// ======================================================================== // SC.Observable Tests // ======================================================================== /*globals module test ok isObj equals expects */ var revMatches = NO ; module("object.propertyChanges", { setup: function() { ObjectA = SC.Object.create({ foo : 'fooValue', prop : 'propValue', action: function() { this.prop= 'changedPropValue'; }.observes('foo'), newFoo : 'newFooValue', newProp: 'newPropValue', notifyAction: function() { this.newProp = 'changedNewPropValue'; }.observes('newFoo'), notifyAllAction: function() { this.newFoo = 'changedNewFooValue'; }.observes('prop'), starProp: null, starObserver: function(target, key, value, rev) { revMatches = (rev === target.propertyRevision) ; this.starProp = key; } }); } }); test("should observe the changes within the nested begin / end property changes", function() { //start the outer nest ObjectA.beginPropertyChanges(); // Inner nest ObjectA.beginPropertyChanges(); ObjectA.set('foo', 'changeFooValue'); equals(ObjectA.prop, "propValue") ; ObjectA.endPropertyChanges(); //end inner nest ObjectA.set('prop', 'changePropValue'); equals(ObjectA.newFoo, "newFooValue") ; //close the outer nest ObjectA.endPropertyChanges(); equals(ObjectA.prop, "changedPropValue") ; equals(ObjectA.newFoo, "changedNewFooValue") ; }); test("should increment the indicator before begining the changes to the object", function() { equals(ObjectA.beginPropertyChanges()._kvo_changeLevel, 1) ; }); test("should increment the indicator before begining the changes to the object", function() { equals(ObjectA.endPropertyChanges()._kvo_changeLevel, 0) ; }); test("should observe the changes within the begin and end property changes", function() { ObjectA.beginPropertyChanges(); ObjectA.set('foo', 'changeFooValue'); equals(ObjectA.prop, "propValue") ; ObjectA.endPropertyChanges(); equals(ObjectA.prop, "changedPropValue") ; }); test("should indicate that the property of an object has just changed", function() { // inidicate that proprty of foo will change to its subscribers ObjectA.propertyWillChange('foo') ; //Value of the prop is unchanged yet as this will be changed when foo changes equals(ObjectA.prop, 'propValue' ) ; //change the value of foo. ObjectA.foo = 'changeFooValue'; // Indicate the subscribers of foo that the value has just changed ObjectA.propertyDidChange('foo', null) ; // Values of prop has just changed equals(ObjectA.prop,'changedPropValue') ; }); test("should notify that the property of an object has changed", function() { // Notify to its subscriber that the values of 'newFoo' will be changed. In this // case the observer is "newProp". Therefore this will call the notifyAction function // and value of "newProp" will be changed. ObjectA.notifyPropertyChange('newFoo','fooValue'); //value of newProp changed. equals(ObjectA.newProp,'changedNewPropValue') ; }); test("should notify all observers that their property might have changed", function() { //When this function is called, all the subscribers are notified that something has //Changed. So when allPropertiesDidChange() is called, all the subscribers get invoked. ObjectA.allPropertiesDidChange(); //All the values changed. equals(ObjectA.prop,'changedPropValue') ; equals(ObjectA.newProp,'changedNewPropValue') ; equals(ObjectA.newFoo,'changedNewFooValue') ; }); test("star observers", function() { // setup observer ObjectA.addObserver('*', ObjectA, ObjectA.starObserver); ObjectA.set('foo', 'bar'); equals(ObjectA.starProp, 'foo', 'should have fired star observer for foo'); ObjectA.set('bar', 'foo'); equals(ObjectA.starProp, 'bar', 'should have fired star observer for bar'); }); test("revision passed to observers should match .propertyRevision", function() { equals(revMatches, true) ; });