don't care much about them, but actually, we will care about them once we have big problems. Therefore, do understand that we cannot play with fire here, even though it may seem so benign, or even just painful. [*Do*] * Use Copyright (C) Year1, Year2, Year3 in any file longer than 15 lines or so. Include the license below. That includes ChangeLog, README and so forth. must be "TTK team" for every kernel files and may be something else for specific extension such as new strategies, loaders, dumpers or filters. * Each time you edit a file, update its Copyright dates. * To do this automatically with Emacs: - add (add-hook 'write-file-hooks 'copyright-update) in your Emacs init file, - run M-x customize-group Copyright in Emacs, and set the Copyright Query value to don't ask. [*Don't*] * Don't use intervals such as Copyright (C) 2001-2003. * Don't forget the (C), even though the FSF does not enforce it below. * Don't put years for free, just the ones where a file was edited. The rationale and additional details can be found in a similar document written by the FSF for its maintainers. The relevant node is Copyright Notices. It applies to partially to us, but is included below as is. I trust you can see where adjustments are needed. = Reviewing Patches Once the commitment message posted (see Checking in a Revision), it must be reviewed: every single patch should be reviewed. The purpose of the review is of course to look for errors, typos, unclear documentation or ChangeLog, incorrect coding style, or even better implementation suggestion and so forth. If there is nothing to report about the patch, just reply «Ok», quoting only the ChangeLog. Usually the thread ends there. If there are issues to report, quote only relevant portions of the patch. If you have several big issues to report, you might want to make separate replies to split the thread. The author of the patch must answer to these comments, and if subsequent commits address some of these issues, the reply should refer to them (e.g., by giving the revision number). Anybody is welcome to comment a patch, nevertheless, this responsibility typically falls upon the shoulders of the project maintainer, or the code-review peer of the author of the patch. = Releasing How to make a release of your project. * Be sure the project is frozen: Ask project manager (if it is not you), look at project schedule and news. * Retrieve the latest development archive (Subversion). * Hunt FIXMEs. * Update NEWS file with new version and its major changes. * Update all version numbers (documentation, configure.ac ...). * Review the documentation. * Review all READMEs files. * Retrieve final archives and be *sure* all is working fine: rake packages (produces a gem package). * Make these archives available to the public, update download links on your website. * Make public announcement (newsgroups...). * Create the new major development version. * Make a svn tag: svn copy trunk tags/ttk-0.x.yyy -- TTK's maintainers