require 'spec_helper' describe Gull::Alert do it 'should initialize with geocode' do alert = expect(alert.geocode).not_to be_nil end it 'should fetch parsed alerts' do xml = 'spec/fixtures/alerts.xml' stub_request(:get, '') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: xml, headers: {}) alerts = Gull::Alert.fetch expect(alerts.size).to eq(3) first = alerts.first expect( eq '' expect( eq '' expect(first.alert_type).to eq 'Heat Advisory' expect(first.title).to eq 'Heat Advisory issued October 01 at 8:40AM PDT' \ ' until October 03 at 9:00PM PDT by NWS' expect(first.summary).to eq 'SUMMARY TEXT' coordinates = [[27.35, -81.79], [27.14, -81.89], [27.04, -81.97], [27.04, -82.02], [27.14, -81.97], [27.35, -81.86], [27.35, -81.79]] expect(first.polygon.coordinates).to eq coordinates expect(first.effective_at).to eq Time.parse('2014-10-01T08:40:00-07:00') expect(first.expires_at).to eq Time.parse('2014-10-03T21:00:00-07:00') expect(first.updated_at).to eq Time.parse('2014-10-01T08:40:00-07:05') expect(first.published_at).to eq Time.parse('2014-10-01T08:40:00-07:06') expect(first.area).to eq 'Southern Salinas Valley, Arroyo Seco and Lake ' \ 'San Antonio' expect(first.urgency).to eq :expected expect(first.severity).to eq :minor expect(first.certainty).to eq :very_likely expect(first.geocode.fips6).to eq '006001 006013 006041 006053 006055 ' \ '006069 006075 006081 006085 006087 006097' expect(first.geocode.ugc).to eq 'CAZ006 CAZ505 CAZ506 CAZ507 CAZ508 ' \ 'CAZ509 CAZ510 CAZ511 CAZ512' expect(first.vtec).to eq '/O.NEW.KMTR.HT.Y.0002.141002T1900Z-141004T0400Z/' second = alerts[1] expect(second.polygon).to be_nil expect(second.vtec).to be_nil third = alerts[2] expect(third.vtec).to be_nil expect( be_nil end it 'should fetch from url in options' do xml = 'spec/fixtures/alerts.xml' stub_request(:get, '') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: xml, headers: {}) alerts = Gull::Alert.fetch(url: '') expect(alerts.size).to eq(3) end it 'should handle empty alerts' do xml = 'spec/fixtures/empty.xml' stub_request(:get, '') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: xml, headers: {}) alerts = Gull::Alert.fetch expect(alerts.size).to eq(0) end it 'should handle bad response' do xml = 'spec/fixtures/bad.xml' stub_request(:get, '') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*' }) .to_return(status: 200, body: xml, headers: {}) alerts = Gull::Alert.fetch expect(alerts.size).to eq(0) end it 'should raise own error if timeout occurs' do stub_request(:get, '') .with(headers: { 'Accept' => '*/*' }).to_timeout message = 'Timeout while connecting to NWS web service' expect { Gull::Alert.fetch } .to raise_error(Gull::TimeoutError, message) end end