SugarCube ========= [![Build Status](]( [![Version](]( About ----- CocoaTouch/iOS is a *verbose* framework. These extensions hope to make development in rubymotion more enjoyable. With SugarCube, you can create a color from an integer or symbol, or create a UIFont or UIImage from a string. Some core classes are opened up as well, like adding the '<<' operator to a UIView instance, instead of view.addSubview(subview), you can use the more idiomatic: view << subview. The basic idea of SugarCube is to turn operations on their head. So instead of: UIApplication.sharedApplication.openURL(NSURL.URLWithString(url)) How about: **DISCLAIMER** It is possible that you *will not like SugarCube*. That is perfectly fine! Some people take milk in their coffee, some take sugar. Some crazy maniacs don't even *drink* coffee, if you can imagine that... All I'm saying is: to each their own. You should checkout [BubbleWrap][] for another take on Cocoa-wrappage. **CONTRIBUTIONS** SugarCube started out as a [Fusionbox][] project (see the [announcement][fusionbox announcement]), but as its popularity increased, the decision was made to offer it to the rubymotion community, in the spirit of open-source and collaboration. It is a great complement to [MotionKit][], especially when paired with [SweetKit][]! Documentation ============= A work in progress. This README is the best source, but I am trying to be more diligent about adding Yard documentation, which is available here: [documentation]: Installation ============ gem install sugarcube # in Rakefile require 'sugarcube' # or in Gemfile gem 'sugarcube', :require => 'sugarcube-classic' # or for the bold: # gem 'sugarcube', :require => 'sugarcube-all' # or for the picky: # gem 'sugarcube', :require => [ # 'sugarcube', # 'sugarcube-repl', # ] # in terminal $ bundle install Packages ======== SugarCube has grown over time to be a pretty massive collection of helpers. While some people choose to use the entire library, other people like to pick and choose the extensions they want to use. With that in mind, SugarCube is written so that it does *not* pollute any classes by default. So if all you do is `require "sugarcube"`, you are NOT going to get much mileage! In the installation code above, I show the example of using `:require => 'sugarcube-all'` to include *all* of SugarCube's extensions. You can, alternatively require just the packages you need: ###### Gemfile ```ruby gem 'sugarcube', :require => [ 'sugarcube-ui', 'sugarcube-events', 'sugarcube-gestures', 'sugarcube-568', 'sugarcube-attributedstring', ] ``` Or, from your Rakefile: ```ruby $:.unshift('/Library/RubyMotion/lib') require 'motion/project/template/ios' require 'bundler' Bundler.require require 'sugarcube-ui' require 'sugarcube-events' require 'sugarcube-gestures' require 'sugarcube-568' require 'sugarcube-attributedstring' ``` You can require the packages in piecemeal like this, or you can require a group of packages: `classic, common, or all`. * `sugarcube-classic`: Excludes **568**, **attributedstring**, **gestures**, **repl**, **awesome**, **anonymous**, **unholy**, and **legacy** * `sugarcube-common`: Excludes **awesome**, **anonymous**, **unholy**, and **legacy** * `sugarcube-all`: Excludes **legacy** So without further ado, SugarCube ========= Packages are sorted more-or-less by their usefulness. The more esoteric ones are at the end. REPL ([wiki][REPL Wiki]) ---- If you install SugarCube and *only* use the REPL package, you will benefit from some of SugarCube's greatest tricks! > `require 'sugarcube-repl'` This package is useful during development because it adds methods to the REPL that make adjusting and introspecting views much easier. You'll get a lot more done in the REPL with these additions. You should NEVER use these methods in your application, because this package is only included in 'development' mode. That means if you hard-code a call to 'tree' in your code, that will crash when you go to release your app. YIKES. To keep this document lean-and-mean, I've put most of the REPL documentation [in the wiki][REPL Wiki], but here's a quick overview: * Use the `tree` commands to output your view hierarchy. It can accept a UIView, `UIViewController`, or `CALayer` object as the root object, or it defaults to your application's `UIWindow` object. ``` (main)> tree 0: . UIWindow(#6e1f950: [[0.0, 0.0], [320.0, 480.0]]) 1: `-- UIView(#8b203b0: [[0.0, 20.0], [320.0, 460.0]]) 2: +-- UIButton(#d028de0: [[10.0, 10.0], [320.0, 463.400512695312]]) ``` * The number can be passed to the `adjust` method, aliased to `a`, and that will become the view or object you are adjusting. ``` (main)> a 2 => UIButton(#d028de0: [[10.0, 10.0], [320.0, 463.400512695312]]) ``` * Now you can modify that view, either by accessing it via `a` (with no arguments it returns the object being adjusted) or by using an adjust method: ``` > up 1 > wider 15 # these have shorthands, too > u 1 > w 15 ``` * Changed your mind? undo all adjustments to the object currently selected: ``` > restore ``` * Which element in the tree did I select with adjust? You can make the object selected flash in the simulator: ``` > blink ``` Be sure to read more in the [REPL Additions][REPL Wiki] Wiki page. [REPL Wiki]: UI on iOS: UIKit extensions ([wiki][UIKit Wiki]) ----- A big package chock full of methods to make working in UIKit a joy. > `require 'sugarcube-ui'` A few varieties of methods are in this package: * Conversions: `'string-to'.uiimage`, `image.uiimageview`, `'string-to'.uilabel(font)` * Helpers: shorthands for common operations, like `a_view << a_subview`, `a_subview.convert_frame_to(a_view)` * Symbols: `:system.uifont(20)`, `:label.uifontsize` * Frame accessors: `a_view.x`, `a_view.x = 100` (on `UIView` and `CALayer`) There are too many methods to define here. Instead: a complete list of methods is available in the [documentation][], and the [wiki page][UIKit Wiki] is a great source as well. [UIKit Wiki]: UI on OS X: AppKit extensions ----- Similar extensions as the iOS version, but using the `ns` prefix on method names: * Conversions: `'string-to'.nsimage`, `image.nsimageview`, `'string-to'.nslabel(font)` * Helpers: `view << subview` * Symbols: `:white.nscolor`, `:system.nsfont` * Frame accessors: `a_view.x`, `a_view.x = 100` (on `UIView`, `CALayer`, `NSWindow`, and `NSScreen`) UI on Android ----- *(warning: extending built-in classes is not reliable in RubyMotion on Android)* ViewGroup gets the same `<<` method that you see in UIView and NSView. Constants ----- > `require 'sugarcube-constants'` There are lots and lots of constants in UIKit, so many that I wanted a way to write these as symbols instead of UILongConstantNames. This package adds methods to `Symbol`s to convert them into a UIKit or Foundation constant. ```ruby :center.nsalignment # => NSTextAlignmentCenter (formerly UITextAlignmentCenter) :upside_down.uiorientation # => UIDeviceOrientationPortraitUpsideDown :rounded.uibuttontype # => UIButtonTypeRoundedRect :highlighted.uicontrolstate # => UIControlStateHighlighted :touch.uicontrolevent # => UIControlEventTouchUpInside :change.uicontrolevent # => UIControlEventValueChanged :all.uicontrolevent # => UIControlEventAllEvents # these are really handy for custom buttons - touch_start means the finger is # inside the button, touch_stop is outside the button or canceled :touch_start # => UIControlEventTouchDown | UIControlEventTouchDragEnter :touch_stop # => UIControlEventTouchUpInside | UIControlEventTouchCancel | UIControlEventTouchDragExit :large.uiactivityindicatorstyle # :large, :white, :gray :bar.uisegmentedstyle # :plain, :bordered, :bar, :bezeled # UITableView and UITableViewCell have LOTS of associated constants... I'm # adding them as I come across them. :automatic.uitablerowanimation # or .uitableviewrowanimation :default.uitablecellstyle # or .uitableviewcellstyle :disclosure.uitablecellaccessory # or .uitableviewcellaccessorytype :blue.uitablecellselectionstyle # or .uitableviewcellselectionstyle ``` See the complete list by browsing the [documentation][], or open up [symbol.rb][]. [symbol.rb]: Timer ----- > `require 'sugarcube-timer'` Methods get added to the Fixnum class, and are available as methods on `NSTimer`, *and* can be called via the SugarCube::Timer module. ```ruby # once 1.second.later do @view.shake end # repeating 1.second.every do @view.shake end # you can assign the return value (an NSTimer) timer = 1.second.every do @view.shake end # and invalidate it timer.invalidate # the `every` method is available in the SugarCube::Timer module, # which you might find more readable include SugarCube::Timer every 1.minute do puts "tick" end # might as well make an alias for 'later', too after 1.minute do puts "ding!" end # other time-related methods # for compatibility with Time methods, the mins/secs (and min/sec) aliases are provided. Personally, # I like the more verbose minutes/seconds. 1.millisecond || 2.milliseconds 1.millisec || 2.millisecs 1.second || 2.seconds 1.sec || 2.secs # aliases 1.minute || 2.minutes # 1.minute = 60 seconds 1.min || 2.mins # aliases 1.hour || 2.hours # 1.hour = 60 minutes || 2.days # = 24 hours 1.week || 2.weeks # 1.week = 7 days # sensible values for 'month' and 'year', even though we all know you can't # **really** define them this way (go back to python if you find your brain hemorrhaging): 1.month || 2.months # 1.month = 30 days 1.year || 2.years # 1.year = 365 days ``` Events ----- > `require 'sugarcube-events'` Inspired by [BubbleWrap's][BubbleWrap] `when` method, but I prefer jQuery-style verbs and SugarCube symbols. Adds methods to UIControl and UITextView. UIControl ----------- ```ruby button = UIButton.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0] ,[10, 10]]) button.on(:touch) { my_code } button.on(:touch_up_outside, :touch_cancel) { |event| puts event.inspect # my_code... } # remove handlers, :touch_up_outside, :touch_cancel) # all events ``` You can only remove handlers by "type", not by the action. e.g. If you bind three `:touch` events, calling `` will remove all three. UITextView ------------ These handlers are functionally identical in usage to the same methods in `UIControl`. They use the `NSNotificationCenter#addObserverForName:object:queue:usingBlock:` method, but you do not have to worry about un-observing. When the text view is released, these observers will be removed. There are two aliases for each event, or you can use the event notification. I prefer the present tense (jQuery-style `on :change`), but UIKit prefers past simple (`:editing_did_begin`). The notifications, on the other hand, are in present simple (`UITextViewTextDidBeginEditingNotification`). Whatever floats your boat. Anyway, these are all the same: :editing_did_begin :begin UITextViewTextDidBeginEditingNotification :editing_did_change :change UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification :editing_did_end :end UITextViewTextDidEndEditingNotification ```ruby text_view = text_view.on :begin do |notification| # <= you have to accept the notification in your block p 'wait for it...' end text_view.on :change do |notification| p text_view.text end text_view.on :end do |notification| p 'done!' end # if you want to remove the block, use the off method :editing_did_change # or :change # or UITextViewTextDidChangeNotification ``` Gestures ----- > `require 'sugarcube-gestures'` SugarCube's gesture support is very similar to BubbleWrap's, and it's entirely possible that the two will be merged into one thing. But SugarCube is all about extending base classes, whereas BubbleWrap tends to add *new* classes to do the heavy lifting. Plus the options you pass to SugarCube are very different, and the prefix is "on" instead of "when" (e.g. "on_pan" instead of "when_panned") ```ruby view.on_pan do |gesture| location = gesture.locationInView(view) end # other gesture methods, with common options: view.on_tap # use system defaults view.on_tap(1) # number of taps view.on_tap(taps: 1, fingers: 1) # number of taps and number of fingers view.on_pinch # no options view.on_rotate # no options view.on_swipe # use system defaults view.on_swipe :left view.on_swipe(direction: :left, fingers: 1) view.on_swipe(direction: UISwipeGestureRecognizerDirectionLeft, fingers: 1) view.on_pan # use system defaults view.on_pan(2) # minimum and maximum fingers required view.on_pan(fingers: 2) view.on_pan(min_fingers: 2, max_fingers: 3) # `on_press` is a continuous event (it uses UILongPressGestureRecognizer), so # you need to check the `gesture`: view.on_press do |gesture| if gesture.state == UIGestureRecognizerStateBegan # handle press end end view.on_press(1.5) # duration view.on_press(duration: 1.5, taps: 1, fingers: 1) # this version is only fired when the long-press begins; this is *probably* more # useful to you: view.on_press_begin do ... end # or, when the gesture ends: view.on_press_ended do ... end ``` Notifications ----- > `require 'sugarcube-notifications'` Makes it easy to post a notification to some or all objects. ```ruby # this one is handy, I think: MyNotification = "my notification" MyNotification.post_notification # => NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(MyNotification, object:nil) MyNotification.post_notification(obj) # => NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(MyNotification, object:obj) MyNotification.post_notification(obj, user: 'dict') # => NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter.postNotificationName(MyNotification, object:obj, userInfo:{user: 'dict'}) # you can access the userInfo dictionary directly from the notification def