world.json (and some extracted counties, such as switzerland.json) Original Dataset provided by Bjorn Sandvik, Converted to GeoJSON using ogr2ogr (gdal). Use this dataset with care, as several of the borders are disputed. The original shapefile (, 3.2 MB) was downloaded from the Mapping Hacks website: The dataset was derived by Schuyler Erle from public domain sources. Sean Gilles did some clean up and made some enhancements. COLUMN TYPE DESCRIPTION Shape Polygon Country/area border as polygon(s) FIPS String(2) FIPS 10-4 Country Code ISO2 String(2) ISO 3166-1 Alpha-2 Country Code ISO3 String(3) ISO 3166-1 Alpha-3 Country Code UN Short Integer(3) ISO 3166-1 Numeric-3 Country Code NAME String(50) Name of country/area AREA Long Integer(7) Land area, FAO Statistics (2002) POP2005 Double(10,0) Population, World Polulation Prospects (2005) REGION Short Integer(3) Macro geographical (continental region), UN Statistics SUBREGION Short Integer(3) Geogrpahical sub-region, UN Statistics LON FLOAT (7,3) Longitude LAT FLOAT (6,3) Latitude CHANGELOG VERSION 0.3 - 30 July 2008 - Corrected spelling mistake (United Arab Emirates) - Corrected population number for Japan - Adjusted long/lat values for India, Italy and United Kingdom CHANGELOG VERSION 0.2 - 1 April 2008 - Made new ZIP archieves. No change in dataset. CHANGELOG VERSION 0.1 - 13 March 2008 - Polygons representing each country were merged into one feature - Åland Islands was extracted from Finland - Hong Kong was extracted from China - Holy See (Vatican City) was added - Gaza Strip and West Bank was merged into "Occupied Palestinean Territory" - Saint-Barthelemy was extracted from Netherlands Antilles - Saint-Martin (Frensh part) was extracted from Guadeloupe - Svalbard and Jan Mayen was merged into "Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands" - Timor-Leste was extracted from Indonesia - Juan De Nova Island was merged with "French Southern & Antarctic Land" - Baker Island, Howland Island, Jarvis Island, Johnston Atoll, Midway Islands and Wake Island was merged into "United States Minor Outlying Islands" - Glorioso Islands, Parcel Islands, Spartly Islands was removed (almost uninhabited and missing ISO-3611-1 code) - Added ISO-3166-1 codes (alpha-2, alpha-3, numeric-3). Source: - AREA column has been replaced with data from UNdata: Land area, 1000 hectares, 2002, FAO Statistics - POPULATION column (POP2005) has been replaced with data from UNdata: Population, 2005, Medium variant, World Population Prospects: The 2006 Revision - Added region and sub-region codes from UN Statistics Division. Source: - Added LAT, LONG values for each country