# encoding: UTF-8 module ThinkingSphinx # Once you've got those indexes in and built, this is the stuff that # matters - how to search! This class provides a generic search # interface - which you can use to search all your indexed models at once. # Most times, you will just want a specific model's results - to search and # search_for_ids methods will do the job in exactly the same manner when # called from a model. # class Search CoreMethods = %w( == class class_eval extend frozen? id instance_eval instance_of? instance_values instance_variable_defined? instance_variable_get instance_variable_set instance_variables is_a? kind_of? member? method methods nil? object_id respond_to? send should type ) SafeMethods = %w( partition private_methods protected_methods public_methods send ) instance_methods.select { |method| method.to_s[/^__/].nil? && !CoreMethods.include?(method.to_s) }.each { |method| undef_method method } HashOptions = [:conditions, :with, :without, :with_all] ArrayOptions = [:classes, :without_ids] attr_reader :args, :options, :results # Deprecated. Use ThinkingSphinx.search def self.search(*args) log 'ThinkingSphinx::Search.search is deprecated. Please use ThinkingSphinx.search instead.' ThinkingSphinx.search *args end # Deprecated. Use ThinkingSphinx.search_for_ids def self.search_for_ids(*args) log 'ThinkingSphinx::Search.search_for_ids is deprecated. Please use ThinkingSphinx.search_for_ids instead.' ThinkingSphinx.search_for_ids *args end # Deprecated. Use ThinkingSphinx.search_for_ids def self.search_for_id(*args) log 'ThinkingSphinx::Search.search_for_id is deprecated. Please use ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id instead.' ThinkingSphinx.search_for_id *args end # Deprecated. Use ThinkingSphinx.count def self.count(*args) log 'ThinkingSphinx::Search.count is deprecated. Please use ThinkingSphinx.count instead.' ThinkingSphinx.count *args end # Deprecated. Use ThinkingSphinx.facets def self.facets(*args) log 'ThinkingSphinx::Search.facets is deprecated. Please use ThinkingSphinx.facets instead.' ThinkingSphinx.facets *args end def initialize(*args) @array = [] @options = args.extract_options! @args = args end def to_a populate @array end def method_missing(method, *args, &block) if is_scope?(method) add_scope(method, *args, &block) return self elsif method.to_s[/^each_with_.*/].nil? && !@array.respond_to?(method) super elsif !SafeMethods.include?(method.to_s) populate end if method.to_s[/^each_with_.*/] && !@array.respond_to?(method) each_with_attribute method.to_s.gsub(/^each_with_/, ''), &block else @array.send(method, *args, &block) end end # Returns true if the Search object or the underlying Array object respond # to the requested method. # # @param [Symbol] method The method name # @return [Boolean] true if either Search or Array responds to the method. # def respond_to?(method) super || @array.respond_to?(method) end # The current page number of the result set. Defaults to 1 if no page was # explicitly requested. # # @return [Integer] # def current_page @options[:page].blank? ? 1 : @options[:page].to_i end # The next page number of the result set. If there are no more pages # available, nil is returned. # # @return [Integer, nil] # def next_page current_page >= total_pages ? nil : current_page + 1 end # The previous page number of the result set. If this is the first page, # then nil is returned. # # @return [Integer, nil] # def previous_page current_page == 1 ? nil : current_page - 1 end # The amount of records per set of paged results. Defaults to 20 unless a # specific page size is requested. # # @return [Integer] # def per_page @options[:limit] || @options[:per_page] || 20 end # The total number of pages available if the results are paginated. # # @return [Integer] # def total_pages @total_pages ||= (total_entries / per_page.to_f).ceil end # Compatibility with older versions of will_paginate alias_method :page_count, :total_pages # The total number of search results available. # # @return [Integer] # def total_entries populate @total_entries ||= @results[:total_found] end # The current page's offset, based on the number of records per page. # # @return [Integer] # def offset (current_page - 1) * per_page end def each_with_groupby_and_count(&block) populate results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], match[:attributes]["@groupby"], match[:attributes]["@count"] end end def each_with_weighting(&block) populate results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], match[:weight] end end def excerpt_for(string, model = nil) if model.nil? && options[:classes].length == 1 model ||= options[:classes].first end populate client.excerpts( :docs => [string], :words => results[:words].keys.join(' '), :index => "#{model.sphinx_name}_core" ).first end private def config ThinkingSphinx::Configuration.instance end def populate return if @populated @populated = true retry_on_stale_index do begin log "Querying Sphinx: #{query}" @results = client.query query, index, comment rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => err raise ThinkingSphinx::ConnectionError, 'Connection to Sphinx Daemon (searchd) failed.' end if options[:ids_only] replace @results[:matches].collect { |match| match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } else replace instances_from_matches add_excerpter end end end def add_excerpter each do |object| next if object.respond_to?