notified(notification) notification[:user] # => 'dict' end # very similar to add or remove an observer MyNotification.add_observer(observer, :method_name) MyNotification.add_observer(observer, :method_name, object) # remove the observer MyNotification.remove_observer(observer) MyNotification.remove_observer(observer, object) ``` UIImage ----- Image Manipulation - VERY handy! Includes some quick maniputions on UIImage, and adds an interface to chain together CIFilters. Plus, you can refer to `cifilter.rb` to find out what filters are supported in iOS (all supported filters get a class method in this file). > `require 'sugarcube-image'` ###### UIImage additions ```ruby image.scale_to [37, 37] image.rounded # default: 5 pt radius image.rounded(10) image.in_rect([[10, 10], [100, 100]]) # get part of an image image.darken # => good for "pressed" buttons image.darken(brightness: -0.5, saturation: -0.2) # these are the defaults image.gaussian_blur(radius: 5) image.inverted image.rotate(:left) image.rotate(:right) image.rotate(:flip) # 180° - if you have a better name, let me know! image.rotate(45.degrees) image.in_rect(frame) # returns the part of the image contained in frame image.scale_to(new_size) # won't stretch, but the image might have transparent padding image.scale_to(new_size, background: :white) # adds a white background before padding image.scale_within(new_size) # same as scale_to in that it doesn't stretch the # image, but the size is not guaranteed to be new_size. It is guaranteed not to # be *bigger* than new_size image.scale_to_fill(new_size) # again, like scale_to, but the image is guaranteed # to completely fill new_size, even if some of the image has to be cropped to fit. # You can control which side or corner you prefer to remain visible. because the # aspect ratio is maintained, only ONE dimension will need to be cropped. image.scale_to_fill(new_size, position: :top_left) # returns a UIColor (and supports retina images) image.color_at([5, 5]) # default insets are UIEdgeInsetsZero image.tileable image.tileable(insets) image.stretchable image.stretchable(insets) # Apply a mask to an image. The mask should be a grayscale image. White areas # will be made transparent, and black opaque. image.masked(mask_image) # Apply a color overlay to an image. This is used used on icons (PNG's), on which # you want to change the color. image.overlay(UIColor.redColor) image.overlay(:red) # Combine two images image_ab = image_a << image_b # Create an image from scratch! UIImage.canvas([100, 100]) do |context| # opaque: false, scale: UIScreen.mainScreen.scale # draw here! end # use an image as a background to draw on image.draw do |context| # draw here! end # size image = Image.canvas(size: [10, 20]) image.width # => 10 image.height # => 20 ``` ###### CIFilter additions ```ruby # create a filter gaussy = CIFilter.gaussian_blur(radius: 5) gaussy = CIFilter.gaussian_blur(5) # this also works - you can find the arg order by looking in cifilter.rb # apply a filter to a UIImage new_image = image.apply_filter(gaussy).uiimage # apply_filter returns a CIImage, which is converted to UIImage # apply a chain of filters using the `|` operator or `apply_filter` darken = CIFilter.color_controls(saturation: 0, brightness: 0) new_image = image.apply_filter(gaussy).apply_filter(darken).uiimage ``` If you include `sugarcube-pipes` you can use the `|` operator to chain filters: ```ruby # using the filters from above new_image = image | gaussy | darken | UIImage new_view = view | gaussy | darken | UIView ``` There are 91 filters available in iOS 6, I won't list them here, but check out [the Apple documentation][core-image-filters] to read about them, and study [cifilter.rb][]. [core-image-filters]: [cifilter.rb]: [cifilter.rb-post-merge]: UIColor ----- > `require 'sugarcube-color'` Methods to merge or manipulate a color, or to get information about a color. Works best on RGB colors, but HSB will work well, too. `UIColor`s based on image patterns can't easily be inverted or mixed. Any classes that have a well-defined "color" representation are given a `uicolor` method, so it's easy to create a color from hex codes, css names, or images (as patterns). ```ruby :blue.uicolor # UIColor.blueColor # uicolor() accepts an alpha value, too :blue.uicolor(0.5) # all CSS colors are supported (but no "grey" aliases, consistent with UIKit, # which only provides "grayColor") :firebrick.uicolor # => 0xb22222.uicolor # RGB values, in the range 0..255. [160, 210, 242].uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithRed(0.6274, green:0.8235, blue:0.9490, alpha:1.0) [160, 210, 242].uicolor(0.5) # => UIColor.colorWithRed(0.6274, green:0.8235, blue:0.9490, alpha:0.5) # create a UIColor from a hex value 0xffffff.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:1.0) 0xffffff.uicolor(0.5) # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:0.5) # works when using strings, too "#fff".uicolor # => UIColor.whiteColor "#ffffff".uicolor # => UIColor.whiteColor "#ff00ff".uicolor == :fuchsia.uicolor == 0xff00ff.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:0.0, blue:1.0, alpha:1.0) "#f0f".uicolor(0.5) == :fuchsia.uicolor(0.5) == 0xff00ff.uicolor(0.5) # => UIColor.colorWithRed(1.0, green:1.0, blue:1.0, alpha:0.5) # note: 0xf0f.uicolor == 0x000f0f.uicolor. There's no way to tell the difference # at run time between those two Fixnum literals. # UIColor from image name, if the first character is not "#" "pattern".uicolor == "pattern".uiimage.uicolor # => UIColor.colorWithPatternImage(UIImage.imageNamed("pattern")) ``` These methods are added onto the UIColor class: ```ruby :red.uicolor.invert # => UIColor.cyanColor :blue.uicolor.invert # => UIColor.yellowColor :green.uicolor.invert # => UIColor.magentaColor :red.uicolor + :blue.uicolor # => UIColor.purpleColor :red.uicolor + :green.uicolor # => :olive.uicolor # (I didn't know that until I tried it in the REPL, but it was pretty cool to # see the UIColor#to_s method match that mixture to olive!) # a more generic color mixing method (`+` delegates to this method): :white.uicolor.mix_with(:black.uicolor, 0) # => :white :white.uicolor.mix_with(:black.uicolor, 0.25) # => 0x404040.uicolor :white.uicolor.mix_with(:black.uicolor, 0.5) # => :gray, same as :white.uicolor + :black.uicolor :white.uicolor.mix_with(:black.uicolor, 0.75) # => 0xbfbfbf.uicolor :white.uicolor.mix_with(:black.uicolor, 1) # => :black # you can get information about a color: # => 0 # => 1 # => 1 :cyan.uicolor.hue # => 0.5 :cyan.uicolor.saturation # => 1.0 :cyan.uicolor.brightness # => 1.0 :cyan.uicolor(0.9).alpha # => 0.9 # convert to CGColor color.cgcolor ``` Factories ----- > `require 'sugarcube-factories'` ###### UIAlertView Accepts multiple buttons and handlers. In its simplest form, you can pass just a title and block. An optional `:message` can either be passed in as an option, or as the 2nd positional arg. Options: UIAlertView.alert(options) UIAlertView.alert(title, options) UIAlertView.alert(title, message, options) 0 => title => String - title of the alert. optional positional arg. 1 => message => String - message of the alert. optional positional arg. :title => String - title of the alert. :message => String - message of the alert. :success => Proc - the success handler :cancel => Proc - the cancel handler :buttons => [] - List of buttons ([cancel, others...]) :buttons => {} - Hash of buttons ({cancel:, others: ...