module Steep module TypeInference class TypeEnv include NodeHelper attr_reader :local_variable_types attr_reader :instance_variable_types, :global_types, :constant_types attr_reader :constant_env attr_reader :pure_method_calls def to_s array = [] #: Array[String] local_variable_types.each do |name, entry| if enforced_type = entry[1] array << "#{name}: #{entry[0].to_s} <#{enforced_type.to_s}>" else array << "#{name}: #{entry[0].to_s}" end end instance_variable_types.each do |name, type| array << "#{name}: #{type.to_s}" end global_types.each do |name, type| array << "#{name}: #{type.to_s}" end constant_types.each do |name, type| array << "#{name}: #{type.to_s}" end pure_method_calls.each do |node, pair| call, type = pair array << "`#{node.loc.expression.source.lines[0]}`: #{type || call.return_type}" end "{ #{array.join(", ")} }" end def initialize(constant_env, local_variable_types: {}, instance_variable_types: {}, global_types: {}, constant_types: {}, pure_method_calls: {}) @constant_env = constant_env @local_variable_types = local_variable_types @instance_variable_types = instance_variable_types @global_types = global_types @constant_types = constant_types @pure_method_calls = pure_method_calls @pure_node_descendants = {} end def update(local_variable_types: self.local_variable_types, instance_variable_types: self.instance_variable_types, global_types: self.global_types, constant_types: self.constant_types, pure_method_calls: self.pure_method_calls) constant_env, local_variable_types: local_variable_types, instance_variable_types: instance_variable_types, global_types: global_types, constant_types: constant_types, pure_method_calls: pure_method_calls ) end def merge(local_variable_types: {}, instance_variable_types: {}, global_types: {}, constant_types: {}, pure_method_calls: {}) local_variable_types = self.local_variable_types.merge(local_variable_types) instance_variable_types = self.instance_variable_types.merge(instance_variable_types) global_types = self.global_types.merge(global_types) constant_types = self.constant_types.merge(constant_types) pure_method_calls = self.pure_method_calls.merge(pure_method_calls) constant_env, local_variable_types: local_variable_types, instance_variable_types: instance_variable_types, global_types: global_types, constant_types: constant_types, pure_method_calls: pure_method_calls ) end def [](name) case name when Symbol case when local_variable_name?(name) local_variable_types[name]&.[](0) when instance_variable_name?(name) instance_variable_types[name] when global_name?(name) global_types[name] else raise "Unexpected variable name: #{name}" end when Parser::AST::Node case name.type when :lvar self[name.children[0]] when :send if (call, type = pure_method_calls[name]) type || call.return_type end end end end def enforced_type(name) local_variable_types[name]&.[](1) end def assign_local_variables(assignments) local_variable_types = {} #: Hash[Symbol, local_variable_entry] invalidated_nodes = Set[] assignments.each do |name, new_type| local_variable_name!(name) local_variable_types[name] = [new_type, enforced_type(name)] invalidated_nodes.merge(invalidated_pure_nodes(, [name]))) end invalidation = pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_nodes) merge( local_variable_types: local_variable_types, pure_method_calls: invalidation ) end def assign_local_variable(name, var_type, enforced_type) local_variable_name!(name) merge( local_variable_types: { name => [enforced_type || var_type, enforced_type] }, pure_method_calls: pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_pure_nodes(, [name]))) ) end def refine_types(local_variable_types: {}, pure_call_types: {}) local_variable_updates = {} #: Hash[Symbol, local_variable_entry] local_variable_types.each do |name, type| local_variable_name!(name) local_variable_updates[name] = [type, enforced_type(name)] end invalidated_nodes = local_variable_types.each_key do |name| invalidated_nodes.merge(invalidated_pure_nodes(, [name]))) end pure_call_updates = pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_nodes) pure_call_types.each do |node, type| call, _ = pure_call_updates[node] pure_call_updates[node] = [call, type] end merge(local_variable_types: local_variable_updates, pure_method_calls: pure_call_updates) end def constant(arg1, arg2) if arg1.is_a?