require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../spec_helper') require_fixtures Aqua.set_storage_engine('CouchDB') # to initialize CouchDB CouchDB = Aqua::Store::CouchDB unless defined?( CouchDB ) describe Aqua::Pack do before(:each) do @time = @date = Date.parse('12/23/1969') @log = :message => "Hello World! This is a log entry", :created_at => ) @user = :username => 'kane', :name => ['Kane', 'Baccigalupi'], :dob => @date, :created_at => @time, :log => @log, :password => 'my secret!' ) def pack_grab_bag( value ) @user.grab_bag = value @user._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag] end end describe 'packing classes' do it 'should pack class variables' it 'should pack class level instance variables' it 'should pack class definition' it 'should save all the class details to the design document' it 'should package views/finds in the class and save them to the design document\'s view attribute' it 'should be saved into the design document' end describe 'stubing objects' do it 'should save as a stub any aquatic object declared as unembeddable' it 'should have class "stub"' it 'should have an object id' it 'should cache any methods declared in the class opts for that class' end describe 'hiding attributes' do it 'should add a class method for designating hidden instance variables' do User.should respond_to( :hide_attributes ) end it 'class method should hide instance variables designated by the user as hidden' do @user.visible_attr.should_not include('@password') @user.class._hidden_attributes.should include('@password') end it 'should hide the @__pack variable' do @user.visible_attr.should_not include('@__pack') @user.class._hidden_attributes.should include('@__pack') end it 'should hide the @_store variable' do @user.visible_attr.should_not include('@_store') @user.class._hidden_attributes.should include('@_store') end it 'should not pack hidden variables' do @pack = @user._pack @pack[:ivars].keys.should_not include("@password") end end describe 'packing up object instances:' do before(:each) do @pack = @user._pack end it 'should save its class name as an attribute on the pack document' do @pack[:class].should == 'User' end it 'should add an :id accessor if :id is not already an instance method' do @user.should respond_to(:id=) end it 'should pack an id if an id is present' # TODO it 'should not pack an id if an id is not present' do be_nil end it 'should pack the _rev if it is present' do @user.instance_variable_set("@_rev", '1-2222222') pack = @user._pack pack[:_rev].should == '1-2222222' end describe 'instance variables, ' do describe 'hashes' it 'should be in a hash-like object with the key :ivars' do @pack[:ivars].should_not be_nil @pack[:ivars].should respond_to(:keys) end it 'should save symbol keys differently that string keys' do = {:first => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'} pack = @user._pack pack[:ivars][:@name][:init].keys.sort.should == [':first', 'last'] end describe 'basic ivars types' do it 'should pack strings as strings' do @pack[:ivars][:@username].should == 'kane' end it 'should pack an array of strings as a hash with the :class "Array" and :init as the original array' do @pack[:ivars][:@name].should == {'class' => 'Array', 'init' => ['Kane', 'Baccigalupi']} end end describe 'objects: ' do # TODO: # make sure all the basic types work describe 'Time' do it 'should save as a hash with the class and to_s as the value' do time_hash = @pack[:ivars][:@created_at] time_hash['class'].should == 'Time' time_hash['init'].class.should == String end it 'the value should be reconstitutable with Time.parse' do # comparing times directly never works for me. It is probably a micro second issue or something @time.to_s.should == Time.parse( @pack[:ivars][:@created_at]['init'] ).to_s end end describe 'true and false' do it 'should save as a hash with only the class' do @user.grab_bag = true pack = @user._pack pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == {'class' => 'TrueClass', 'init' => 'true'} @user.grab_bag = false pack = @user._pack pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == {'class' => 'FalseClass', 'init' => 'false'} end end describe 'Date' do it 'should save as a hash with the class and to_s as the value' do time_hash = @pack[:ivars][:@dob] time_hash['class'].should == 'Date' time_hash['init'].class.should == String end it 'the value should be reconstitutable with Date.parse' do @date.should == Date.parse( @pack[:ivars][:@dob]['init'] ) end end describe 'Numbers' do it 'should pack Fixnums with correct class and value' do pack = pack_grab_bag( 42 ) pack[:class].should == 'Fixnum' pack[:init].should == '42' end it 'should pack Bignums with correct class and value' do pack = pack_grab_bag( 123456789123456789 ) pack[:class].should == 'Bignum' pack[:init].should == '123456789123456789' end it 'should pack Floats with correct class and value' do pack = pack_grab_bag( 3.2 ) pack[:class].should == 'Float' pack[:init].should == '3.2' end it 'should pack Rationals with the correct class and values' do pack = pack_grab_bag( Rational( 1, 17 ) ) pack[:class].should == 'Rational' pack[:init].should == ['1', '17'] end end describe 'hashes with object as keys' do it 'should pack an hash containing only strings/symbols for keys and values, with an init value that is that hash and a class key' do = {'first' => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'} pack = @user._pack pack[:ivars][:@name].should == {'class' => 'Hash', 'init' => {'first' => 'Kane', 'last' => 'Baccigalupi'} } end it 'should pack a numeric object key' do pack = pack_grab_bag( {1 => 'first', 2 => 'second'} ) keys = pack[:init].keys keys.should include( '/OBJECT_0', '/OBJECT_1' ) user_pack = @user.instance_variable_get("@__pack") user_pack[:keys].size.should == 2 user_pack[:keys].first['class'].should == 'Fixnum' end it 'should pack a more complex object as a key' do struct = :gerbil => true ) pack = pack_grab_bag( { struct => 'first'} ) keys = pack[:init].keys keys.should include( '/OBJECT_0' ) user_pack = @user.instance_variable_get("@__pack") user_pack[:keys].size.should == 1 user_pack[:keys].first['class'].should == 'OpenStruct' end end describe 'embeddable aquatic' do it 'aquatic objects should have packing instructions in the form of #_embed_me' do @user._embed_me.should == false == true User.configure_aqua( :embed => {:stub => [:username, :name] } ) @user._embed_me.should == { 'stub' => [:username, :name] } # reset for future tests User.configure_aqua( :embed => false ) end it 'should save their ivars correctly' do @pack[:ivars][:@log].keys.sort.should == ['class', 'ivars', 'keys'] @pack[:ivars][:@log]['ivars'].keys.should == ['@created_at', '@message'] @pack[:ivars][:@log]['ivars']['@message'].should == "Hello World! This is a log entry" end it 'should correctly pack Array derivatives' do class Arrayed < Array aquatic attr_accessor :my_accessor end arrayish = Arrayed['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] arrayish.my_accessor = 'Newt' pack = arrayish._pack pack.keys.sort.should == ['class', 'init', 'ivars', 'keys'] pack['init'].class.should == Array pack['init'].should == ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd'] pack['ivars']['@my_accessor'].should == 'Newt' end it 'should correctly pack Hash derivative' do class Hashed < Hash aquatic attr_accessor :my_accessor end hashish = hashish['1'] = '2' hashish.my_accessor = 'Newt' pack = hashish._pack pack.keys.sort.should == ['class', 'init', 'ivars', 'keys'] pack['init'].class.should == HashWithIndifferentAccess pack['init'].should == {'1' => '2'} pack['ivars']['@my_accessor'].should == 'Newt' end end describe 'non-aquatic' do before(:each) do @struct = :gerbil => true, :cat => 'yup, that too!', :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew'] ) @grounded = :openly_structured => @struct, :hash_up => {:this => 'that'}, :arraynged => ['swimming', 'should', 'be easy', 'if you float'] ) end describe 'OpenStructs' do before(:each) do @user.grab_bag = @struct pack = @user._pack @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag] end it 'the key "class" should map to "OpenStruct"' do @grab_bag['class'].should == 'OpenStruct' end it 'the key "ivars" should have the keys "@table"' do @grab_bag['ivars'].keys.should == ['@table'] end it 'should initialize with the @table instance variable' do init_keys = @grab_bag['init'].keys init_keys.should include(':cat') init_keys.should include(':disaster') init_keys.should include(':gerbil') @grab_bag['init'][':gerbil'].should == {'class' => 'TrueClass', 'init' => 