--- regenerate: true --- {% capture cache %} {% comment %} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/comments.js # Liquid template to adapt the Comments module # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # Copyright (C) 2022 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Test data: # {{ liquid_var | debug }} # comments_options: {{ comments_options | debug }} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Liquid procedures -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Set global settings -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign environment = site.environment %} {% assign asset_path = "/assets/themes/j1" %} {% comment %} Process YML config data ================================================================================ {% endcomment %} {% comment %} Set config files -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign template_config = site.data.j1_config %} {% assign blocks = site.data.blocks %} {% assign modules = site.data.modules %} {% comment %} Set config data (settings only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign comments_defaults = modules.defaults.comments.defaults %} {% assign comments_settings = modules.comments.settings %} {% comment %} Set config options (settings only) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign comments_options = comments_defaults | merge: comments_settings %} {% comment %} Variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% assign comments = comments_options.enabled %} {% assign comments_provider = comments_options.provider %} {% if comments_provider == 'disqus' %} {% assign site_id = comments_options.disqus.site_id %} {% elsif comments_provider == 'hyvor' %} {% assign site_id = comments_options.hyvor.site_id %} {% elsif comments_provider == 'commento' %} {% assign site_id = comments_options.commento.site_id %} {% elsif comments_provider == 'just-comments' %} {% assign site_id = comments_options.just-comments.site_id %} {% elsif comments_provider == 'facebook' %} {% assign site_id = comments_options.facebook.site_id %} {% else %} {% assign site_id = false %} {% endif %} {% comment %} language detection -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} {% if site.language == "en" %} {% assign language = "en" %} {% elsif site.language == "de"%} {% assign language = "de" %} {% else %} {% assign language = "en" %} {% endif %} {% if language == "en" %} {% assign comments_headline = comments_options.comments_headline.en %} {% endif %} {% if language == "de" %} {% assign comments_headline = comments_options.comments_headline.de %} {% endif %} {% assign production = false %} {% if environment == 'prod' or environment == 'production' %} {% assign production = true %} {% endif %} /* # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # ~/assets/themes/j1/adapter/js/comments.js # J1 Adapter for the comments module # # Product/Info: # https://jekyll.one # # Copyright (C) 2022 Juergen Adams # # J1 Template is licensed under the MIT License. # For details, see https://jekyll.one # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- # Adapter generated: {{site.time}} # ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- // ESLint shimming // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- /* eslint indent: "off" */ // ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'use strict'; j1.adapter.comments = (function (j1, window) { {% comment %} Set global variables -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- {% endcomment %} var environment = '{{environment}}'; var date = new Date(); var timestamp_now = date.toISOString(); var comments_provider = '{{comments_provider}}'; var dqApiScript = document.createElement('script'); var hvApiScript = document.createElement('script'); var hvCallbackScript = document.createElement('script'); var providerID = '{{site_id}}'; var validProviderID = (providerID.includes('your')) ? false : true; var comments_headline = '{{comments_headline}}'; var cookie_names = j1.getCookieNames(); var user_consent; var _this; var logger; var logText; // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- // Main object // --------------------------------------------------------------------------- return { // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // init() // adapter initializer // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- init: function (options) { {% if comments %} // [INFO ] [j1.adapter.comments ] [ detected comments provider (j1_config): {{comments_provider}}} ] // [INFO ] [j1.adapter.comments ] [ start processing load region head, layout: {{page.layout}} ] // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Default module settings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- var settings = $.extend({ module_name: 'j1.adapter.comments', generated: '{{site.time}}' }, options); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Global variable settings // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- {% if site_id %} _this = j1.adapter.comments; logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.comments'); {% case comments_provider %} {% when "hyvor" %} // [INFO ] [j1.adapter.comments ] [ place provider: Hyvor Talk ] var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval(function() { if (j1.getState() == 'finished') { if (!validProviderID) { logger.warn('\n' + 'invalid site id detected for Hyvor Talk: ' + providerID); logger.info('\n' + 'skip initialization for provider: ' + comments_provider); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); return false; } // initialize state flag, issue init message // ------------------------------------------------------------------- _this.setState('started'); logger.info('\n' + 'state: ' + _this.getState()); logger.info('\n' + 'module is being initialized for provider: ' + comments_provider); // place|remove initialization code // ------------------------------------------------------------------- user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent); if (user_consent.personalization) { // enable Hyvor Talk // ----------------------------------------------------------------- $('#main-content').append('


'); logger.info('\n' + 'user consent on comments: ' + user_consent.personalization); logger.info('\n' + 'enable comments provider' + ' {{comments_provider}} on siteID: ' + providerID); // add Hyvor Talk Web API // NOTE: don't change the script id // ----------------------------------------------------------------- hvApiScript.id = 'hyvor-embed'; hvApiScript.src = '//talk.hyvor.com/web-api/embed.js'; hvApiScript.async = true; document.head.appendChild(hvApiScript); // add Hyvor Talk callback script // ----------------------------------------------------------------- hvCallbackScript.id = 'hyvor-callback'; hvCallbackScript.text = '\n'; hvCallbackScript.text += 'var HYVOR_TALK_WEBSITE = ' + providerID + '\n'; hvCallbackScript.text += 'var HYVOR_TALK_CONFIG = {' + '\n'; hvCallbackScript.text += ' url: false,' + '\n'; hvCallbackScript.text += ' id: false' + '\n'; hvCallbackScript.text += ' };' + '\n'; document.head.appendChild(hvCallbackScript); // add Hyvor Talk comment container // NOTE: don't change the div id // ----------------------------------------------------------------- $('#main-content').append('