(RBS::TypeName) && arg2.is_a?(Symbol) constant_env.resolve_child(arg1, arg2) elsif arg1.is_a?(Symbol) if arg2 constant_env.toplevel(arg1) else constant_env.resolve(arg1) end end end def annotated_constant(name) constant_types[name] end def pin_local_variables(names) names = if names local_variable_types.each.with_object({}) do |pair, hash| #$ Hash[Symbol, [AST::Types::t, AST::Types::t?]] name, entry = pair local_variable_name!(name) if names.nil? || names.include?(name) type, enforced_type = entry unless enforced_type hash[name] = [type, type] end end end end def unpin_local_variables(names) names = if names local_var_types = local_variable_types.each.with_object({}) do |pair, hash| #$ Hash[Symbol, [AST::Types::t, AST::Types::t?]] name, entry = pair local_variable_name!(name) if names.nil? || names.include?(name) type, _ = entry hash[name] = [type, nil] end end merge(local_variable_types: local_var_types) end def subst(s) update( local_variable_types: local_variable_types.transform_values do |entry| # @type block: local_variable_entry type, enforced_type = entry [ type.subst(s), enforced_type&.yield_self {|ty| ty.subst(s) } ] end ) end def join(*envs) # @type var all_lvar_types: Hash[Symbol, Array[AST::Types::t]] all_lvar_types = envs.each_with_object({}) do |env, hash| #$ Hash[Symbol, Array[AST::Types::t]] env.local_variable_types.each_key do |name| hash[name] = [] end end envs.each do |env| all_lvar_types.each_key do |name| all_lvar_types[name] << (env[name] || AST::Builtin.nil_type) end end assignments = all_lvar_types .transform_values {|types| types) } .reject {|var, type| self[var] == type } common_pure_nodes = envs .map {|env| } .inject {|s1, s2| s1.intersection(s2) } || Set[] pure_call_updates = common_pure_nodes.each_with_object({}) do |node, hash| #$ Hash[Parser::AST::Node, [MethodCall::Typed, AST::Types::t]] pairs = {|env| env.pure_method_calls[node] } refined_type = {|call, type| type || call.return_type }) # Any *pure_method_call* can be used because it's *pure* (call, _ = envs[0].pure_method_calls[node]) or raise hash[node] = [call, refined_type] end assign_local_variables(assignments).merge(pure_method_calls: pure_call_updates) end def add_pure_call(node, call, type) if (c, _ = pure_method_calls[node]) && c == call return self end update = pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_pure_nodes(node)) .merge!({ node => [call, type] }) merge(pure_method_calls: update) end def replace_pure_call_type(node, type) if (call, _ = pure_method_calls[node]) calls = pure_method_calls.dup calls[node] = [call, type] update(pure_method_calls: calls) else raise end end def invalidate_pure_node(node) merge(pure_method_calls: pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_pure_nodes(node))) end def pure_node_invalidation(invalidated_nodes) # @type var invalidation: Hash[Parser::AST::Node, [MethodCall::Typed, AST::Types::t?]] invalidation = {} invalidated_nodes.each do |node| if (call, _ = pure_method_calls[node]) invalidation[node] = [call, nil] end end invalidation end def invalidated_pure_nodes(invalidated_node) invalidated_nodes = Set[] pure_method_calls.each_key do |pure_node| descendants = @pure_node_descendants[pure_node] ||= each_descendant_node(pure_node).to_set if descendants.member?(invalidated_node) invalidated_nodes << pure_node end end invalidated_nodes end def local_variable_name?(name) # Ruby constants start with Uppercase_Letter or Titlecase_Letter in the unicode property. # If name start with `@`, it is instance variable or class instance variable. # If name start with `$`, it is global variable. return false if name.start_with?(/[\p{Uppercase_Letter}\p{Titlecase_Letter}@$]/) return false if TypeConstruction::SPECIAL_LVAR_NAMES.include?(name) true end def local_variable_name!(name) local_variable_name?(name) || raise("#{name} is not a local variable") end def instance_variable_name?(name) name.start_with?(/@[^@]/) end def global_name?(name) name.start_with?('$') end def inspect s = "#<%s:%#018x " % [self.class, object_id] s << {|name| "#{name}=..." }.join(", ") s + ">" end end end end