require 'generators/batman/common' module Batman module Generators class InstallGenerator < ::Rails::Generators::Base include Common requires_app_name desc "This generator installs Batman.js with a default folder layout" class_option :skip_git, :type => :boolean, :aliases => "-G", :default => false, :desc => "Skip Git ignores and keeps" def create_batman_app with_app_name do template "", "#{js_path}/#{app_name}" end end def create_directories %w(models controllers helpers).each do |dir| empty_directory "#{js_path}/#{dir}" create_file "#{js_path}/#{dir}/.gitkeep" unless options[:skip_git] end end def inject_batman with_app_name do application_file = File.join(js_path, "application.js") file_type = :javascript pattern = /\/\/=(?!.*\/\/=).*?$/m unless exists?(application_file) application_file = "#{application_file}.coffee" file_type = :coffeescript pattern = /#=(?!.*#=).*?$/m end raise Thor::Error, "Couldn't find either application.js or files for use with batman!" unless exists?(application_file) inject_into_file application_file, :before=>pattern do batman_requires(file_type) end inject_into_file application_file, :after=>pattern do ready_function(file_type) end end end private def ready_function(file_type=:javascript) if file_type == :coffeescript <<-CODE \n# Run the Batman app $(document).ready -> #{js_app_name}.run() CODE else <<-CODE \n// Run the Batman app $(document).ready(function(){ #{js_app_name}.run(); }); CODE end end def batman_requires(file_type=:javascript) code = <<-CODE \n// Batman.js and its adapters //= require batman/batman //= require batman/batman.jquery //= require batman/batman.rails //= require #{app_name} //= require_tree ./models //= require_tree ./controllers //= require_tree ./helpers \n CODE file_type == :coffeescript ? code.gsub('//', '#') : code end def exists?(file) File.exist?(File.join(destination_root, file)) end end end end