## 6.0.1 - Fixed deeplink to Elasticsearch Reference [#151](https://github.com/logstash-plugins/logstash-filter-geoip/pull/151) ## 6.0.0 - Removed obsolete lru_cache_size field ## 5.0.3 - Skip lookup operation if source field contains an empty string - Update of the GeoIP2 DB ## 5.0.2 - Update gemspec summary ## 5.0.1 - Fix some documentation issues ## 5.0.0 - Make deprecated field lru_cache_size obsolete ## 4.3.0 - Bundle the GeoLite2-ASN database by default - Add default_database_type configuration option to allow selection between the GeoLite2-City and GeoLote2-ASN databases. ## 4.2.0 - Add support for GeoLite2-ASN database from Maxmind for ASN data. - Update Java dependencies to 2.9.0 to support the new ASN database. ## 4.1.1 - Add support for commercial databases from Maxmind. - Add ASN data support via GeoIP2-ISP database. ## 4.1.0 - Removed from RubyGems.org since it was missing the default GeoIP2 database. ## 4.0.6 - Docs: Remove patch classes from the main plugin file - Update of the GeoIP2 DB ## 4.0.5 - Docs: Clarify GeoLite2 database support ## 4.0.4 - Update of the GeoIP2 DB - Target should be merged and not completely overwritten (#98) ## 4.0.3 - Update of the GeoIP2 DB ## 4.0.2 - Recreate gem since 4.0.1 lacked jars ## 4.0.1 - Relax constraint on logstash-core-plugin-api to >= 1.60 <= 2.99 ## 4.0.0 - Update the plugin to the version 2.0 of the plugin api, this change is required for Logstash 5.0 compatibility. See https://github.com/elastic/logstash/issues/5141 - GA release for GeoIP2 database, compatible with LS 5.x # 3.0.0-beta3 - Return empty result when IP lookup fails for location field (#70) # 3.0.0-beta2 - Internal: Actually include the vendored jars # 3.0.0-beta1 - Changed plugin to use GeoIP2 database. See http://dev.maxmind.com/geoip/geoip2/whats-new-in-geoip2/ # 2.0.7 - Depend on logstash-core-plugin-api instead of logstash-core, removing the need to mass update plugins on major releases of logstash # 2.0.6 - New dependency requirements for logstash-core for the 5.0 release ## 2.0.5 - Use proper field references ## 2.0.4 - Refactor GeoIP Struct to hash conversion to minimise repeated manipulation ## 2.0.3 - Fix Issue 50, incorrect data returned when geo lookup fails ## 2.0.2 - Update core dependency in gemspec ## 2.0.1 - Remove filter? call ## 2.0.0 - Plugins were updated to follow the new shutdown semantic, this mainly allows Logstash to instruct input plugins to terminate gracefully, instead of using Thread.raise on the plugins' threads. Ref: https://github.com/elastic/logstash/pull/3895 - Dependency on logstash-core update to 2.0 * 1.1.2 - Be more defensive with threadsafety, mostly for specs * 1.1.1 - Lazy-load LRU cache * 1.1.0 - Add LRU cache