'); // add recommended title to the comments iframe for SEO optimization // ------------------------------------------------------------------- var dependencies_met_load_provider_finished = setInterval (function () { if ($('#hyvor-talk-view').children().length) { $('#hyvor-talk-iframe').prop('title', 'Hyvor comments iframe'); clearInterval(dependencies_met_load_provider_finished); } }, 25); } else { // disable Hyvor Talk // ----------------------------------------------------------------- logger.info('\n' + 'user consent on comments: ' + user_consent.personalization); logger.warn('\n' + 'disable Hyvor Talk on site id: ' + providerID); // remove Hyvor Talk resources // ----------------------------------------------------------------- $('#leave-a-comment').remove(); $('#hyvor-embed').remove(); $('#hyvor-callback').remove(); $('#hyvor-talk-view').remove(); } clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); } // END if getState 'finished' }, 25); {% when "disqus" %} // [INFO ] [j1.adapter.comments ] [ place provider: Disqus ] var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval(function() { if (j1.getState() == 'finished') { if (!validProviderID) { logger.warn('\n' + 'invalid short name detected for Disqus: ' + providerID); logger.info('\n' + 'skip initialization for provider: ' + comments_provider); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); return; } // initialize state flag, issue init message // ------------------------------------------------------------------- _this.setState('started'); logger.info('\n' + 'state: ' + _this.getState()); logger.info('\n' + 'module is being initialized for provider: ' + comments_provider); // place|remove initialization code // ------------------------------------------------------------------- user_consent = j1.readCookie(cookie_names.user_consent); if (user_consent.personalization) { $('#main-content').append('


'); logger.info('\n' + 'user consent on comments: ' + user_consent.personalization); logger.info('\n' + 'enable comments provider' + ' {{comments_provider}} on short name: ' + providerID); // old Disqus Web API init // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // var disqus_shortname = '{{site_id}}'; // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // RECOMMENDED CONFIGURATION VARIABLES: EDIT AND UNCOMMENT THE // // SECTION BELOW TO INSERT DYNAMIC VALUES FROM YOUR PLATFORM OR CMS. // // LEARN WHY DEFINING THESE VARIABLES IS IMPORTANT: // // https://disqus.com/admin/universalcode/#configuration-variables // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // // // // var disqus_config = function () { // // this.page.url = PAGE_URL; // Replace PAGE_URL with your page's canonical URL variable // // Replace PAGE_IDENTIFIER with your page's unique // // identifier variable // // this.page.identifier = PAGE_IDENTIFIER; // // }; // // // // DON'T EDIT BELOW THIS LINE // // ----------------------------------------------------------------- // (function() { // var d = document, // s = d.createElement('script'); // s.src = '//' + disqus_shortname + '.disqus.com/embed.js'; // s.setAttribute('data-timestamp', +new Date()); // (d.head || d.body).appendChild(s); // })(); // add|initialize Disqus Web API // ----------------------------------------------------------------- dqApiScript.id = 'dq-web-api'; dqApiScript.src = '//' + providerID + '.disqus.com/embed.js";' dqApiScript.setAttribute("data-timestamp", '"' + timestamp_now + '"'); document.head.appendChild(dqApiScript); // add Disqus comment container // ----------------------------------------------------------------- $('#main-content').append('
'); } else { logger.info('\n' + 'user consent on comments: ' + user_consent.personalization); logger.warn('\n' + 'disable comments provider' + ' {{comments_provider}} on short name: ' + providerID); $('#leave-a-comment').remove(); $('#dq-web-api').remove(); $('#hdisqus_thread').remove(); } // add recommended title to the comments iframe for SEO optimization // ------------------------------------------------------------------- // var dependencies_met_load_provider_finished = setInterval (function () { // if ($('#disqus_thread').children().length) { // $('#hyvor-talk-iframe').prop('title', 'Disqus comments iframe'); // clearInterval(dependencies_met_load_provider_finished); // } // }, 25); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); } // END if getState 'finished' }, 25); {% endcase %} // [INFO ] [j1.adapter.comments ] [ end processing ] {% else %} var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval(function() { if (j1.getState() == 'finished') { logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.comments'); logger.warn('\n' + 'provider or site ID for comment services wrong or not set'); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); } }, 25); {% endif %} {% else %} var dependencies_met_page_ready = setInterval(function() { if (j1.getState() == 'finished') { logger = log4javascript.getLogger('j1.adapter.comments'); logger.info('\n' + 'comment services: disabled'); clearInterval(dependencies_met_page_ready); } }, 25); {% endif %} return; }, // END init // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // messageHandler() // manage messages send from other J1 modules // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- messageHandler: function (sender, message) { var json_message = JSON.stringify(message, undefined, 2); logText = '\n' + 'received message from ' + sender + ': ' + json_message; logger.debug(logText); // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- // Process commands|actions // ----------------------------------------------------------------------- if (message.type === 'command' && message.action === 'module_initialized') { // // Place handling of command|action here // logger.info('\n' + message.text); } // // Place handling of other command|action here // return true; }, // END messageHandler // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // setState() // Sets the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- setState: function (stat) { _this.state = stat; }, // END setState // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- // getState() // Returns the current (processing) state of the module // ------------------------------------------------------------------------- getState: function () { return _this.state; } // END getState }; // END return })(j1, window); {% endcapture %} {% if production %} {{ cache | minifyJS }} {% else %} {{ cache | strip_empty_lines }} {% endif %} {% assign cache = nil %}