require 'optparse' require 'wgif/exceptions' module WGif class ArgumentParser URL = %r{\Ahttps?://.*\z} TIMESTAMP = /\A\d{1,2}(?::\d{2})+(?:\.\d*)?\z/ def initialize @options = {} @defaults = { trim_from: '00:00:00', duration: 1.0, dimensions: '480' } @parser = do |opts| opts.on('-f N', '--frames N', 'Number of frames in the final gif. (Default 20)') { |n| @options[:frames] = n.to_i } opts.on('-s HH:MM:SS.SSSS', '--start HH:MM:SS.SSSS', 'Start creating gif from input video at this timestamp. (Default 00:00:00)') { |ts| @options[:trim_from] = ts } opts.on('-d seconds', '--duration seconds', 'Number of seconds of input video to capture. (Default 1.0)') { |d| @options[:duration] = d.to_f } opts.on('-w pixels', '--width pixels', 'Width of the gif in pixels. (Default 480px)') { |gs| @options[:dimensions] = gs } opts.on('-u', '--upload', 'Upload finished gif to Imgur') { |u| @options[:upload] = u } opts.on('-i', '--info', 'Displays info about finished gif (currently just file size)') { |i| @options[:info] = i } opts.on('-p', '--preview', 'Preview finished gif with Quick Look') { |p| @options[:preview] = p } opts.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'Print help information.') { print_help exit } end end def parse(args) options = parse_args(args) validate_args(options) options end def argument_summary @parser.summarize end def parse_args(args) options = @defaults.merge(parse_options args) options.merge(url: args[0], output: args[1]) end def parse_options(args) @parser.parse! args @options end def validate_args(args) fail WGif::InvalidUrlException unless args[:url] =~ URL fail WGif::InvalidTimestampException unless args[:trim_from] =~ TIMESTAMP fail WGif::MissingOutputFileException unless args[:output] end def print_help puts 'Usage: wgif [YouTube URL] [output file] [options]', "\n" puts argument_summary, "\n" puts <<-example Example: $ wgif bjork.gif -s 00:03:30 -d 2.2 -w 400 --upload example end end end