}) in any order of course :style => Symbol | Fixnum - A symbol (uialertstyle) or constant (UIAlertViewStyle*) :show => Boolean - Whether to show the action sheet (default: true) ```ruby # simple title/message alert UIAlertView.alert('This is happening, OK?', 'An optional message') do self.it_happened! end # a little more complex - the cancel button should be first, and the block will # receive a string and an index UIAlertView.alert('This is happening, OK?', message: 'Don't worry, it'll be fine.', buttons: ['Nevermind', 'OK'], ) do |button, button_index| if button == 'OK' # or: button_index == 1 self.happened! end end # Full on whiz-bangery. The cancel button should be the first entry in # `buttons:`. When you specify the success and cancel button handlers this way, # you need not assign both. UIAlertView.alert('I mean, is this cool?', buttons: ['No!', 'Sure!', 'Hmmmm'], message: 'No going back now', cancel: proc { self.cancel }, success: proc { |pressed| self.proceed if pressed == 'Sure!' } ) # To keep up with BubbleWrap's awesome BW::ActionSheet and BW::AlertView # helpers, SugarCube provides a similar interface. UIAlertView.alert('Confirm action!', 'Are you sure you want to do this?', buttons: { cancel: 'No!', success: 'Sure!', unsure: 'Hmmm', }) do |button| # button will be :cancel, :success or :unsure end ``` ###### UIActionSheet This is very similar to `UIAlertView.alert`, but instead of `cancel` and `success` handlers, you can have `cancel, success, and destructive` handlers, and there is no `message` argument. If you use an array of buttons (which you probably *should*), the order of arguments is `[:cancel, :destructive, :others, ...]`. If you *dont* want a cancel or destructive button, pass `nil` in place. Options: UIActionSheet.alert(options) UIActionSheet.alert(title, options) 0 => title => String - title of the action sheet :title => Proc - title of the action sheet :success => Proc - the success handler :cancel => Proc - the cancel handler :destructive => Proc - the destructive handler :buttons => [] - List of buttons ([cancel, destructive, others...]) :buttons => {} - Hash of buttons ({cancel:, destructive:, others: ...}) in any order of course :style => Symbol | Fixnum - A symbol (uiactionstyle) or constant (UIActionSheetStyle*) :show => Boolean - Whether to show the action sheet (default: true) :from => CGRect | UIBarButtonItem | UIToolbar | UITabBar | UIView (default: first window) Where to display the alert. Mostly relevant on iPad. :view => UIView (default: first window) The view to display the alert when used with :from => CGRect ```ruby # simple UIActionSheet.alert 'This is happening, OK?' do self.happened! end # a little more complex, with cancel and destructive buttons UIActionSheet.alert('This is happening, OK?', buttons: ['Cancel', 'Kill it!', 'Uh, what?'] ) do |button| # button is 'Cancel', 'Kill it!' or 'Uh, what?' end # skip cancel and destructive buttons: UIActionSheet.alert('Should I?', buttons: [nil, nil, 'OK', 'Nevermind']) [ |pressed| self.do_it if pressed == 'OK' ] UIActionSheet.alert 'I mean, is this cool?', buttons: ['Nah', 'With fire!', 'Sure', 'whatever'], cancel: proc { self.cancel }, destructive: proc { self.kill_it_with_fire } success: proc { |pressed| self.proceed if pressed == 'Sure' } # By passing a Hash to buttons you can get this improved interface, similar to # BubbleWrap's awesome interface. UIActionSheet.alert('Well, how bout it?', buttons: { cancel: 'Cancel', destructive: 'Kill it with fire!', help: 'Tell me more' }) do |button| # button is :cancel, :destructive or :help end ``` ###### UIAlertController Starting with iOS 8.0, UIActionSheet and UIAlertView are deprecated and replaced by UIAlertController. This is very similar to `UIAlertView.alert` and `UIActionSheet.alert` but you have to pass a `UIViewController` as first argument. Options: UIAlertController.alert(controller, options) UIAlertController.alert(controller, title, options) 0 => title => String - title of the action sheet :title => Title of the alert sheet :buttons => [] - List of buttons ([cancel, destructive, others...]) :style => Symbol | Fixnum - A symbol (uialertcontrollerstyle) or constant (UIAlertControllerStyle*) :show => Boolean - Whether to show the alert controller (default: true) :from => CGRect | UIBarButtonItem | UIView (default: first window) Where to display the alert. Mostly relevant on iPad. :view => UIView (default: first window) The view to display the alert when used with :from => CGRect ```ruby # simple UIAlertController.alert(self, 'This is happening, OK?', buttons: ['Cancel', 'Kill it!', 'Uh, what?'] ) do |button| # button is 'Cancel', 'Kill it!' or 'Uh, what?' end ``` ###### UIButton ```ruby UIButton.buttonWithType(:custom.uibuttontype) # => UIButton.custom # many of these are obsolete since iOS 7 UIButton.custom => UIButton.buttonWithType(:custom.uibuttontype) UIButton.rounded => UIButton.buttonWithType(:rounded.uibuttontype) UIButton.rounded_rect => UIButton.buttonWithType(:rounded_rect.uibuttontype) UIButton.detail => UIButton.buttonWithType(:detail.uibuttontype) UIButton.detail_disclosure => UIButton.buttonWithType(:detail_disclosure.uibuttontype) => UIButton.buttonWithType(:info.uibuttontype) UIButton.info_light => UIButton.buttonWithType(:info_light.uibuttontype) UIButton.info_dark => UIButton.buttonWithType(:info_dark.uibuttontype) => UIButton.buttonWithType(:contact.uibuttontype) UIButton.contact_add => UIButton.buttonWithType(:contact_add.uibuttontype) UIButton.system => UIButton.buttonWithType(:system.uibuttontype) ``` ###### UITableView Default frame is `[[0, 0], [0, 0]]`, but most containers will resize it to be the correct size. But heads up, it *was* `[[0, 0], [320, 480]]` (until the iphone 5 / 4-inch retina came out). ```ruby UITableView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [0, 0]], style: :plain.uitableviewstyle) UITableView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [320, 480]], style: :plain.uitableviewstyle) UITableView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [320, 568]], style: :plain.uitableviewstyle) # custom frame: UITableView.alloc.initWithFrame([[0, 0], [320, 400]], style: :grouped.uitableviewstyle) # => UITableView.plain