ruby_version, ruby_source = ENV['RUBY_VER'], "job parameter" unless ruby_version ruby_version = "2.3.1" ruby_source = "default" end test_name "Install and configure Ruby #{ruby_version} (from #{ruby_source}) on the SUT" do step 'Ensure that the default system is an el-based system' do # The pre-suite currently only supports el systems, and we should #fail early if the default platform is not a supported platform assert(default.platform.variant == 'el', "Expected the platform variant to be 'el', not #{default.platform.variant}") end step 'clean out current ruby and its dependencies' do on default, 'yum remove ruby ruby-devel -y' end # These steps install git, openssl, and wget step 'install development dependencies' do on default, 'yum groupinstall "Development Tools" -y' on default, 'yum install openssl-devel -y' on default, 'yum install wget -y' end step "download and install ruby #{ruby_version}" do on default, "wget{ruby_version[0..2]}/ruby-#{ruby_version}.tar.gz" on default, "tar xvfz ruby-#{ruby_version}.tar.gz" on default, "cd ruby-#{ruby_version};./configure" on default, "cd ruby-#{ruby_version};make" on default, "cd ruby-#{ruby_version};make install" end step 'update gem on the SUT and install bundler' do on default, 'gem update --system;gem install --force bundler' end end