(:excerpts) excerpter = ThinkingSphinx::Excerpter.new self, object block = lambda { excerpter } object.metaclass.instance_eval do define_method(:excerpts, &block) end end end def self.log(message, method = :debug) return if ::ActiveRecord::Base.logger.nil? ::ActiveRecord::Base.logger.send method, message end def log(message, method = :debug) self.class.log(message, method) end def client client = config.client index_options = (options[:classes] || []).length != 1 ? {} : options[:classes].first.sphinx_indexes.first.local_options [ :max_matches, :group_by, :group_function, :group_clause, :group_distinct, :id_range, :cut_off, :retry_count, :retry_delay, :rank_mode, :max_query_time, :field_weights ].each do |key| # puts "key: #{key}" value = options[key] || index_options[key] # puts "value: #{value.inspect}" client.send("#{key}=", value) if value end client.limit = per_page client.offset = offset client.match_mode = match_mode client.filters = filters client.sort_mode = sort_mode client.sort_by = sort_by client.group_by = group_by if group_by client.group_function = group_function if group_function client.index_weights = index_weights client.anchor = anchor client end def retry_on_stale_index(&block) stale_ids = [] retries = stale_retries begin options[:raise_on_stale] = retries > 0 block.call # If ThinkingSphinx::Search#instances_from_matches found records in # Sphinx but not in the DB and the :raise_on_stale option is set, this # exception is raised. We retry a limited number of times, excluding the # stale ids from the search. rescue StaleIdsException => err retries -= 1 # For logging stale_ids |= err.ids # ID exclusion options[:without_ids] = Array(options[:without_ids]) | err.ids log 'Sphinx Stale Ids (%s %s left): %s' % [ retries, (retries == 1 ? 'try' : 'tries'), stale_ids.join(', ') ] retry end end def query @query ||= begin q = @args.join(' ') << conditions_as_query (options[:star] ? star_query(q) : q).strip end end def conditions_as_query return '' if @options[:conditions].blank? # Soon to be deprecated. keys = @options[:conditions].keys.reject { |key| attributes.include?(key) } ' ' + keys.collect { |key| "@#{key} #{options[:conditions][key]}" }.join(' ') end def star_query(query) token = options[:star].is_a?(Regexp) ? options[:star] : /\w+/u query.gsub(/("#{token}(.*?#{token})?"|(?![!-])#{token})/u) do pre, proper, post = $`, $&, $' # E.g. "@foo", "/2", "~3", but not as part of a token is_operator = pre.match(%r{(\W|^)[@~/]\Z}) # E.g. "foo bar", with quotes is_quote = proper.starts_with?('"') && proper.ends_with?('"') has_star = pre.ends_with?("*") || post.starts_with?("*") if is_operator || is_quote || has_star proper else "*#{proper}*" end end end def index options[:index] || '*' end def comment options[:comment] || '' end def match_mode options[:match_mode] || (options[:conditions].blank? ? :all : :extended) end def sort_mode @sort_mode ||= case options[:sort_mode] when :asc :attr_asc when :desc :attr_desc when nil case options[:order] when String :extended when Symbol :attr_asc else :relevance end else options[:sort_mode] end end def sort_by case @sort_by = (options[:sort_by] || options[:order]) when String sorted_fields_to_attributes(@sort_by) when Symbol field_names.include?(@sort_by) ? @sort_by.to_s.concat('_sort') : @sort_by.to_s else '' end end def field_names return [] if (options[:classes] || []).length != 1 options[:classes].first.sphinx_indexes.collect { |index| index.fields.collect { |field| field.unique_name } }.flatten end def sorted_fields_to_attributes(order_string) field_names.each { |field| order_string.gsub!(/(^|\s)#{field}(,?\s|$)/) { |match| match.gsub field.to_s, field.to_s.concat("_sort") } } order_string end # Turn :index_weights => { "foo" => 2, User => 1 } into :index_weights => # { "foo" => 2, "user_core" => 1, "user_delta" => 1 } # def index_weights weights = options[:index_weights] || {} weights.keys.inject({}) do |hash, key| if key.is_a?(Class) name = ThinkingSphinx::Index.name(key) hash["#{name}_core"] = weights[key] hash["#{name}_delta"] = weights[key] else hash[key] = weights[key] end hash end end def group_by options[:group] ? options[:group].to_s : nil end def group_function options[:group] ? :attr : nil end def internal_filters filters = [Riddle::Client::Filter.new('sphinx_deleted', [0])] class_crcs = (options[:classes] || []).collect { |klass| klass.to_crc32s }.flatten unless class_crcs.empty? filters << Riddle::Client::Filter.new('class_crc', class_crcs) end filters << Riddle::Client::Filter.new( 'sphinx_internal_id', filter_value(options[:without_ids]), true ) if options[:without_ids] filters end def condition_filters (options[:conditions] || {}).collect { |attrib, value| if attributes.include?