1.2.1 (Apr 5, 2009) ADDITIONS: * New example files: * Added CheckBox and RadioGroup example. CHANGES: None. BUGS FIXED: * Fixed errors with CheckBox and RadioGroup. * Fixed the FadeIn Widget. * Fixed default (blank) themeing. NEW BUGS: None. 1.2 (Mar 30, 2009) ADDITIONS: * New widgets added: * CheckBox * RadioGroup CHANGES: * Blue Steel, Shade, Windows themes updated to support CheckBox and RadioGroup * The Windows now supports button down states for most widgets * Example files updated: * BasicExample.rb (Minor updates) * .tar.gz and .gem distributions now contain files with unix (lf) line endings. BUGS FIXED: None. NEW BUGS: * Impossible to change themes for a RadioGroup after construction * Labels overlap when using RadioGroup::Layour::Horixontal with multiple labled buttons * Rubygoo does not support CheckBox and RadioGroup widgets 1.1 (Feb 13, 2009) ADDITIONS: * New widgets added: * Label * Themeing added. * New themes added: * BlueSteel * Rubygoo * Shade * Windows CHANGES: * Example files updated: * BasicExample.rb * ConsoleDemo.rb BUGS FIXED: * Broken DebugConsole commands removed. * DebugConsole prompt can no longer be deleted. NEW BUGS: None. Version 1.0 (Jan 28, 2009) First Release ADDITIONS: * Widgets: * DebugConsole * GenericButton * SelectionBox * TextBox * ThemeButton * TracePanel * Other Classes: Animation * Button * FadeIn * FadeScreen * GUIWindow * Image * Menu * SplashScreen * StateObject * Tile * Widget NEW BUGS: * Some DebugConsole commands are half-implemented * DebugConsole prompt can sometimes be deleted, causing parsing errors.