en: vagrant_rackspace: already_created: |- The server is already created. creating_image: |- Creating image... deleting_server: |- Deleting server... finding_flavor: |- Finding flavor for server... finding_image: |- Finding image for server... image_ready: |- Image created launching_server: |- Launching a server with the following settings... not_created: |- The server hasn't been created yet. Run `vagrant up` first. ready: |- The server is ready! rsync_folder: |- Rsyncing folder: %{hostpath} => %{guestpath} waiting_for_build: |- Waiting for the server to be built... waiting_for_rackconnect: |- Waiting for RackConnect to complete... waiting_for_communicator: |- Waiting for %{communicator} to become available at %{address}... warn_insecure_ssh: |- Warning! By not specifying a custom public/private keypair, Vagrant is defaulting to use the insecure keypair that ships with Vagrant. While this isn't much of a big deal for local development, this is quite insecure for remote servers. Please specify a custom public/private keypair. warn_insecure_winrm: |- Warning! Vagrant is using plaintext communication for WinRM. While this isn't much of a big deal for local development, this is quite insecure for remote servers. Please configure WinRM to use SSL. warn_winrm_password: |- Warning! Vagrant has no way to store the Administrator password generated by Rackspace for later use with WinRM. Please configure Vagrant to use the same value for the winrm password and the Rackspace admin_password so Vagrant will be able to connect via WinRM. warn_networks: |- Warning! The Rackspace provider doesn't support any of the Vagrant high-level network configurations (`config.vm.network`). They will be silently ignored. will_not_destroy: |- The server will not be deleted. sync_folders: |- Rackspace support for Vagrant 1.3 has been deprecated. Please upgrade to the latest version of vagrant for continued support. config: api_key_required: |- An API key is required. public_key_not_found: |- The public key file could not be found. Please make sure you specified a valid path. username_required: |- A username is required. invalid_uri: |- The value for %{key} is not a valid URI: %{uri} metadata_must_be_hash: |- Metadata must be a hash. errors: create_bad_state: |- While creating the server, it transitioned to an unexpected state: '%{state}', instead of properly booting. Run `vagrant status` to find out what can be done about this state, or `vagrant destroy` if you want to start over. no_matching_flavor: |- No matching flavor was found! Please check your flavor setting to make sure you have a valid flavor chosen. no_matching_image: |- No matching image was found! Please check your image setting to make sure you have a valid image chosen. rsync_error: |- There was an error when attemping to rsync a share folder. Please inspect the error message below for more info. Host path: %{hostpath} Guest path: %{guestpath} Error: %{stderr} states: short_active: |- active long_active: |- The server is up and running. Run `vagrant ssh` to access it. short_build: |- building long_build: |- The server is currently being built. You must wait for this to complete before you can access it. You can delete the server, however, by running `vagrant destroy`. short_error: |- error long_error: |- The server is in an erroneous state. Contact RackSpace support or destroy the machine with `vagrant destroy`. short_not_created: |- not created long_not_created: |- The server is not created. Run `vagrant up` to create it.