'true'} @grab_bag['init'][':cat'].should == 'yup, that too!' @grab_bag['init'][':disaster'].should == {'class' => 'Array', 'init' => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew']} end end describe 'Uninherited classes with deep nesting' do before(:each) do @user.grab_bag = @grounded pack = @user._pack @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag] end it 'the key "class" should map correctly to the class name' do @grab_bag['class'].should == 'Grounded' end it 'should have ivars keys for all the ivars' do keys = @grab_bag[:ivars].keys keys.should include('@openly_structured') keys.should include('@hash_up') keys.should include('@arraynged') end it 'should correctly display the nested OpenStruct' do user_2 = => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:ivars][:@openly_structured] end end describe 'Classes inherited from Array' do before(:each) do @struct = :gerbil => true, :cat => 'yup, that too!', :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew'], :nipples => 'yes' ) @strange_array = ArrayUdder['cat', 'octopus', @struct ] @strange_array.udder # sets an instance variable @user.grab_bag = @strange_array pack = @user._pack @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag] end it 'should correctly map the class name' do @grab_bag[:class].should == 'ArrayUdder' end it 'should store the instance variables' do @grab_bag[:ivars].keys.should == ['@udder'] end it 'should store the simple array values' do @grab_bag[:init].should_not be_nil @grab_bag[:init].class.should == Array @grab_bag[:init].should include('cat') @grab_bag[:init].should include('octopus') end it 'should store the more complex array values correctly' do user_2 = => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:init].last end end describe 'Classes inherited from Hash' do before(:each) do @struct = :gerbil => true, :cat => 'yup, that too!', :disaster => ['pow', 'blame', 'chase', 'spew'], :nipples => 'yes' ) @hash_derivative = :ingredients => ['Corned Beef', 'Potatoes', 'Tin Can'], :healthometer => false, :random_struct => @struct ) @hash_derivative.yum # sets an instance variable @user.grab_bag = @hash_derivative pack = @user._pack @grab_bag = pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag] end it 'should correctly map the class name' do @grab_bag[:class].should == 'CannedHash' end it 'should store the instance variables' do @grab_bag[:ivars].keys.should == ['@yum'] end it 'should store the simple hash values' do @grab_bag[:init].should_not be_nil @grab_bag[:init].class.should == HashWithIndifferentAccess @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('ingredients') @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('healthometer') @grab_bag[:init].keys.should include('random_struct') end it 'should store the more complex hash values correctly' do user_2 = => @struct) # this has already been tested in the set above user_2._pack[:ivars][:@grab_bag].should == @grab_bag[:init][:random_struct] end end end end end end describe 'committing packed objects to the store' do before(:each) do CouchDB.server.delete_all end it 'commit! should not raise errors on successful save' do lambda{ @user.commit! }.should_not raise_error end it 'commit! should raise error on failure' do CouchDB.should_receive(:put).at_least(:once).and_return( CouchDB::Conflict ) lambda{ @user.commit! }.should raise_error end it 'commit! should assign an id back to the object' do @user.commit! be_nil == @user.object_id end it 'commit! should assign the _rev to the parent object' do @user.commit! @user.instance_variable_get('@_rev').should_not be_nil end it 'commit! should save the record to CouchDB' do @user.commit! lambda{ CouchDB.get( "{}") }.should_not raise_error end it 'commit should save the record and return self' do @user.commit.should == @user end it 'commit should not raise an error on falure' do CouchDB.should_receive(:put).at_least(:once).and_return( CouchDB::Conflict ) lambda{ @user.commit }.should_not raise_error end it 'commit should return false on failure' do CouchDB.should_receive(:put).at_least(:once).and_return( CouchDB::Conflict ) @user.commit.should == false end it 'should be able to update and commit again' do @user.commit! @user.grab_bag = {'1' => '2'} lambda{ @user.commit! }.should_not raise_error end end end