        <title>deliver - <%= @data['en-US'][:title][:value] rescue @data.values.first[:title][:value] %></title>
        <meta http-equiv="content-type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-16">
          #app-name {
              font-size: 42px;
              font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue;
              font-weight: 300;
              margin-top: 22px;
              margin-left: 25px;
              margin-right: 25px;

          #app-urls {
              margin-left: 25px;
              font-size: 14px;
              margin-top: 4px;
              margin-right: 25px;

          body {
              font-family: 'Helvetica Neue', HelveticaNeue;

          hr {
            margin-top: 40px;
            margin-bottom: 40px;

          .app-url-descr {
              display: inline-block;
              font-weight: 500;

          .app-url {
              color: #0056ba;
              font-weight: 300;
              margin-right: 10px;

          #app-keyword {
              margin-left: 25px;
              margin-right: 25px;
              margin-top: 22px;

          .cat-headline {
              font-weight: 700;
              margin-bottom: 5px;

          #app-description {
              margin-left: 25px;
              margin-right: 25px;
              margin-top: 22px;

          #app-description-text {
              font-weight: 300;

          #app-changelog {
              margin-left: 25px;
              margin-right: 25px;
              margin-top: 22px;
              font-weight: 300;

          #app-screenshots {
              margin-left: 15px;
              margin-right: 15px;
              margin-top: 22px;

          .app-keyword-list {
              font-weight: 300;

          .app-changelog-list {
              list-style-type: square;
              font-weight: 300;

          ul {
              margin-top: 6px;

          .app-screenshot-row {
              width: 100%;
              margin-top: 10px;
              margin-bottom: 10px;

          .app-screenshot {
              width: calc(20% - 30px);
              margin-left: 10px;
              margin-right: 10px;

          #app-screenshots .cat-headline {
              margin-left: 10px;
              margin-right: 10px;

          /*for highlighting a changed value*/
          .modified {
              color: #0056ba;

      def modified?(val)
        "modified" if (val and val[:modified] == true)
      <% @data.each do |language, content| %>
        <div id="app-name" class="<%= modified?(content[:title]) %>">
          <%= language %>: <%= content[:title][:value] %>

        <div id="app-urls">
          <% all_keys = [:support_url, :privacy_url, :software_url] %>
          <% all_keys.each do |key| %>
            <% value = content[key][:value] rescue nil %>
            <% if value %>
              <div class="app-url-descr <%= modified?(content[key]) %>">
                <%= key %>: <a target="_blank" class="app-url" href="<%= value %>"><%= value %></a>
            <% end %>
          <% end %>
        <div id="app-keyword" class="<%= modified?(content[:keywords]) %>">
            <div class="cat-headline">Keywords</div>
            <ul class="app-keyword-list">
              <% (content[:keywords][:value] rescue []).each do |keyword| %>
                <li><%= keyword %></li>
              <% end %>
        <div id="app-description" class="<%= modified?(content[:description]) %>">
             <div class="cat-headline">Description</div>
             <div id="app-description-text">
                <%= content[:description][:value].gsub("\n", "<br />") rescue nil %>
        <div id="app-changelog" class="<%= modified?(content[:version_whats_new]) %>">
            <div class="cat-headline">Changelog</div>
            <%= content[:version_whats_new][:value].gsub("\n", "<br />") rescue nil %>
        <div id="app-screenshots">
          <div class="cat-headline">Screenshots</div>

          <% if (content[:screenshots] || []).count > 0 %>
            <% last_size = nil %>
            <% content[:screenshots].sort{|a, b| [a.screen_size, a.path] <=> [b.screen_size, b.path]}.each do |screenshot| %>

              <% new_row = (last_size != screenshot.screen_size or last_size == nil) %>

              <% if new_row and last_size != nil %>
              <% end %>

              <% if new_row %>
                <h4><%= screenshot.screen_size %></h4>
                <div class="app-screenshot-row">
              <% end %>
              <a href="<%= screenshot.path %>" target="_blank"><img class="app-screenshot" src="<%= screenshot.path %>"></a>

              <% last_size = screenshot.screen_size %>
            <% end %>
          <% else %>
            <!-- no screenshots -->
            <div style="border: 3px solid red; padding: 0px 20px">
              <h2 style="color: red">No Screenshots Found</h2>
                deliver couldn't find any screenshots. Due to a bug in iTunes Transporter this will <b>remove</b> the existing screenshots on iTunes Connect.
                Please make sure to store your screenshots in the screenshots folder. If you want to download your existing screenshots, run <i>deliver download_screenshots</i>.
          <% end %>
        <hr />
      <% end # end data %>