module JSON::LD module Frame include Utils ## # Frame input. Input is expected in expanded form, but frame is in compacted form. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] state # Current framing state # @param [Hash{String => Hash}] subjects # Map of flattened subjects # @param [Hash{String => Object}] frame # @param [Hash{String => Object}] parent # Parent subject or top-level array # @param [String] property # Property referencing this frame, or null for array. # @raise [JSON::LD::InvalidFrame] def frame(state, subjects, frame, parent, property) raise ProcessingError, "why isn't @subjects a hash?: #{@subjects.inspect}" unless @subjects.is_a?(Hash) depth do debug("frame") {"state: #{state.inspect}"} debug("frame") {"subjects: #{subjects.keys.inspect}"} debug("frame") {"frame: #{frame.to_json(JSON_STATE)}"} debug("frame") {"parent: #{parent.to_json(JSON_STATE)}"} debug("frame") {"property: #{property.inspect}"} # Validate the frame validate_frame(state, frame) # Create a set of matched subjects by filtering subjects by checking the map of flattened subjects against frame # This gives us a hash of objects indexed by @id matches = filter_subjects(state, subjects, frame) debug("frame") {"matches: #{matches.keys.inspect}"} # Get values for embedOn and explicitOn embed = get_frame_flag(state, frame, 'embed'); explicit = get_frame_flag(state, frame, 'explicit'); debug("frame") {"embed: #{embed.inspect}, explicit: #{explicit.inspect}"} # For each id and subject from the set of matched subjects ordered by id matches.keys.sort.each do |id| element = matches[id] # If the active property is null, set the map of embeds in state to an empty map state = state.merge(:embeds => {}) if property.nil? output = {'@id' => id} # prepare embed meta info embedded_subject = {:parent => parent, :property => property} # If embedOn is true, and id is in map of embeds from state if embed && (existing = state[:embeds].fetch(id, nil)) # only overwrite an existing embed if it has already been added to its # parent -- otherwise its parent is somewhere up the tree from this # embed and the embed would occur twice once the tree is added embed = false embed = if existing[:parent].is_a?(Array) # If existing has a parent which is an array containing a JSON object with @id equal to id, element has already been embedded and can be overwritten, so set embedOn to true existing[:parent].detect {|p| p['@id'] == id} else # Otherwise, existing has a parent which is a subject definition. Set embedOn to true if any of the items in parent property is a subject definition or subject reference for id because the embed can be overwritten existing[:parent].fetch(existing[:property], []).any? do |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.fetch('@id', nil) == id end end debug("frame") {"embed now: #{embed.inspect}"} # If embedOn is true, existing is already embedded but can be overwritten remove_embed(state, id) if embed end unless embed # not embedding, add output without any other properties add_frame_output(state, parent, property, output) else # Add embed to map of embeds for id state[:embeds][id] = embedded_subject debug("frame") {"add embedded_subject: #{embedded_subject.inspect}"} # Process each property and value in the matched subject as follows element.keys.sort.each do |prop| value = element[prop] if prop[0,1] == '@' # If property is a keyword, add property and a copy of value to output and continue with the next property from subject output[prop] = value.dup next end # If property is not in frame: unless frame.has_key?(prop) debug("frame") {"non-framed property #{prop}"} # If explicitOn is false, Embed values from subject in output using subject as element and property as active property embed_values(state, element, prop, output) unless explicit # Continue to next property next end # Process each item from value as follows value.each do |item| debug("frame") {"value property #{prop.inspect} == #{item.inspect}"} # FIXME: If item is a JSON object with the key @list if list?(item) # create a JSON object named list with the key @list and the value of an empty array list = {'@list' => []} # Append list to property in output add_frame_output(state, output, prop, list) # Process each listitem in the @list array as follows item['@list'].each do |listitem| if subject_reference?(listitem) itemid = listitem['@id'] debug("frame") {"list item of #{prop} recurse for #{itemid.inspect}"} # If listitem is a subject reference process listitem recursively using this algorithm passing a new map of subjects that contains the @id of listitem as the key and the subject reference as the value. Pass the first value from frame for property as frame, list as parent, and @list as active property. frame(state, {itemid => @subjects[itemid]}, frame[prop].first, list, '@list') else # Otherwise, append a copy of listitem to @list in list. debug("frame") {"list item of #{prop} non-subject ref #{listitem.inspect}"} add_frame_output(state, list, '@list', listitem) end end elsif subject_reference?