module Docsplit # Delegates to GraphicsMagick in order to convert PDF documents into # nicely sized images. class ImageExtractor MEMORY_ARGS = "-limit memory 256MiB -limit map 512MiB" DEFAULT_FORMAT = :png DEFAULT_DENSITY = '150' # Extract a list of PDFs as rasterized page images, according to the # configuration in options. def extract(pdfs, options) @pdfs = [pdfs].flatten extract_options(options) @pdfs.each do |pdf| previous = nil @sizes.each_with_index do |size, i| @formats.each {|format| convert(pdf, size, format, previous) } previous = size if @rolling end end end # Convert a single PDF into page images at the specified size and format. # If `--rolling`, and we have a previous image at a larger size to work with, # we simply downsample that image, instead of re-rendering the entire PDF. # Now we generate one page at a time, a counterintuitive opimization # suggested by the GraphicsMagick list, that seems to work quite well. def convert(pdf, size, format, previous=nil) tempdir = Dir.mktmpdir basename = File.basename(pdf, File.extname(pdf)) directory = directory_for(size) pages = @pages || '1-' + Docsplit.extract_length(pdf).to_s escaped_pdf = ESCAPE[pdf] FileUtils.mkdir_p(directory) unless File.exists?(directory) common = "#{MEMORY_ARGS} -density #{@density} #{resize_arg(size)} #{quality_arg(format)}" if previous FileUtils.cp(Dir[directory_for(previous) + '/*'], directory) result = `MAGICK_TMPDIR=#{tempdir} OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 gm mogrify #{common} -unsharp 0x0.5+0.75 \"#{directory}/*.#{format}\" 2>&1`.chomp raise ExtractionFailed, result if $? != 0 else page_list(pages).each do |page| out_file = ESCAPE[File.join(directory, "#{basename}_#{page}.#{format}")] cmd = "MAGICK_TMPDIR=#{tempdir} OMP_NUM_THREADS=2 gm convert +adjoin -define pdf:use-cropbox=true #{common} #{escaped_pdf}[#{page - 1}] #{out_file} 2>&1".chomp result = `#{cmd}`.chomp raise ExtractionFailed, result if $? != 0 end end ensure FileUtils.remove_entry_secure tempdir if File.exists?(tempdir) end private # Extract the relevant GraphicsMagick options from the options hash. def extract_options(options) @output = options[:output] || '.' @pages = options[:pages] @density = options[:density] || DEFAULT_DENSITY @formats = [options[:format] || DEFAULT_FORMAT].flatten @sizes = [options[:size]].flatten.compact @sizes = [nil] if @sizes.empty? @rolling = !!options[:rolling] end # If there's only one size requested, generate the images directly into # the output directory. Multiple sizes each get a directory of their own. def directory_for(size) path = @sizes.length == 1 ? @output : File.join(@output, size) File.expand_path(path) end # Generate the resize argument. def resize_arg(size) size.nil? ? '' : "-resize #{size}" end # Generate the appropriate quality argument for the image format. def quality_arg(format) case format.to_s when /jpe?g/ then "-quality 85" when /png/ then "-quality 100" else "" end end # Generate the expanded list of requested page numbers. def page_list(pages) pages.split(',').map { |range| if range.include?('-') range = range.split('-'), range.last.to_i) {|n| n.to_i } else range.to_i end }.flatten.uniq.sort end end end