= zenoss_client: A Ruby library for REST access to Zenoss

This is a work-in-progress to create an easy to use client REST API for
Zenoss (http://www.zenoss.com) written in Ruby.  I love Zenoss as a
product, but I am much more efficient in Ruby than Python so I decided
to start hacking this library together.  It is very incomplete and I am
just adding functionality as I need it or it is requested.


Dan Wanek


* tzinfo: For Python DateTime to Ruby DateTime conversion

Some methods within Zope are unsupported due to type conversion issues.
I have created a work-around but you must add a custom Python script
to Zope in order to do this.  Please see this blog post for information
on how add the custom script:


== TO USE:
A gem is now available.  'gem install zenoss_client'

	require 'zenoss'

	# You must set the URI before doing anything else
	Zenoss.uri 'https://zenhost:port/zport/dmd/'

	# Add the appropriate credentials
	# This returns the base DeviceClass '/zport/dmd/Devices'
	# It is the equivilent in zendmd of 'dmd.Devices'
	devices = Zenoss.devices

	# Search for a device
	dev = devices.find_device_path('devname')

	# List all implemented REST methods for this object
	puts dev.zenoss_methods.sort.join(', ')

	# Get the uptime of the device

Have fun and let me know what needs to be fixed / added.