require 'rbbt-util' require 'rbbt/resource' require 'rbbt/persist/tsv' # This module holds helper methods to deal with the Gene Ontology files. Right # now all it does is provide a translation form id to the actual names. module GO extend Resource self.subdir = 'share/databases/GO' #Rbbt.claim Rbbt.share.databases.GO.gslim_generic, :url, '' GO.claim GO.gene_ontology, :url, '' GO.claim GO.Hsa.annotations, :url, '' GO.claim GO.annotations, :url, '' MULTIPLE_VALUE_FIELDS = %w(is_a) TSV_GENE_ONTOLOGY = File.join(Persist.cachedir, 'gene_ontology') # This method needs to be called before any translations can be made, it is # called automatically the first time the id2name method is called. It loads # the gene_ontology.obo file and extracts all the fields, although right now, # only the name field is used. def self.init Persist.persist_tsv(nil, 'gene_ontology', {}, :persist => true) do |info| info.serializer = :marshal if info.respond_to? :serializer\[Term\]/).each{|term| term_info = {} term.split(/\n/). select{|l| l =~ /:/}.each{|l| key, value = l.chomp.match(/(.*?):(.*)/).values_at(1,2) if MULTIPLE_VALUE_FIELDS.include? key.strip term_info[key.strip] ||= [] term_info[key.strip] << value.strip else term_info[key.strip] = value.strip end } next if term_info["id"].nil? info[term_info["id"]] = term_info info[term_info["alt_id"]] = term_info if term_info["alt_id"] } info end.tap{|o| o.unnamed = true} end def @@info ||= self.init end def self.goterms info.keys end def self.id2name(id) if id.kind_of? Array info.values_at(*id).collect{|i| i['name'] if i} else return nil if info[id].nil? info[id]['name'] end end def self.descendants(id) list = new = new << id while new.any? list += new new = info.each do |new_id,values| next unless values['is_a'] new << new_id if values['is_a'].select{|e| list.include? e.split("!").first[/GO:\d+/] }.any? && ! list.include?(new_id) end end list end def self.id2ancestors_by_type(id, type='is_a') if id.kind_of? Array info.values_at(*id). select{|i| ! i[type].nil?}. collect{|i| res = i[type] res = [res] unless Array === res res.collect{|id| id.match(/(GO:\d+)/)[1] if id.match(/(GO:\d+)/) }.compact } else return [] if id.nil? or info[id].nil? or info[id][type].nil? res = info[id][type] res = [res] unless Array === res res. collect{|id| id.match(/(GO:\d+)/)[1] if id.match(/(GO:\d+)/) }.compact end end def self.id2ancestors(id) id2ancestors_by_type(id, 'is_a') + id2ancestors_by_type(id, 'relationship') end def self.id2namespace(id) self.init unless info if id.kind_of? Array info.values_at(*id).collect{|i| i['namespace'] if i} else return nil if info[id].nil? info[id]['namespace'] end end def self.ancestors_in(term, valid = false) ancestors = id2ancestors(term) return ancestors if FalseClass === valid valid_ancestors = ancestors & valid return valid_ancestors if valid_ancestors.any? ancestors.inject([]) do |acc,ancestor| valid_a = ancestors_in ancestor, valid acc = acc + valid_a end.uniq end def self.group_genes(list, valid = nil) valid = %w(GO:0005886 GO:0005634 GO:0005730 GO:0005829) if valid.nil? compartment_leaves = {} do |gene,terms| terms = [] if terms.nil? valid_terms = terms & valid valid_terms = terms.collect{|term| (valid.include?(term) ? term : ancestors_in(term, valid)) }.flatten #valid_terms - GOTerm.setup(valid_terms).flat_ancestry.flatten valid_terms.each do |term| compartment_leaves[term] ||= [] compartment_leaves[term].push(gene) end end groups = {} while compartment_leaves.length > 1 # Group common group = false new_compartment_leaves = {} compartment_leaves.each do |c,l| if l.length > 1 groups[c] = l group = true new_compartment_leaves[c] = [c] else new_compartment_leaves[c] = l end end compartment_leaves = new_compartment_leaves # Pull-up leaves if group == false new_compartment_leaves = {} final = compartment_leaves.keys compartment_leaves compartment_leaves.each do |c,l| final = final - GOTerm.setup(c.dup).flat_ancestry end compartment_leaves.each do |c,l| if final.include? c valid_an = ancestors_in c, valid valid_an.each do |ancestor| new_compartment_leaves[ancestor] ||= [] new_compartment_leaves[ancestor].push(c) groups[ancestor].push(c) if groups[ancestor] end else new_compartment_leaves[c] = l end end compartment_leaves = new_compartment_leaves end end ng = {} groups.keys.reverse.each do |k| ng[k] = {items: groups[k].uniq, id: k, name: id2name(k)} end ng end end if defined? Entity module GOTerm extend Entity self.format = "GO ID" self.annotation :organism property :name => :array2single do GO.id2name(self) end property :genes => :array2single do |*args| organism = args.first organism ||= self.organism res = Organism.gene_go(organism).tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "GO ID", :fields => ["Ensembl Gene ID"], :type => :flat, :merge => true).values_at *self res.collect{|r| r.organism = organism if r and r.respond_to? :organism} res end property :description => :single2array do description =[self]['def'] description.gsub!(/"|\[.*\]/,'') if description description end property :ancestors => :single2array do GOTerm.setup(GO.id2ancestors(self)) end property :ancestor => :single2array do ancestors.first end property :ancestry => :single2array do ancestry = {} self.ancestors.each do |ancestor| prev = ancestor.ancestry ancestry[ancestor] = prev end ancestry end property :flat_ancestry => :single2array do ancestry = [] self.ancestors.each do |ancestor| prev = ancestor.flat_ancestry ancestry = ancestry + [ancestor] + prev end ancestry end end if defined? Gene and Entity === Gene module Gene property :go_terms => :array2single do @go_terms ||= Organism.gene_go(organism).tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "Ensembl Gene ID", :fields => ["GO ID"], :type => :flat, :merge => true, :namespace => organism).chunked_values_at self.ensembl end property :go_bp_terms => :array2single do @go_bp_terms ||= Organism.gene_go_bp(organism).tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "Ensembl Gene ID", :fields => ["GO ID"], :type => :flat, :merge => true, :namespace => organism).chunked_values_at self.ensembl end property :go_cc_terms => :array2single do @go_cc_terms ||= Organism.gene_go_cc(organism).tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "Ensembl Gene ID", :fields => ["GO ID"], :type => :flat, :merge => true, :namespace => organism).chunked_values_at self.ensembl end property :go_mf_terms => :array2single do @go_mf_terms ||= Organism.gene_go_mf(organism).tsv(:persist => true, :key_field => "Ensembl Gene ID", :fields => ["GO ID"], :type => :flat, :merge => true, :namespace => organism).chunked_values_at self.ensembl end end end end