# frozen_string_literal: true module Excon class Socket include Utils extend Forwardable attr_accessor :data # read/write drawn from https://github.com/ruby-amqp/bunny/commit/75d9dd79551b31a5dd3d1254c537bad471f108cf CONNECT_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES = if defined?(IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable) # Ruby >= 2.1 [Errno::EINPROGRESS, IO::EINPROGRESSWaitWritable] else # Ruby <= 2.0 [Errno::EINPROGRESS] end READ_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES = if defined?(IO::EAGAINWaitReadable) # Ruby >= 2.1 [Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitReadable, IO::EAGAINWaitReadable, IO::EWOULDBLOCKWaitReadable] else # Ruby <= 2.0 [Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitReadable] end WRITE_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES = if defined?(IO::EAGAINWaitWritable) # Ruby >= 2.1 [Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitWritable, IO::EAGAINWaitWritable, IO::EWOULDBLOCKWaitWritable] else # Ruby <= 2.0 [Errno::EAGAIN, Errno::EWOULDBLOCK, IO::WaitWritable] end def params Excon.display_warning('Excon::Socket#params is deprecated use Excon::Socket#data instead.') @data end def params=(new_params) Excon.display_warning('Excon::Socket#params= is deprecated use Excon::Socket#data= instead.') @data = new_params end attr_reader :remote_ip def_delegators(:@socket, :close) def initialize(data = {}) @data = data @nonblock = data[:nonblock] @port ||= @data[:port] || 80 @read_buffer = String.new @eof = false connect end def read(max_length = nil) if @eof return max_length ? nil : '' elsif @nonblock read_nonblock(max_length) else read_block(max_length) end end def readline return legacy_readline if RUBY_VERSION.to_f <= 1.8_7 buffer = String.new buffer << read_nonblock(1) while buffer[-1] != "\n" buffer end def legacy_readline begin Timeout.timeout(@data[:read_timeout]) do @socket.readline end rescue Timeout::Error raise Excon::Errors::Timeout.new('read timeout reached') end end def write(data) if @nonblock write_nonblock(data) else write_block(data) end end def local_address unpacked_sockaddr[1] end def local_port unpacked_sockaddr[0] end private def connect @socket = nil exception = nil if @data[:proxy] family = @data[:proxy][:family] || ::Socket::Constants::AF_UNSPEC args = [@data[:proxy][:hostname], @data[:proxy][:port], family, ::Socket::Constants::SOCK_STREAM] else family = @data[:family] || ::Socket::Constants::AF_UNSPEC args = [@data[:hostname], @port, family, ::Socket::Constants::SOCK_STREAM] end if RUBY_VERSION >= '1.9.2' && defined?(RUBY_ENGINE) && RUBY_ENGINE == 'ruby' args << nil << nil << false # no reverse lookup end addrinfo = ::Socket.getaddrinfo(*args) addrinfo.each do |_, port, _, ip, a_family, s_type| # already succeeded on previous addrinfo if @socket break end @remote_ip = ip @data[:remote_ip] = ip # nonblocking connect begin sockaddr = ::Socket.sockaddr_in(port, ip) socket = ::Socket.new(a_family, s_type, 0) if @data[:reuseaddr] socket.setsockopt(::Socket::Constants::SOL_SOCKET, ::Socket::Constants::SO_REUSEADDR, true) if defined?(::Socket::Constants::SO_REUSEPORT) socket.setsockopt(::Socket::Constants::SOL_SOCKET, ::Socket::Constants::SO_REUSEPORT, true) end end if @nonblock socket.connect_nonblock(sockaddr) else socket.connect(sockaddr) end @socket = socket rescue *CONNECT_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES select_with_timeout(socket, :connect_write) begin socket.connect_nonblock(sockaddr) @socket = socket rescue Errno::EISCONN @socket = socket rescue SystemCallError => exception socket.close rescue nil end rescue SystemCallError => exception socket.close rescue nil if socket end end # this will be our last encountered exception fail exception unless @socket if @data[:tcp_nodelay] @socket.setsockopt(::Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_NODELAY, true) end if @data[:keepalive] if [:SOL_SOCKET, :SO_KEEPALIVE, :SOL_TCP, :TCP_KEEPIDLE, :TCP_KEEPINTVL, :TCP_KEEPCNT].all?{|c| ::Socket.const_defined? c} @socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_SOCKET, ::Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, true) @socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPIDLE, @data[:keepalive][:time]) @socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPINTVL, @data[:keepalive][:intvl]) @socket.setsockopt(::Socket::SOL_TCP, ::Socket::TCP_KEEPCNT, @data[:keepalive][:probes]) else Excon.display_warning('Excon::Socket keepalive was set, but is not supported by Ruby version.') end end end def read_nonblock(max_length) begin if max_length until @read_buffer.length >= max_length @read_buffer << @socket.read_nonblock(max_length - @read_buffer.length) end else loop do @read_buffer << @socket.read_nonblock(@data[:chunk_size]) end end rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error if error.message == 'read would block' select_with_timeout(@socket, :read) && retry else raise(error) end rescue *READ_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES if @read_buffer.empty? # if we didn't read anything, try again... select_with_timeout(@socket, :read) && retry end rescue EOFError @eof = true end if max_length if @read_buffer.empty? nil # EOF met at beginning else @read_buffer.slice!(0, max_length) end else # read until EOFError, so return everything @read_buffer.slice!(0, @read_buffer.length) end end def read_block(max_length) @socket.read(max_length) rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError => error if error.message == 'read would block' select_with_timeout(@socket, :read) && retry else raise(error) end rescue *READ_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES if @read_buffer.empty? select_with_timeout(@socket, :read) && retry end rescue EOFError @eof = true end def write_nonblock(data) data = binary_encode(data) loop do written = nil begin # I wish that this API accepted a start position, then we wouldn't # have to slice data when there is a short write. written = @socket.write_nonblock(data) rescue Errno::EFAULT => error if OpenSSL.const_defined?(:OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION) && OpenSSL::OPENSSL_LIBRARY_VERSION.split(' ')[1] == '1.0.2' msg = "The version of OpenSSL this ruby is built against (1.0.2) has a vulnerability which causes a fault. For more, see https://github.com/excon/excon/issues/467" raise SecurityError.new(msg) else raise error end rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, *WRITE_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES => error if error.is_a?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) && error.message != 'write would block' raise error else select_with_timeout(@socket, :write) && retry end end # Fast, common case. break if written == data.size # This takes advantage of the fact that most ruby implementations # have Copy-On-Write strings. Thusly why requesting a subrange # of data, we actually don't copy data because the new string # simply references a subrange of the original. data = data[written, data.size] end end def write_block(data) @socket.write(data) rescue OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError, *WRITE_RETRY_EXCEPTION_CLASSES => error if error.is_a?(OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError) && error.message != 'write would block' raise error else select_with_timeout(@socket, :write) && retry end end def select_with_timeout(socket, type) select = case type when :connect_read IO.select([socket], nil, nil, @data[:connect_timeout]) when :connect_write IO.select(nil, [socket], nil, @data[:connect_timeout]) when :read IO.select([socket], nil, nil, @data[:read_timeout]) when :write IO.select(nil, [socket], nil, @data[:write_timeout]) end select || raise(Excon::Errors::Timeout.new("#{type} timeout reached")) end def unpacked_sockaddr @unpacked_sockaddr ||= ::Socket.unpack_sockaddr_in(@socket.to_io.getsockname) rescue ArgumentError => e unless e.message == 'not an AF_INET/AF_INET6 sockaddr' raise end end end end