(* Test/exercise version: "1.0.0" *) open OUnit2 open Rectangles let ae exp got _test_ctxt = assert_equal exp got ~printer:string_of_int let tests = [ "no rows" >:: ae 0 (count_rectangles [||]); "no columns" >:: ae 0 (count_rectangles [|""|]); "no rectangles" >:: ae 0 (count_rectangles [|" "|]); "one rectangle" >:: ae 1 (count_rectangles [|"+-+"; "| |"; "+-+"|]); "two rectangles without shared parts" >:: ae 2 (count_rectangles [|" +-+"; " | |"; "+-+-+"; "| | "; "+-+ "|]); "five rectangles with shared parts" >:: ae 5 (count_rectangles [|" +-+"; " | |"; "+-+-+"; "| | |"; "+-+-+"|]); "rectangle of height 1 is counted" >:: ae 1 (count_rectangles [|"+--+"; "+--+"|]); "rectangle of width 1 is counted" >:: ae 1 (count_rectangles [|"++"; "||"; "++"|]); "1x1 square is counted" >:: ae 1 (count_rectangles [|"++"; "++"|]); "only complete rectangles are counted" >:: ae 1 (count_rectangles [|" +-+"; " |"; "+-+-+"; "| | -"; "+-+-+"|]); "rectangles can be of different sizes" >:: ae 3 (count_rectangles [|"+------+----+"; "| | |"; "+---+--+ |"; "| | |"; "+---+-------+"|]); "corner is required for a rectangle to be complete" >:: ae 2 (count_rectangles [|"+------+----+"; "| | |"; "+------+ |"; "| | |"; "+---+-------+"|]); "large input with many rectangles" >:: ae 60 (count_rectangles [|"+---+--+----+"; "| +--+----+"; "+---+--+ |"; "| +--+----+"; "+---+--+--+-+"; "+---+--+--+-+"; "+------+ | |"; " +-+"|]); ] let () = run_test_tt_main ("rectangles tests" >::: tests)