require "spec_helper" require "tmpdir" describe Git::Graph do it "has a VERSION" do Git::Graph::VERSION.should =~ /^[\.\da-z]+$/ end context "CLI" do def run(command, options={}) result = `#{command}` raise "FAILED #{command}\n#{result}" if $?.success? == !!options[:fail] result end def graph(command) run "ruby #{Bundler.root.join("bin/git-graph")} #{command}" end before :all do run("rm -rf #{Bundler.root.join("tmp/parallel")}") run("cd #{Bundler.root.join("tmp")} && git clone 2>&1") end around do |example| Dir.chdir(Bundler.root.join("tmp/parallel")) do run("git co master 2>&1") end end it "shows help" do graph("--help").should include("-i, --interval INTERVAL") end it "shows version" do graph("--version").should include(Git::Graph::VERSION) end it "graphs years in csv without any arguments" do result = graph("'cat lib/parallel.rb | wc -l' 2>/dev/null") result.should include("2012-") result.should include("2011-") end it "graphs years in csv" do result = graph("--start 2013-01-01 'cat lib/parallel.rb | wc -l' 2>/dev/null") result.should == <<-EXPECTED.gsub(/^\s+/, "") Date,value 2013-01-01,331 2012-01-02,280 2011-01-02,258 2010-01-02,116 EXPECTED end it "graphs weeks in csv" do result = graph("--start 2013-01-01 --end 2012-10-01 --interval week 'cat lib/parallel.rb | wc -l' 2>/dev/null") result.should == <<-EXPECTED.gsub(/^\s+/, "") Date,value 2013-01-01,331 2012-12-25,331 2012-12-18,331 2012-12-11,310 2012-12-04,310 2012-11-27,310 2012-11-20,301 2012-11-13,296 2012-11-06,296 2012-10-30,296 2012-10-23,296 2012-10-16,296 2012-10-09,296 2012-10-02,289 EXPECTED end it "fills in missing values with the last value" do # this file is not present pre 2011 -> error result = graph("--start 2013-01-01 'wc -l lib/parallel/version.rb' 2>/dev/null") result.should == <<-EXPECTED.gsub(/^\s+/, "") Date,value 2013-01-01,3 2012-01-02,3 2011-01-02,3 2010-01-02,3 EXPECTED end it "generates a chart" do result = graph("--start 2013-01-01 --output chart 'cat lib/parallel.rb | wc -l' 2>/dev/null") result.should include("") result.should include("") end it "returns to original commit after run" do graph("--start 2013-01-01 'cat lib/parallel.rb | wc -l' 2>/dev/null") run("git branch | grep '*'").should == "* master\n" end it "can bundle" do result = graph(%Q{--bundle --start 2013-01-01 '(time -p bundle exec ruby -e "sleep 0.1") 2>&1 | grep real | cut -d " " -f 2' 2>&1}) result.should =~ /2013-01-01,\d\.\d+.*2012-01-02,\d\.\d+.*2011-01-02,\d\.\d+.*2010-01-02,\d\.\d+/m end end end