# frozen_string_literal: true require "shellwords" require "method_source" require "rake/file_list" require "active_support" require "active_support/core_ext/module/attribute_accessors" module Rails module TestUnit class Runner mattr_reader :filters, default: [] class << self def attach_before_load_options(opts) opts.on("--warnings", "-w", "Run with Ruby warnings enabled") { } opts.on("-e", "--environment ENV", "Run tests in the ENV environment") { } end def parse_options(argv) # Perform manual parsing and cleanup since option parser raises on unknown options. env_index = argv.index("--environment") || argv.index("-e") if env_index argv.delete_at(env_index) environment = argv.delete_at(env_index).strip end ENV["RAILS_ENV"] = environment || "test" w_index = argv.index("--warnings") || argv.index("-w") $VERBOSE = argv.delete_at(w_index) if w_index end def rake_run(argv = []) # Ensure the tests run during the Rake Task action, not when the process exits success = system("rails", "test", *argv, *Shellwords.split(ENV["TESTOPTS"] || "")) success || exit(false) end def run(argv = []) load_tests(argv) require "active_support/testing/autorun" end def load_tests(argv) tests = list_tests(argv) tests.to_a.each { |path| require File.expand_path(path) } end def compose_filter(runnable, filter) if filters.any? { |_, lines| lines.any? } CompositeFilter.new(runnable, filter, filters) else filter end end private def extract_filters(argv) # Extract absolute and relative paths but skip -n /.*/ regexp filters. argv.filter_map do |path| next unless path_argument?(path) && !regexp_filter?(path) path = path.tr("\\", "/") case when /(:\d+)+$/.match?(path) file, *lines = path.split(":") filters << [ file, lines ] file when Dir.exist?(path) "#{path}/**/*_test.rb" else filters << [ path, [] ] path end end end def default_test_glob ENV["DEFAULT_TEST"] || "test/**/*_test.rb" end def default_test_exclude_glob ENV["DEFAULT_TEST_EXCLUDE"] || "test/{system,dummy}/**/*_test.rb" end def regexp_filter?(arg) arg.start_with?("/") && arg.end_with?("/") end def path_argument?(arg) %r"^[/\\]?\w+[/\\]".match?(arg) end def list_tests(argv) patterns = extract_filters(argv) tests = Rake::FileList[patterns.any? ? patterns : default_test_glob] tests.exclude(default_test_exclude_glob) if patterns.empty? tests end end end class CompositeFilter # :nodoc: attr_reader :named_filter def initialize(runnable, filter, patterns) @runnable = runnable @named_filter = derive_named_filter(filter) @filters = [ @named_filter, *derive_line_filters(patterns) ].compact end # minitest uses === to find matching filters. def ===(method) @filters.any? { |filter| filter === method } end private def derive_named_filter(filter) if filter.respond_to?(:named_filter) filter.named_filter elsif filter =~ %r%/(.*)/% # Regexp filtering copied from minitest. Regexp.new $1 elsif filter.is_a?(String) filter end end def derive_line_filters(patterns) patterns.flat_map do |file, lines| if lines.empty? Filter.new(@runnable, file, nil) if file else lines.map { |line| Filter.new(@runnable, file, line) } end end end end class Filter # :nodoc: def initialize(runnable, file, line) @runnable, @file = runnable, File.expand_path(file) @line = line.to_i if line end def ===(method) return unless @runnable.method_defined?(method) if @line test_file, test_range = definition_for(@runnable.instance_method(method)) test_file == @file && test_range.include?(@line) else @runnable.instance_method(method).source_location.first == @file end end private def definition_for(method) file, start_line = method.source_location end_line = method.source.count("\n") + start_line - 1 return file, start_line..end_line end end end end