// fc .fc { } .fc-row { &:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: " "; clear: both; height: 0; } } .fc-date { color: lighten(#111, 50%); font-size: .7em; margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; border-bottom: solid .1rem rgba(#111, .06); } .fc-item { position: relative; &:after { visibility: hidden; display: block; font-size: 0; content: " "; clear: both; height: 0; } } .fc-item--border { margin-bottom: 1rem; padding-bottom: 1rem; border-bottom: solid 1px rgba(#111, .05); } .fc-link { display: block; text-decoration: none; &:hover, &:focus { .fc-title { text-decoration: underline; } .fc-title--highlight { color: #fff; } } } .fc-link--absolute { position: absolute; z-index: 40; top: 0; left: 0; display: block; width: 100%; height: calc(100% - 1.5rem); &:hover, &:focus { ~ .fc-title { text-decoration: underline; } ~ .fc-title--highlight { color: #fff; } } } .fc-figure { margin: .25rem 1rem 0 0; float: left; width: 6rem; height: 4.5rem; border-radius: 4px; overflow: hidden; 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display: block; margin-right: 3.57866%; width: 48.21067%; &:nth-child(2n+1) { clear: left; } &:nth-child(2n) { margin-right: 0; } } .fc-item--three { float: left; display: block; margin-right: 3.16844%; width: 31.22104%; &:nth-child(3n+1) { clear: left; } &:nth-child(3n) { margin-right: 0; } } .fc-item--four { float: left; display: block; margin-right: 3.57866%; width: 22.316%; &:nth-child(4n+1) { clear: left; } &:nth-child(4n) { margin-right: 0; } } .fc-date { font-size: .9em; margin-bottom: 1.5rem; padding-bottom: 1.5rem; } .fc-title { line-height: 1.4; font-size: 1.2em; } .fc-title--small { font-size: 1em; } .fc-title--large { line-height: 1.3; font-size: 1.6em; } .fc-title--highlight { font-size: 1.1em; padding: .6rem .9rem .7rem; } .fc-figure--block { float: none; width: 100%; margin: 0 1rem .5rem 0; .fc-image { width: 100%; height: auto; } } .fc-figure--small { height: 4rem; } .fc-figure--large { height: 8rem; } } // fc slide .fc-slide { position: relative; border-radius: 6px; overflow: hidden; -webkit-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); -moz-transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); transform: translate3d(0, 0, 0); .owl-controls { margin: 0; .owl-buttons { display: none; } .owl-pagination { margin-top: .5rem; text-align: center; } .owl-page { display: inline-block; opacity: .6; span { display: block; width: .5rem; height: .5rem; margin: 0 .2rem; background: #999; border-radius: 100%; } &:hover, &:focus { opacity: 1; } } .owl-page.active { opacity: 1; } } } .fc-slide__item { position: relative; overflow: hidden; } .fc-slide__link { position: absolute; z-index: 40; top: 0; left: 0; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; text-decoration: none; } .fc-slide__title { margin: 0; color: lighten(#000, 25%); font-size: 1em; letter-spacing: -.03em; line-height: 1.4; } .fc-slide__text { margin: .5rem 0 0; max-height: 2.6rem; color: lighten(#000, 25%); font-size: .8em; line-height: 1.6; overflow: hidden; } .fc-slide__caption { position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 20; margin: 0; color: #fff; font-size: .8em; font-weight: 700; text-transform: uppercase; box-sizing: border-box; width: 100%; padding: 1rem; &:after { content: ""; position: absolute; bottom: .5rem; left: 1rem; display: block; width: 3rem; height: .2rem; background: #333; } } .fc-slide__figure { position: relative; z-index: -1; margin: 0 0 .5rem; width: 100%; height: 0; padding-bottom: 60%; overflow: hidden; &:before { content: ""; position: absolute; top: 0; left: 0; z-index: 10; display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; opacity: .9; background: rgba(#000, .4); background-size: 120%; border-radius: 4px; } } .fc-slide__image { position: absolute; display: block; width: 100%; min-height: 100%; -webkit-transition: transform .3s ease; -moz-transition: transform .3s ease; transition: transform .3s ease; } @media screen and (min-width: 480px) { .fc-slide__title { font-size: 1.2em; } } @media screen and (min-width: 768px) { .fc-slide { .owl-controls { .owl-pagination { position: absolute; right: 0; bottom: 0; margin: 0; z-index: 30; padding: 1.2rem 1rem; } .owl-buttons { position: absolute; top: 0; right: 0; display: block; padding: .7rem .5rem; div { opacity: .6; display: inline-block; width: 2.5rem; height: 2.5rem; line-height: 2.5rem; opacity: 1; color: #fff; font-size: 1.4em; text-align: center; padding: 0; margin: 0; background: none; border-radius: 0; &:hover, &:focus { opacity: .7 !important; } } } .owl-page { span { background: #fff; } } } } .fc-slide__link { &:hover, &:focus { ~ .fc-slide__figure { .fc-slide__image { -webkit-transform: scale(1.04); -moz-transform: scale(1.04); transform: scale(1.04); } } } } .fc-slide__content { position: absolute; bottom: 0; left: 0; z-index: 20; margin: 2rem; } .fc-slide__caption { font-size: 1em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.5); padding: 2rem; &:after { bottom: 1.2rem; left: 2rem; } } .fc-slide__title { line-height: 1.3; color: #fff; font-size: 1.6em; text-shadow: 1px 1px 0 rgba(0,0,0,.6); } .fc-slide__text { max-height: none; color: #fff; font-size: 1.2em; 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