module Mac::Pkg include Beaker::CommandFactory def check_for_package(name) raise "Package #{name} cannot be queried on #{self}" end def install_package(name, cmdline_args = '', version = nil) generic_install_dmg("#{name}.dmg", name, "#{name}.pkg") end # Install a package from a specified dmg # # @param [String] dmg_file The dmg file, including path if not # relative. Can be a URL. # @param [String] pkg_base The base name of the directory that the dmg # attaches to under `/Volumes` # @param [String] pkg_name The name of the package file that should be # used by the installer # @example: Install vagrant from URL # mymachost.generic_install_dmg('', 'Vagrant', 'Vagrant.pkg') def generic_install_dmg(dmg_file, pkg_base, pkg_name) execute("test -f #{dmg_file}", :accept_all_exit_codes => true) do |result| execute("curl -O #{dmg_file}") unless result.exit_code == 0 end dmg_name = File.basename(dmg_file, '.dmg') execute("hdiutil attach #{dmg_name}.dmg") execute("installer -pkg /Volumes/#{pkg_base}/#{pkg_name} -target /") end def uninstall_package(name, cmdline_args = '') raise "Package #{name} cannot be uninstalled on #{self}" end # Upgrade an installed package to the latest available version # # @param [String] name The name of the package to update # @param [String] cmdline_args Additional command line arguments for # the package manager def upgrade_package(name, cmdline_args = '') raise "Package #{name} cannot be upgraded on #{self}" end # Deploy configuration generated by the packaging tooling to this host. # # This method calls one of #deploy_apt_repo, #deploy_yum_repo, or # #deploy_zyp_repo depending on the platform of this Host. # # @note See {Beaker::DSL::Helpers::HostHelpers#deploy_package_repo} for info on # params def deploy_package_repo(path, name, version) raise "Package repo cannot be deployed on #{self}; the platform is not supported" end #Examine the host system to determine the architecture #@return [Boolean] true if x86_64, false otherwise def determine_if_x86_64 result = exec("uname -a | grep x86_64"), :expect_all_exit_codes => true) result.exit_code == 0 end # Gets the path & file name for the puppet agent dev package on OSX # # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use # @param [String] puppet_agent_version Version of puppet agent to get # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values # # @note OSX does require :download_url to be set on the opts argument # in order to check for builds on the builds server # # @raise [ArgumentError] If one of the two required parameters (puppet_collection, # puppet_agent_version) is either not passed or set to nil # # @return [String, String] Path to the directory and filename of the package, respectively def puppet_agent_dev_package_info( puppet_collection = nil, puppet_agent_version = nil, opts = {} ) error_message = "Must provide %s argument to get puppet agent dev package information" raise ArgumentError, error_message % "puppet_collection" unless puppet_collection raise ArgumentError, error_message % "puppet_agent_version" unless puppet_agent_version raise ArgumentError, error_message % "opts[:download_url]" unless opts[:download_url] variant, version, arch, codename = self['platform'].to_array mac_pkg_name = "puppet-agent-#{puppet_agent_version}" version = version[0,2] + '.' + version[2,2] unless version.include?(".") # newest hotness path_chunk = "apple/#{version}/#{puppet_collection}/#{arch}" release_path_end = path_chunk # moved to doing this when 'el capitan' came out & the objection was # raised that the code name wasn't a fact, & as such can be hard to script # example: puppet-agent-0.1.0-1.osx10.9.dmg release_file = "#{mac_pkg_name}-1.osx#{version}.dmg" if not link_exists?("#{opts[:download_url]}/#{release_path_end}/#{release_file}") # new hotness # little older change involved the code name as only difference from above # example: puppet-agent-0.1.0-1.mavericks.dmg release_file = "#{mac_pkg_name}-1.#{codename}.dmg" end if not link_exists?("#{opts[:download_url]}/#{release_path_end}/#{release_file}") # oops, try the old stuff release_path_end = "apple/#{puppet_collection}" # example: puppet-agent-0.1.0-osx-10.9-x86_64.dmg release_file = "#{mac_pkg_name}-#{variant}-#{version}-x86_64.dmg" end return release_path_end, release_file end # Gets host-specific information for PE promoted puppet-agent packages # # @param [String] puppet_collection Name of the puppet collection to use # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts Options hash to provide extra values # # @return [String, String, String] Host-specific information for packages # 1. release_path_end Suffix for the release_path. Used on Windows. Check # {Windows::Pkg#pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info} to see usage. # 2. release_file Path to the file on release build servers # 3. download_file Filename for the package itself def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_info( puppet_collection = nil, opts = {} ) error_message = "Must provide %s argument to get puppet agent dev package information" raise ArgumentError, error_message % "puppet_collection" unless puppet_collection variant, version, arch, codename = self['platform'].to_array release_file = "/repos/apple/#{version}/#{puppet_collection}/#{arch}/puppet-agent-*" download_file = "puppet-agent-#{variant}-#{version}.tar.gz" return '', release_file, download_file end # Installs a given PE promoted package on a host # # @param [String] onhost_copy_base Base copy directory on the host # @param [String] onhost_copied_download Downloaded file path on the host # @param [String] onhost_copied_file Copied file path once un-compressed # @param [String] download_file File name of the downloaded file # @param [Hash{Symbol=>String}] opts additional options # # @return nil def pe_puppet_agent_promoted_package_install( onhost_copy_base, onhost_copied_download, onhost_copied_file, download_file, opts ) execute("tar -zxvf #{onhost_copied_download} -C #{onhost_copy_base}") # move to better location execute("mv #{onhost_copied_file}.dmg .") self.install_package("puppet-agent-*") end end