(attrib) Riddle::Client::Filter.new attrib.to_s, filter_value(value) else nil end }.compact end def filters internal_filters + condition_filters + (options[:with] || {}).collect { |attrib, value| Riddle::Client::Filter.new attrib.to_s, filter_value(value) } + (options[:without] || {}).collect { |attrib, value| Riddle::Client::Filter.new attrib.to_s, filter_value(value), true } + (options[:with_all] || {}).collect { |attrib, values| Array(values).collect { |value| Riddle::Client::Filter.new attrib.to_s, filter_value(value) } }.flatten end # When passed a Time instance, returns the integer timestamp. # # If using Rails 2.1+, need to handle timezones to translate them back to # UTC, as that's what datetimes will be stored as by MySQL. # # in_time_zone is a method that was added for the timezone support in # Rails 2.1, which is why it's used for testing. I'm sure there's better # ways, but this does the job. # def filter_value(value) case value when Range filter_value(value.first).first..filter_value(value.last).first when Array value.collect { |v| filter_value(v) }.flatten when Time value.respond_to?(:in_time_zone) ? [value.utc.to_i] : [value.to_i] else Array(value) end end def anchor return {} unless options[:geo] || (options[:lat] && options[:lng]) { :latitude => options[:geo] ? options[:geo].first : options[:lat], :longitude => options[:geo] ? options[:geo].last : options[:lng], :latitude_attr => latitude_attr, :longitude_attr => longitude_attr } end def latitude_attr options[:latitude_attr] || index_option(:latitude_attr) || attribute(:lat, :latitude) end def longitude_attr options[:longitude_attr] || index_option(:longitude_attr) || attribute(:lon, :lng, :longitude) end def index_option(key) return nil if options[:classes].length != 1 options[:classes].first.sphinx_indexes.collect { |index| index.local_options[key] }.compact.first end def attribute(*keys) return nil if options[:classes].length != 1 keys.detect { |key| attributes.include?(key) } end def attributes return [] if (options[:classes] || []).length != 1 attributes = options[:classes].first.sphinx_indexes.collect { |index| index.attributes.collect { |attrib| attrib.unique_name } }.flatten end def stale_retries case options[:retry_stale] when TrueClass 3 when nil, FalseClass 0 else options[:retry_stale].to_i end end def instances_from_class(klass, matches) index_options = klass.sphinx_index_options ids = matches.collect { |match| match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } instances = ids.length > 0 ? klass.find( :all, :joins => options[:joins], :conditions => {klass.primary_key.to_sym => ids}, :include => (options[:include] || index_options[:include]), :select => (options[:select] || index_options[:select]), :order => (options[:sql_order] || index_options[:sql_order]) ) : [] # Raise an exception if we find records in Sphinx but not in the DB, so # the search method can retry without them. See # ThinkingSphinx::Search.retry_search_on_stale_index. if options[:raise_on_stale] && instances.length < ids.length stale_ids = ids - instances.map {|i| i.id } raise StaleIdsException, stale_ids end # if the user has specified an SQL order, return the collection # without rearranging it into the Sphinx order return instances if options[:sql_order] ids.collect { |obj_id| instances.detect { |obj| obj.id == obj_id } } end # Group results by class and call #find(:all) once for each group to reduce # the number of #find's in multi-model searches. # def instances_from_matches groups = results[:matches].group_by { |match| match[:attributes]["class_crc"] } groups.each do |crc, group| group.replace( instances_from_class(class_from_crc(crc), group) ) end results[:matches].collect do |match| groups.detect { |crc, group| crc == match[:attributes]["class_crc"] }[1].detect { |obj| obj && obj.id == match[:attributes]["sphinx_internal_id"] } end end def class_from_crc(crc) @models_by_crc ||= begin ThinkingSphinx.indexed_models.inject({}) do |hash, model| hash[model.constantize.to_crc32] = model Object.subclasses_of(model.constantize).each { |subclass| hash[subclass.to_crc32] = subclass.name } hash end end @models_by_crc[crc].constantize end def each_with_attribute(attribute, &block) populate results[:matches].each_with_index do |match, index| yield self[index], (match[:attributes][attribute] || match[:attributes]["@#{attribute}"]) end end def is_scope?(method) options[:classes] && options[:classes].length == 1 && options[:classes].first.sphinx_scopes.include?(method) end def add_scope(method, *args, &block) search = options[:classes].first.send(method, *args, &block) search.options.keys.each do |key| if HashOptions.include?(key) options[key] ||= {} options[key].merge! search.options[key] elsif ArrayOptions.include?(key) options[key] ||= [] options[key] += search.options[key] else options[key] = search.options[key] end end end end end