VersionMaster ============= A silly little tool for managing app versions heavily inspired by How to use ========== The plugin will copy the file version.yml into the config directory when installed. # config/version.yml --- major: 1 minor: 0 patch: 0 You can manage this manually or use the rake tasks below. rake version:bump VER=patch # ==> Bumped version 1.0.0 --> 1.0.1 rake version:bump VER=minor # ==> Bumped version 1.0.1 --> 1.1.0 rake version:bump VER=major # ==> Bumped version 1.1.0 --> 2.0.0 rake version:bump # ==> Bumped version 2.0.0 --> 2.0.1 rake version:set VER=4.2.2 # ==> Changed version 2.0.1 --> 4.2.2 rake version # ==> Current version is 4.2.2 You can also use the Capistrano recipe below to update versions when deploying. cap deploy:bump # Updates patch number and uploads version.yml to the server. cap deploy:bump VER=minor # Updates minor version number and uploads version.yml to the server. Use the constant APP_VERSION in your views or elsewhere to display the current version. Example:

My App v.<%=APP_VERSION%>

# ==>

My App v.4.2.2

Installation ============ script/plugin install git:// Copyright (c) 2009 Jens Jakob Balvig, released under the MIT license