class MarkdownHelper attr_accessor :pristine class MarkdownHelperError < RuntimeError; end class OptionError < MarkdownHelperError; end class MultiplePageTocError < MarkdownHelperError; end class UnreadableTemplateError < MarkdownHelperError; end class UnwritableMarkdownError < MarkdownHelperError; end class InvalidTocTitleError < MarkdownHelperError; end class CircularIncludeError < MarkdownHelperError; end class UnreadableIncludeeError < MarkdownHelperError; end def MarkdownHelper.git_clone_dir_path git_dir = `git rev-parse --show-toplevel`.chomp unless $?.success? message = <<EOT Markdown helper must run inside a .git project. That is, the working directory one of its parents must be a .git directory. EOT raise end git_dir end def initialize(options = {}) # Confirm that we're in a git project. # This is necessary so that we can prune file paths in the tests, # which otherwise would fail because of differing installation directories. # It also allows pruned paths to be used in the inserted comments (when not pristine). MarkdownHelper.git_clone_dir_path default_options = { :pristine => false, } merged_options = default_options.merge(options) merged_options.each_pair do |method, value| unless self.respond_to?(method) raise"Unknown option: #{method}") end setter_method = "#{method}=" send(setter_method, value) merged_options.delete(method) end end def generate_file(method, template_file_path, markdown_file_path) template_path_in_project = MarkdownHelper.path_in_project(template_file_path) output_lines = [] yield output_lines output_lines = output_lines.collect { |line| line.chomp } unless pristine output_lines.unshift(MarkdownHelper.comment(" >>>>>> BEGIN GENERATED FILE (#{method}): SOURCE #{template_path_in_project} ")) output_lines.push(MarkdownHelper.comment(" <<<<<< END GENERATED FILE (#{method}): SOURCE #{template_path_in_project} ")) end output_lines.push('') output = output_lines.join("\n") File.write(markdown_file_path, output) end def run_irb(template_file_path, markdown_file_path) irb_runner = => pristine) irb_runner.run_irb(template_file_path, markdown_file_path) end def include(template_file_path, markdown_file_path) includer = => pristine) includer.include(template_file_path, markdown_file_path) end def self.comment(text) "<!--#{text}-->" end def self.path_in_project(file_path) abs_path = File.absolute_path(file_path) abs_path.sub(MarkdownHelper.git_clone_dir_path + '/', '') end end