UITableView.plain([[0, 0], [320, 480]]) UITableView.plain([[0, 0], [320, 568]]) # custom frame: UITableView.grouped([[0, 0], [320, 400]]) ``` ###### UITableViewCell ```ruby # factory methods, named for the cell style. cell identifier is required. UITableViewCell.default('cell_identifier') UITableViewCell.value1('cell_identifier') UITableViewCell.value2('cell_identifier') UITableViewCell.subtitle('cell_identifier') # you can options for the common settings cell = UITableViewCell.default('cell_identifier', accessory: :disclosure, selection: :blue, text: 'text', image: 'icon', # coerced into a UIImage ) ``` ###### UISegmentedControl ```ruby control = UISegmentedControl.alloc.initItems(["one", "ah-two-whoo", "thr-r-r-ree"]) control.segmentedControlStyle = :bar.uisegmentedstyle # =>["one", "ah-two-whoo", "thr-r-r-ree"]) # plain, bordered, and bezeled are the other types ``` ###### UIActivityViewIndicator ```ruby UIActivityIndicatorView.alloc.initWithActivityIndicatorStyle(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhite) UIActivityIndicatorView.alloc.initWithActivityIndicatorStyle(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleWhiteLarge) UIActivityIndicatorView.alloc.initWithActivityIndicatorStyle(UIActivityIndicatorViewStyleGray) # => UIActivityIndicatorView.white UIActivityIndicatorView.large UIActivityIndicatorView.gray ``` ###### UIBarButtonItem These factory methods accept a block, which will get wired up as a target/action. ```ruby # Get an instance containing the specified system item. UIBarButtonItem.done do self.dismissViewControllerAnimated true, completion:nil end # => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithBarButtonSystemItem(:done.uibarbuttonitem, target:self, action:"action:") # with 'action' defined as: def action(sender) self.dismissViewControllerAnimated true, completion:nil end # the method names are 1::1 with the uibarbuttonitem constants in symbol.rb UIBarButtonItem.cancel { ... } => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithBarButtonSystemItem(:cancel.uibarbuttonitem, target:self, action:"action:") UIBarButtonItem.edit { ... } => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithBarButtonSystemItem(:edit.uibarbuttonitem, target:self, action:"action:") { ... } => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithBarButtonSystemItem(:save.uibarbuttonitem, target:self, action:"action:") . . . UIBarButtonItem.page_curl { ... } => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithBarButtonSystemItem(:page_curl.uibarbuttonitem, target:self, action:"action:") ``` For custom `UIBarButtonItem`s, you can use the `titled` and `imaged` methods: ```ruby # Create a UIBarButtonItem, specifying the title UIBarButtonItem.titled('Close') do self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion:nil) end # => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithTitle('Close', style: :bordered.uibarbuttonstyle, target:self, action:"action:") def action(sender) self.dismissViewControllerAnimated(true, completion:nil) end # You can also specify the style. UIBarButtonItem.titled('Close', :plain) do # :plain, :bordered, :done # ... end # Or specify the image instead UIBarButtonItem.imaged('close_icon') do # 'close_icon' will be coerced into a UIImage # ... end # => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithImage('Close'.uiimage, style: :bordered.uibarbuttonstyle, ...) # And, like `titled`, specify the style UIBarButtonItem.imaged('close'.uiimage, :done) do # ... end # If you provide two images, they will be used as the portrait and landscape images UIBarButtonItem.imaged(['portrait'.uiimage, 'landscape'.uiimage) do # ... end # => UIBarButtonItem.alloc.initWithImage('portrait'.uiimage, landscapeImagePhone:'landscape'.uiimage, style: :bordered.uibarbuttonstyle, target:self, action:"action:") ``` Example Usage: ```ruby toolbar = toolbar.items = [ @image_picker_button = { presentImagePickerController(self) }, UIBarButtonItem.flexiblespace, @saveButton = { save_photo(self) } ] ``` ###### UITabBarItem Easy to create system or custom `UITabBarItem`s. ```ruby UITabBarItem.titled('My Title') # with optional :image and :selected_image options: UITabBarItem.titled('My Title', image: 'my_icon', selected_image: 'my_icon_selected') # also supports :tag and :badge UITabBarItem.titled('My Title', tag: MY_TABBAR_ITEM, badge: '+1') # system items: UITabBarItem.more UITabBarItem.favorites # Most of the UITabBarItem init methods accept the UIView#tag, and so there is # support for that in the UITabBarItem factory methods. Defaults to 0. The # :badge option is supported here as well UITabBarItem.featured(tag: MY_TABBAR_ITEM, badge: 10) # All of the UITabBarSystemItem helpers delegate to the 'UITabBarItem.system' # method, which you can call direcly as well. It accepts :tag and :badge # options. UITabBarItem.system(:top_rated, tag: MY_ITEM_TAG, badge: 'hi') ``` ###### NSError ```ruby # usually, doesn't work, because the only initializer for NSError # needs more arguments. This method passes some defaults in.'message') # same as =>'message', domain: 'Error', code: 0, userInfo: {}) ``` Animations ([wiki][Animations Wiki]) ----- > `require 'sugarcube-animations'` Careful, once you start using these helpers, you'll never go back. ```ruby view.move_to [100.0, 100.0] # origin view.center_to [100.0, 100.0] # center view.scale_to 2 # double the size, and preserves existing rotation transform # view.scale_to 4 -> CGAffineTransformMakeScale(4, 4) # view.scale_to [4, 3] -> CGAffineTransformMakeScale(4, 3) view.fade_out view.slide :left, 100 view.rotate_to 180.degrees view.shake # great for showing invalid form elements view.tumble # great way to dismiss an alert-like-view # tumbles in the other direction (towards the right side instead of left) view.tumble(side: :right) # wow, this is a SuperGoodDeleteWiggle! view.wiggle view.dont_wiggle # if you modify the AppDelegate to load the WiggleAnimationController you can # see an example of this animation in action. # the complement to 'tumble' is 'tumble_in' - the view starts above the window # and drops in with the same kind of animation as 'tumble'. Before you call # this method, set the view.frame to the *destination* location. view.tumble_in(side: :right) ``` These helpers all delegate to the `UIView.animate` method, which accepts all the options that `UIView.animateWithDuration(delay:options:animations:completion:)` or `UIView.animateWithDuration(delay:usingSpringWithDamping:initialSpringVelocity:options:animations:completion:)` accept. All options are optional, and they will play nicely inside an animation chain (see below, and the wiki page). ```ruby UIView.animate do view.alpha = 0 end ``` The "spring" animations use the method `UIView.animateWithDuration(delay:usingSpringWithDamping:initialSpringVelocity:options:animations:completion:)`, available