(item) # If item is a subject reference process item recursively # Recurse into sub-objects itemid = item['@id'] debug("frame") {"value property #{prop} recurse for #{itemid.inspect}"} # passing a new map as subjects that contains the @id of item as the key and the subject reference as the value. Pass the first value from frame for property as frame, output as parent, and property as active property frame(state, {itemid => @subjects[itemid]}, frame[prop].first, output, prop) else # Otherwise, append a copy of item to active property in output. debug("frame") {"value property #{prop} non-subject ref #{item.inspect}"} add_frame_output(state, output, prop, item) end end end # Process each property and value in frame in lexographical order, where property is not a keyword, as follows: frame.keys.sort.each do |prop| next if prop[0,1] == '@' || output.has_key?(prop) property_frame = frame[prop] debug("frame") {"frame prop: #{prop.inspect}. property_frame: #{property_frame.inspect}"} # Set property frame to the first item in value or a newly created JSON object if value is empty. property_frame = property_frame.first || {} # Skip to the next property in frame if property is in output or if property frame contains @omitDefault which is true or if it does not contain @omitDefault but the value of omit default flag true. next if output.has_key?(prop) || get_frame_flag(state, property_frame, 'omitDefault') # Set the value of property in output to a new JSON object with a property @preserve and a value that is a copy of the value of @default in frame if it exists, or the string @null otherwise default = property_frame.fetch('@default', '@null').dup default = [default] unless default.is_a?(Array) output[prop] = [{"@preserve" => default.compact}] debug("=>") {"add default #{output[prop].inspect}"} end # Add output to parent add_frame_output(state, parent, property, output) end end end end ## # Build hash of subjects used for framing. Also returns flattened representation # of input. # # @param [Hash{String => Hash}] subjects # destination for mapped subjects and their Object representations # @param [Array, Hash] input # JSON-LD in expanded form # @param [BlankNodeNamer] namer # @return # input with subject definitions changed to references def get_framing_subjects(subjects, input, namer) depth do debug("framing subjects") {"input: #{input.inspect}"} case input when Array {|o| get_framing_subjects(subjects, o, namer)} when Hash case when subject?(input) || subject_reference?(input) # Get name for subject, mapping old blank node identifiers to new name = blank_node?(input) ? namer.get_name(input.fetch('@id', nil)) : input['@id'] debug("framing subjects") {"new subject: #{name.inspect}"} unless subjects.has_key?(name) subject = subjects[name] ||= {'@id' => name} # In property order input.keys.sort.each do |prop| value = input[prop] case prop when '@id' # Skip @id, already assigned when /^@/ # Copy other keywords subject[prop] = value else case value when Hash # Special case @list, which is not in expanded form raise InvalidFrame::Syntax, "Unexpected hash value: #{value.inspect}" unless value.has_key?('@list') # Map entries replacing subjects with subject references subject[prop] = {"@list" => value['@list'].map {|o| get_framing_subjects(subjects, o, namer)} } when Array # Map array entries subject[prop] = get_framing_subjects(subjects, value, namer) else raise InvalidFrame::Syntax, "unexpected value: #{value.inspect}" end end end # Return as subject reference {"@id" => name} else # At this point, it's not a subject or a reference, just return input input end else # Returns equivalent representation input end end end ## # Flatten input, used in framing. # # This algorithm works by transforming input to statements, and then back to JSON-LD # # @return [Array{Hash}] def flatten debug("flatten") expanded = depth {self.expand(self.value, nil, context)} statements = [] depth {self.statements("", expanded, nil, nil, nil ) {|s| statements << s}} debug("flatten") {"statements: #{"\n")}"} # Transform back to JSON-LD, not flattened depth {self.from_statements(statements)} end ## # Replace @preserve keys with the values, also replace @null with null # # @param [Array, Hash] input # @return [Array, Hash] def cleanup_preserve(input) depth do #debug("cleanup preserve") {input.inspect} result = case input when Array # If, after replacement, an array contains only the value null remove the value, leaving an empty array. {|o| cleanup_preserve(o)}.compact when Hash output = Hash.ordered input.each do |key, value| if key == '@preserve' # replace all key-value pairs where the key is @preserve with the value from the key-pair output = cleanup_preserve(value) else v = cleanup_preserve(value) # Because we may have added a null value to an array, we need to clean that up, if we possible v = v.first if v.is_a?