= ey == Login The first command you run will notice that you are not logged in and will ask you for your AppCloud email and password. == Configuration The ey.yml file allows options to be saved for each environment to which an application is deployed. Here's an example ey.yml file in RAILS_ROOT/config/ey.yml: $ cat config/ey.yml --- environments: env_production: migrate: false migration_command: rake fancy:migrate branch: deploy This ey.yml file wile turn off default migrations, set the default command to "rake fancy:migrate" and set the default deploy branch to "deploy". == Commands Command: ey deploy Options: -r, --branch, --tag, [--ref=REF] # Git ref to deploy. May be a branch, a tag, or a SHA. [--ignore-bad-master] # Force a deploy even if the master is in a bad state -v, [--verbose] # Be verbose -a, [--app=APP] # Name of the application to deploy -m, [--migrate=MIGRATE] # Run migrations via [MIGRATE], defaults to 'rake db:migrate'; use --no-migrate to avoid running migrations [--ignore-default-branch] # Force a deploy of the specified branch even if a default is set -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment in which to deploy this application -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found [--extra-deploy-hook-options key:val] # Additional options to be made available in deploy hooks (in the 'config' hash) Description: This command must be run with the current directory containing the app to be deployed. If ey.yml specifies a default branch then the ref parameter can be omitted. Furthermore, if a default branch is specified but a different command is supplied the deploy will fail unless --ignore-default-branch is used. Migrations are run by default with 'rake db:migrate'. A different command can be specified via --migrate "ruby do_migrations.rb". Migrations can also be skipped entirely by using --no-migrate. Command: ey environments Options: -s, [--simple] -a, [--all] Description: By default, environments for this app are displayed. The --all option will display all environments, including those for this app. Command: ey logs Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment with the interesting logs -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: Displays Engine Yard configuration logs for all servers in the environment. If recipes were uploaded to the environment & run, their logs will also be displayed beneath the main configuration logs. Command: ey rebuild Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment to rebuild -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: Engine Yard's main configuration run occurs on all servers. Mainly used to fix failed configuration of new or existing servers, or to update servers to latest Engine Yard stack (e.g. to apply an Engine Yard supplied security patch). Note that uploaded recipes are also run after the main configuration run has successfully completed. Command: ey rollback Options: -v, [--verbose] # Be verbose -a, [--app=APP] # Name of the application to roll back -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment in which to roll back the application -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: Uses code from previous deploy in the "/data/APP_NAME/releases" directory on remote server(s) to restart application servers. Command: ey recipes apply Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment in which to apply recipes -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: This is similar to 'ey rebuild' except Engine Yard's main configuration step is skipped. Command: ey recipes upload Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment that will receive the recipes -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: The current directory should contain a subdirectory named "cookbooks" to be uploaded. Command: ey recipes download Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment for which to download the recipes -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: The recipes will be unpacked into a directory called "cookbooks" in the current directory. If the cookbooks directory already exists, an error will be raised. Command: ey web enable Options: -v, [--verbose] # Be verbose -a, [--app=APP] # Name of the application whose maintenance page will be removed -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment on which to take down the maintenance page -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Remove the maintenance page for this application in the given environment. Command: ey web disable Options: -v, [--verbose] # Be verbose -a, [--app=APP] # Name of the application whose maintenance page will be put up -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment on which to put up the maintenance page -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: The maintenance page is taken from the app currently being deployed. This means that you can customize maintenance pages to tell users the reason for downtime on every particular deploy. Maintenance pages searched for in order of decreasing priority: * public/maintenance.html.custom * public/maintenance.html.tmp * public/maintenance.html * public/system/maintenance.html.default Command: ey ssh Options: [--utilities=one two three] # Run command on the utility servers with the given names. If no names are given, run on all utility servers. [--app-servers] # Run command on all application servers [--db-servers] # Run command on the database servers [--db-master] # Run command on the master database server -a, [--all] # Run command on all servers [--db-slaves] # Run command on the slave database servers -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment to ssh into -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: If a command is supplied, it will be run, otherwise a session will be opened. The application master is used for environments with clusters. Option --all requires a command to be supplied and runs it on all servers. Note: this command is a bit picky about its ordering. To run a command with arguments on all servers, like "rm -f /some/file", you need to order it like so: $ ey ssh "rm -f /some/file" -e my-environment --all Command: ey launch Options: -e, [--environment=ENVIRONMENT] # Environment to ssh into -c, [--account=ACCOUNT] # Name of the account in which the environment can be found Description: Open the application in a browser.