in iOS 7. In testing, I've found this method to be slightly unreliable, so use with caution. To "enable" it, pass in the `:damping` option. You can also use `:velocity` to set an initial velocity, if there is an animation in progress. ```ruby new_frame = [[110, 200], [100, 20]] UIView.animate(damping: 0.1) do # default velocity is 0 view.frame = new_frame end # equivalent: view.reframe_to(new_frame, damping: 0.1, velocity: 1) ``` The [wiki] page documents all the different animation methods, and documents animation chaining, which looks like this: ```ruby # fade out and slide left, then fade back in while returning to original position UIView.animation_chain do view.fade_out view.slide :left end.and_then do view.fade_in view.slide :right end.start ``` Core Animation classes get some love, too! ```ruby view.layer.basic_animation('opacity', from: 0, to: 1, duration: 0.1) ``` Lots more information in the Wiki! [Animations Wiki]: Modal ----- > `require 'sugarcube-modal'` It is nice that *any* `UIViewController` can present a modal, but if you have tabs or navs or crap in the way, this is actually *NOT* what you want. You should use the `rootViewController` (whatever it may be) to present to modal. And since this is a property on `UIWindow`, which is more-or-less a constant, we can make this the easiest to do! ```ruby include SugarCube::Modal # make these methods available globally view_ctlr = present_modal(view_ctlr) # ...later, when all is well... dismiss_modal ``` These accept completion blocks: ```ruby present_modal(view_ctlr) { puts "Now You See Me!" } dismiss_modal { puts "Now You Don't!" } ``` If you like these methods, but you want to specify the reciever, they are re-defined on `UIViewController` for this purpose: ```ruby controller.present_modal(other_controller) { puts "presented" } ``` Numbers ----- > `require 'sugarcube-numbers'` ### Converting input Uses `NSNumberFormatter` to try and parse a human-readable number string. ```ruby if input.nan? UIAlertView.alert('not a number!') else number = input.to_number # convert a currency number = input.to_number(NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle) # convert from symbol, requires 'sugarcube-constants' number = input.to_number(:currency) end ``` ### Pretty print numbers Use NSNumberFormatter to easily format a number in the current locale ```ruby 10000.string_with_style # => "10,000" 10000.string_with_style(NSNumberFormatterCurrencyStyle) # => "$10,000.00" # will convert symbol-constants using the sugarcube-constants package, if it is available 10000.string_with_style(:currency) # => "$10,000.00" ``` ### Percent ```ruby 100.0.percent # => 1.00 55.0.percent # => 0.55 ``` ### Ordinals ```ruby # some number-to-string stuff 1.nth # => 'st' 2.nth # => 'nd' 3.nth # => 'rd' 4.nth # => 'th' 11.nth # => 'th' 13.nth # => 'th' 21.nth # => 'st' 23.nth # => 'rd' ``` ### Angles Since you always want to work in radians, calling `10.degrees` returns 10°, *in radians*. You can convert back to degrees using `to_degrees`. Lastly, you can specify a multiple of π as a number: ```ruby 10.degrees # => π / 18 45.degrees # => π / 4 3.14159.to_degrees # => approx 180 2.pi # => 6.28318... ``` ### Distances If you thought conversion from degrees to radians looks weird, you'll hate conversion from meters to miles: ```ruby distance = 1500 # this is in meters. why? because all the methods that return # a "distance" return it in meters distance = 2.miles # => 3218.688, that's how many meters are in 2 miles 1500.in_miles # converts meters to miles => 0.932056427001953 ``` ### Time By now you have probably "gotten it" and are hooked on these number helpers. Heads up, though, some of these conflict with MotionSupport's definition. ```ruby 1.second * 5.per_second = 5 * 3.per_hour = 72 1.year.in_minutes = 525960.0 ``` ### Sizes Similar conversion methods for hard disk sizes. Uses the "mebi-byte" concepts, e.g. 1024 bytes in a kilobyte. ```ruby 1.byte # => 1 1.kilobyte # => 1024 1.megabyte # => 1048576 1.gigabyte # => 1073741824 1.terabyte # => 1099511627776 1.petabyte # => 1125899906842624 1.exabyte # => 1152921504606846976 1.megabyte.in_kilobytes # => 1024 ``` ### Screen ```ruby 1.pixel # => 1 on non-retina, 0.5 on retina. # Useful when drawing if you want to specify the number of pixels ``` AttributedString ----- > `require 'sugarcube-attributedstring'` These are pretty fun! Check out [nsattributedstring_spec.rb][] for all the supported attributes (in theory they are all supported, but there's weird issues with missing constants). [nsattributedstring.rb]: ```ruby 'test'.nsattributedstring({}) #=> NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithString('test', attributes:{}) 'test'.attrd # => alias for `nsattributedstring` 'test'.bold # => NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithString('test', attributes:{NSFontAttributeName => :bold.uifont}) 'test'.italic # => NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithString('test', attributes:{NSFontAttributeName => :italic.uifont}) 'test'.underline # => NSAttributedString.alloc.initWithString('test', attributes:{NSUnderlineStyleAttributeName => NSUnderlineStyleSingle}) # you can chain 'em, too. 'test'.bold.underline # If you look up NSAttributedString Application Kit Additions, you can see all # the constants. Each of those has a method on NSAttributedString. # you can add 'em, but the FIRST one MUST be an NSAttributedString 'test'.attrd + '-ing'.italic # And there's where it gets FUN: ('This'.italic + ' is going to be ' + 'FUN'.bold).underline # You can even generate attributed text from html! This feature uses the # NSHTMLTextDocumentType option to convert the html to NSAttributedString 'Why on earth would you want to do that?'.attributed_html ``` And you can easily turn an attributed string into a label, if you include the `sugarcube-ui` package. ```ruby view << (("We just met\n".attrd + "and this is " + "CRAZY".italic + "\n" "But here's my " + "".monospace + " file,\n" + "so give me SSH access.").uilabel ``` 568 ----- > `require 'sugarcube-568'` If you `require 'sugarcube-568'` in your Rakefile, you can use `UIImage.imageNamed(name)` or `name.uiimage` to load images that are specific to the 4" iphone. ```ruby 'tall'.uiimage # => UIImage.imageNamed('tall') # => tall.png on iphone 3g # => tall@2x.png on iphone 4 # => tall-568h@2x.png on iphone 5 ``` This code is ported from , which I had some problems with on RubyMotion (it worked, but not *always*. Very strange). Files ----- Methods to find document files, resource files, cache files, temporary files, access entries out of the Info.plist file, and write data/arrays/dictionaries to a file. > `require 'sugarcube-files'` ```ruby # file operations "my.plist".file_exists? # => NSFileManager.defaultManager.fileExistsAtPath("my.plist") "my.plist".remove_file! # => NSFileManager.defaultManager.removeItemAtPath("my.plist".document, error: error) (returns error, if any occurred) "my.plist".document_path # => NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true)[0].stringByAppendingPathComponent("my.plist") "my.plist".cache_path # => NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSCachesDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, true)[0].stringByAppendingPathComponent("my.plist") "my.plist".temporary_path # => NSTemporaryDirectory().stringByAppendingPathComponent("my.plist") # all of these can be turned into a URL, too "my.plist".temporary_path.file_url # => NSURL.fileURLWithPath("my.plist".temporary_path) # get the resource path, useful if you include json files or images you manipulate in the app "my.plist".resource_path # => NSBundle.mainBundle.resourcePath.stringByAppendingPathComponent("my.plist") # same, but get a URL instead - often used to display a static HTML page that is stored in resources. # getting a path URL from a resource is just a little different from creating a URL from any other type of path "index.html".resource_url # => NSBundle.mainBundle.URLForResource("index", withExtension:"html") # access data from Info.plist "CFBundleVersion".info_plist # => NSBundle.mainBundle.infoDictionary["CFBundleVersion"] # write to file [].write_to('array.plist'.document_path) array = NSArray.read_from('array.plist'.resource_path) {}.write_to('dict.plist'.document_path) dict = NSDictionary.read_from('dict.plist'.resource_path) data = UIImagePNGRepresentation('some_image'.uiimage) # using sugarcube-nsdata: # data = 'some_image'.uiimage.nsdata data.write_to('some_image.png'.document_path) image_data = NSData.read_from('some_image.png'.document_path) ``` SpriteKit ----- ```ruby node_a = SKNode.node = 'parent' node_b = SKNode.node = 'child' node_c = SKNode.node = 'child' # add child nodes node_a << node_b node_a << node_c # set user data node_a[:life] = 100 # enumerate child nodes node_a.each_named('child') do |node, stop_ptr| if node == node_b stop_ptr.value = true end end node_a.run_action(SKAction.fadeOut) do # done fading out end ``` Localized ----- > `require 'sugarcube-localized'` ```ruby # NSLocalizedString from string "hello".localized # => NSBundle.mainBundle.localizedStringForKey("hello", value:nil, table:nil) "hello"._ # == "hello".localized "hello".localized('Hello!', 'hello_table') # => ...("hello", value:'Hello!', table:'hello_table') # If you have an NSError object, you can retrieve the localizedDescription the same way: error.localized error._ ``` NSCoder ----- Shorthands and hash-like access to the coder/decoder objects. > `require 'sugarcube-nscoder'` ```ruby # hash access is the handiest coder['key'] = self.value @value = decoder['key'] if decoder.key?('key') value = decoder['key'] end # but if you want to store booleans and such (in their C form, # which will take up less space): coder.set('sugarcube_is_neat', toBool: self.sugarcube_is_neat?) @sugarcube_is_neat = decoder.bool('sugarcube_is_neat') coder.set('number_of_things', toInt:self.number_of_things) @number_of_things ='number_of_things') # Archiving and unarchiving is straightforward # archiving uses NSKeyedArchiver NSCoder.archive(root_object) # returns NSData NSCoder.archive(root_object, to_file: 'foo'.document_path) # returns success boolean # unarchiving uses NSKeyedUnarchiver NSCoder.unarchive(data) NSCoder.unarchive('foo'.document_path) # the entire list of encode/decode helpers: coder.set(key, toBool:value) coder.set(key, toDouble:value) coder.set(key, toFloat:value) coder.set(key, toInt:value) coder.set(key, toPoint:value) coder.set(key, toRect:value) coder.set(key, toSize:value) decoder.bool(key) decoder.double(key) decoder.float(key) decoder.point(key) decoder.rect(key) decoder.size(key) ``` NSData ----- > `require 'sugarcube-nsdata'` Going to and from `NSData` is really useful when doing HTTP posts. ```ruby # default string encoding is UTF8, you can pass other encodings to this method string_data = 'String'.nsdata # PNG data representation image = 'an image'.uiimage image_data = image.nsdata # this will download the URL contents url = 'http://localhost'.nsurl url.nsdata # => NSData.dataWithContentsOfURL(self) string_data.nsstring # => 'String' image_data.uiimage # => whatever 'an image' was ``` NSDate ([wiki][NSDate Wiki]) ----- > `require 'sugarcube-nsdate'` This package includes additions to the `NSDate` class, and related additions to `Numeric` and `NSString`. There's a lot here, so check out the [wiki][NSDate Wiki] for detailed information. [NSDate Wiki]: Foundation ----- Smaller additions to the CoreFoundation classes. Some extensions, like `NSDate`, are large enough that they get broken out into their own packages. > `require 'sugarcube-foundation'` ###### NSArray ```ruby [1, 3].nsindexpath # NSIndexPath.indexPathWithIndex(1).indexPathByAddingIndex(3) [1, 3].nsindexset [1, 3].nsset ``` ###### NSIndexSet ```ruby index_set.to_a # => [1, 2, ...] ``` ###### NSIndexPath ```ruby index_path.to_a # => [1, 2, ...] ``` ###### NSString ```ruby ''.nsurl '/path/to/file'.fileurl '' + 'search terms'.escape_url # => "..?q=search%20terms" '%20'.unescape_url #=> " " 'nô àccénts!'.remove_accents # => "no accents!" ``` ###### NSURL ```ruby url = ''.nsurl url.can_open? # => true, it will open in safari # opens in safari url.nsurlrequest # convert to NSURLRequest object ``` IndexPath ----- > `require 'sugarcube-indexpath` Use the `IndexPath` class to match `NSIndexPath` objects, for instance in a `UITableViewDelegate`. ```ruby index_path = [0, 2].nsindexpath case index_path when IndexPath[0] when IndexPath[1, 0..5] when IndexPath[1, 5..objects.length] end [0, 2].nsindexpath.to_a == [0, 2] # => true ``` NSUserDefaults ----- > `require 'sugarcube-nsuserdefaults'` This file does *one* thing very **DANGEROUS**... to "help" with defaults. When storing `nil` into `NSUserDefaults`, it is converted into `false`, because Cocoa complains if you give it `nil`, and the RubyMotion runtime refuses to allow the `NSNull.null` object. Without relying on an external project (like [nsnulldammit][] I don't know of a sensible workaround... If you want to "tap into" the defaults system that SugarCube uses, add a `to_nsuserdefaults` method and that will get called if you hand your object to `NSUserDefaults[]=`. However, there's no way to get it *back* later, so the usefulness of this is very limited. ```ruby NSUserDefaults['key'] = ['any', 'objects'] # => NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults.setObject(['any', 'objects'], forKey: :key) NSUserDefaults['key'] # => NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults.objectForKey(:key) # symbols are converted to strings, so these are equivalent