(Array) && v.length == 1 && context.expand_iri(key) != "@graph" && context.container(key).nil? output[key] = v end end output when '@null' # If the value from the key-pair is @null, replace the value with nul nil else input end #debug(" => ") {result.inspect} result end end private ## # Returns a map of all of the subjects that match a parsed frame. # # @param state the current framing state. # @param subjects the set of subjects to filter. # @param frame the parsed frame. # # @return all of the matched subjects. def filter_subjects(state, subjects, frame) subjects.dup.keep_if {|id, element| filter_subject(state, element, frame)} end ## # Returns true if the given subject matches the given frame. # # Matches either based on explicit type inclusion where the subject # has any type listed in the frame. If the frame has empty types defined # matches subjects not having a @type. If the frame has a type of {} defined # matches subjects having any type defined. # # Otherwise, does duck typing, where the subject must have all of the properties # defined in the frame. # # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] state the current frame state. # @param [Hash{String => Object}] subject the subject to check. # @param [Hash{String => Object}] frame the frame to check. # # @return true if the subject matches, false if not. def filter_subject(state, subject, frame) if types = frame.fetch('@type', nil) subject_types = subject.fetch('@type', []) raise InvalidFrame::Syntax, "frame @type must be an array: #{types.inspect}" unless types.is_a?(Array) raise InvalidFrame::Syntax, "subject @type must be an array: #{subject_types.inspect}" unless subject_types.is_a?(Array) # If frame has an @type, use it for selecting appropriate subjects. debug("frame") {"filter subject: #{subject_types.inspect} has any of #{types.inspect}"} # Check for type wild-card, or intersection types == [{}] ? !subject_types.empty? : subject_types.any? {|t| types.include?(t)} else # Duck typing, for subjects not having a type, but having @id # Subject matches if it has all the properties in the frame frame_keys = frame.keys.reject {|k| k[0,1] == '@'} subject_keys = subject.keys.reject {|k| k[0,1] == '@'} (frame_keys & subject_keys) == frame_keys end end def validate_frame(state, frame) raise InvalidFrame::Syntax, "Invalid JSON-LD syntax; a JSON-LD frame must be an object" unless frame.is_a?(Hash) end # Return value of @name in frame, or default from state if it doesn't exist def get_frame_flag(state, frame, name) value = frame.fetch("@#{name}", [state[name.to_sym]]).first !!(value?(value) ? value['@value'] : value) end ## # Removes an existing embed. # # @param state the current framing state. # @param id the @id of the embed to remove. def remove_embed(state, id) debug("frame") {"remove embed #{id.inspect}"} # get existing embed embeds = state[:embeds]; embed = embeds[id]; parent = embed[:parent]; property = embed[:property]; # create reference to replace embed subject = {} subject['@id'] = id ref = {'@id' => id} # remove existing embed if subject?(parent) # replace subject with reference parent[property].map! do |v| v.is_a?(Hash) && v.fetch('@id', nil) == id ? ref : v end end # recursively remove dependent dangling embeds def remove_dependents(id, embeds) debug("frame") {"remove dependents for #{id}"} depth do # get embed keys as a separate array to enable deleting keys in map embeds.each do |id_dep, e| p = e.fetch(:parent, {}) if e.is_a?(Hash) next unless p.is_a?(Hash) pid = p.fetch('@id', nil) if pid == id debug("frame") {"remove #{id_dep} from embeds"} embeds.delete(id_dep) remove_dependents(id_dep, embeds) end end end end remove_dependents(id, embeds) end ## # Adds framing output to the given parent. # # @param state the current framing state. # @param parent the parent to add to. # @param property the parent property, null for an array parent. # @param output the output to add. def add_frame_output(state, parent, property, output) if parent.is_a?(Hash) debug("frame") { "add for property #{property.inspect}: #{output.inspect}"} parent[property] ||= [] parent[property] << output else debug("frame") { "add top-level: #{output.inspect}"} parent << output end end ## # Embeds values for the given element and property into output. def embed_values(state, element, property, output) element[property].each do |o| # Get element @id, if this is an object sid = o['@id'] if subject_reference?(o) if sid unless state[:embeds].has_key?(sid) debug("frame") {"embed element #{sid.inspect}"} # Embed full element, if it isn't already embedded embed = {:parent => output, :property => property} state[:embeds][sid] = embed # Recurse into element s = @subjects.fetch(sid, {'@id' => sid}) o = {} s.each do |prop, value| if prop[0,1] == '@' # Copy keywords o[prop] = s[prop].dup else depth do debug("frame") {"embed property #{prop.inspect} value #{value.inspect}"} embed_values(state, s, prop, o) end end end else debug("frame") {"don't embed element #{sid.inspect}"} end else debug("frame") {"embed property #{property.inspect}, value #{o.inspect}"} end add_frame_output(state, output, property, o.dup) end end end end