NSUserDefaults[:key] = ['any', 'objects'] # => NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults.setObject(['any', 'objects'], forKey: :key) NSUserDefaults[:key] # => NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults.objectForKey(:key) ``` Keep in mind that NSUserDefaults serializes the object you pass to it, it doesn't maintain a reference. That means that if you modify an object *in place*, it will not get persisted. An example will explain this better: ```ruby NSUserDefaults['test'] = { my: 'test' } NSUserDefaults['test']['my'] == 'test' # NSUserDefaults['test'] returns the hash, and the 'my' key returns 'test', so # this comparison returns `true` # but there is a temptation, perhaps, to modify that hash: NSUserDefaults['test']['my'] = 'new' # BUG # the corrected code test = NSUserDefaults['test'] test['my'] = 'new' NSUserDefaults['test'] = test # saved ``` CoreGraphics -------------- *This package is installed automatically, because so many other packages depend on it. It does not add any methods to built-in classes.* ###### Is it `CGMakeRect` or `CGRectMake`? What arguments does `` take? Instead, just use the coercion methods `Rect()`, `Size()` and `Point()`. They will happily convert most sensible (and some non-sensible) arguments into a `CGRect/CGSize/CGPoint` struct. These are namespaced in the `SugarCube::CoreGraphics` module, but I recommend you `include SugarCube::CoreGraphics` in app_delegate.rb. For more CoreGraphics additions, you should use [geomotion][] by [Clay Allsopp][]. It adds methods to `CGRect`, `CGPoint`, and `CGSize` to make these structures more rubyesque (these methods used to be part of SugarCube, but were removed in an attempt to decrease the amount of duplicated code). ```ruby f = Rect(view.frame) # the identity function - returns a copy of the CGRect o = Point(view.frame.origin) # returns a copy of CGPoint s = Size(view.frame.size) # returns a copy of CGSize # lots of other conversions are possible. # a UIView or CALayer => view.frame f = Rect(view) # 4 numbers f = Rect(x, y, w, h) # or two arrays f = Rect([x, y], [w, h]) # one array f = Rect([[x, y], [w, h]]) # a CGPoint and CGSize p = Point(x, y) # or just [x, y] works, too s = Size(w, h) # again, [w, h] is fine f = Rect(p, s) # any combination of point/array and size/array f = Rect(p, [w, h]) f = Rect([x, y], s) ``` Pointer ----- > `require 'sugarcube-pointer'` These are not UIKit-related, so I reverted to Ruby's preferred `to_foo` convention. ```ruby [0.0, 1.1, 2.2].to_pointer(:float) # is equivalent to floats =, 3) floats[0] = 0.0 floats[1] = 1.1 floats[2] = 2.2 ``` To_s ----- > `require 'sugarcube-to_s'` `to_s` methods are defined on the following classes: * NSError * NSIndexPath * NSLayoutConstraint * NSNotification * NSSet * NSURL * UIColor * UIEvent * UIView * UILabel * UITextField * UITouch * UIViewController The output of these is (much?) more useful than the default. CoreLocation ----- > `require 'sugarcube-corelocation'` Open up `CLLocationCoordinate2D` to provide handy-dandies ```ruby # distances > denver_co =, -104.985223) => # > loveland_oh =, -84.257648) => # > denver_co.distance_to(loveland_oh) => 1773425.54893302 # in meters > denver_co.distance_to(loveland_oh).in_miles => 1101.95556640625 # move around the globe using x/y distances in miles or kilometers > denver_co.delta_miles(1101.6, -32.556) => # # our location is pretty close! > denver_co.delta_miles(1101.6, -32.556).distance_to(loveland_oh).miles => 0.90043306350708 > denver_co.delta_kilometers(10, 10) # 10 kilometers east, 10 kilometers north => # ``` Pipes ----- This package short-circuits the `|` operator to perform coercion and filtering between all sorts of objects. ### Coercion Any object that defines a coercion method (image.uicolor, string.uiimage, :symbol.uifont) can use the `|` and the class name to perform the same method. ```ruby :label | UIFont # => # :label.uifont "image_name" | UIImage # => "image_name".uiimage view | UIImage | UIColor # => view.uiimage.uicolor ``` ### Filters You can pipe objects that have some idea of "filter", like using an image mask or image filter. ```ruby image | mask # => image.masked(mask) image | darken_cifilter # => image.apply_filter(darken_cifilter) # this one is... interesting! "My name is Mud" | /\w+$/ # => "Mud" "My name is Mud" | /\d+$/ # => nil "My name is Mud" | "Mud" # => "Mud" "My name is Mud" | "Bob" # => nil ``` Awesome ----- > `require 'sugarcube-awesome'` SugarCube adds support for [Motion-Awesome][motion-awesome]! The `awesome_icon` method is added to `Symbol`, which returns an NSAttributedString that uses the MotionAwesome font. You can pass in `:size` and `:color` options. `sugarcube-attributedstring` is not required for this extension to function, but it adds `NSAttributedString` methods that really help. Below I'm usind `#+` and `#bold` and `#color` to construct an `NSAttributedString`. ```ruby # in Rakefile require 'sugarcube-awesome' require 'sugarcube-attributedstring' # in your app label.attributedText = (:down_arrow.awesome_icon + ' Going down?'.bold).color(:white) # OR for buttons button.setAttributedTitle(:twitter.awesome_icon, forState:UIControlStateNormal) ``` [motion-awesome]: Anonymous ----- > `require 'sugarcube-anonymous'` Convert `Hash`es into an "anonymous object". Existing keys will be able to be accessed using method names. Uses the `SugarCube::Anonymous` class to accomplish this, though the usual interface is via `Hash#to_object`. ```ruby h = { foo: 'FOO', 'bar' => 'BAR' }.to_object # You can use methods instead of keys. # => h[:foo] # => h['bar'] = 'Foo' # => h[:foo] = 'Foo' = 'Bar' # => h['bar'] = 'Bar' # only existing keys are accessed this way h.baz # => NoMethodError h.baz = 'baz' # => NoMethodError ``` Unholy ----- > `require 'sugarcube-unholy'` I added these a long time ago to SugarCube, and so it's possible some people use these extensions. Honestly, I should have put them somewhere else, they are silly and not terribly useful, except maybe to me (I use them a lot!). :poop: ```ruby class Baz ; end foo = # (:symbol || 'string').ivar foo.instance_variable_set(:bar.ivar, value) # => foo.instance_variable_set(:@bar, value) foo.instance_variable_set(var_name.ivar, value) # => foo.instance_variable_set("@#{var_name}", value) # (:symbol || 'string').setter foo.send(varname.setter, 'value') # (:symbol || 'string').cvar Baz.class_variable_set(var_name.cvar, value) # => Baz.class_variable_set("@@#{var_name}", value) ``` Legacy ----- > `require 'sugarcube-legacy'` This is where deprecated methods go to suffer a long, slow death. Contributions ===== If you want to see new features, please fork, commit, and pull-request! :smiley: [BubbleWrap]: [SweetKit]: [MotionKit]: [nsnulldammit]: [geomotion]: [Fusionbox]: [fusionbox announcement]: [Clay Allsopp]: [Thom Parkin]: